GRH installs new MRI scanner

March 1, 1964 – The  University of Illinois was sending a chemist to Glenwood to observe the workings of the city’s new sewage system, expected to go into operation in May, it used the method of long-term activated sludge treatment and was almost unique in the United States though many cities in northern Europe were using the system.

Sanford Osmundson of Brooten won the reserve championship in the district 4-H speaking contest for the counties of Pope, Traverse, Grant, West Otter Tail and Douglas and would participate in state competition. He lived with his folks on their farm in Bangor Township and was a member of the Busy Beaver Club. 

The season officially came to an end for the Starbuck Bucks when they lost to Benson in the opening round of the district tournament. 

March 7, 1974 – Glenwood High School vocal and instrumental musicians captured 21 superior ratings at district contests. Among those participating were Debbie Pearson, Lila Mattson, Marie Jorgenson, Patty Robinson, Laura Doughty, Mark Schumacher, Jon Bergman, Steve Peterson, Les LaCroix, Jackie Verner, Jan Kinney, Erick Gandrud, Steve Mickkelson, Julie Hanson, Peggy Schumacher, Cindy Varner, Ann Kinney, Kim Keacher, Louise Nyhammer, Brent Cochran, Mike Rippe, Pat Lund, Karen Ewing, Luann Schumacher, Brenda Anderson, Gary Paulson, Brian Paulson, Cindy Ostrander, Peggy Brenden Kathy Beecher, Kay Hagen, Kathy Bartos, Deb Domke, Paula Hough, Beth Bullock, Pat Noyes, Connie Weber, Monta Hausken, Tammy Soderhod and Jean Christman. 

The Showstoppers, “Pope County’s own musical troupe,” was in the process of reorganizing and was to be headed by Clem Stumpf.

Four Pope County men were named to the county advisory committee for the West Central Regional Development Commission. They were Robert Ellestad, county engineer; John Morris, county agent: Ira Emmons, sheriff; and Mike Howe, county environmental planning director. 

March 1, 1984 – Bids totaling $51,000 for the Farwell Creamery were rejected and the creamery board was given the authority to dispose of the co-op at the annual meeting of the creamery’s stockholders. Seven bidders had made offers on three portions of the business, including the bulk plant, the grain elevator and drying bin and eight steel bins. Immediate plans were to keep the creamery operating at its present level. 

The Glenwood City Commission voted to delay increases in taxes for Glenwood businesses in order to delay what could have been as much as 90 percent increases in some cases. The Problem was that the business district had not been reassessed for a number of years. The state had already ordered an across the board increase of 25 percent in Starbuck. 

Glenwood Cub Scouts were honored at the annual Blue and Gold banquet. They included Joey Klimek, Kenny Klimek, Joey Alexander, Chad Barsness, Steve Jackson, Mark Becker, Ryan Shea, Tim Timmer, Jimmy Fischer, Greg Nelson, David Ask, Garth Gavenda, Robbie Simmons, Jeff Jenum and John Jacobson.  

March 7, 1994 – Minnewaska High School girls’ basketball players were pictured on the front page of the Tribune after winning the subsection  6A-2 game over Brandon-Evansville. They were to face Hancock next at the University of Minnesota, Morris. 

Electrical power had been out for nearly 90 minutes in parts of Glenwood and the Long Beach area. The outage was caused by a one-vehicle accident which occurred on County Road 54 just west of Torgy’s. The person in the accident had been treated for minor injuries and released. 

Five new firefighters joined the Glenwood Fire Department and were starting an 80-hour training course which was necessary before they could enter a burning building. Pictured in the Tribune were Oscar Ehrnst, Mike Salonen, Dave Orlowski, Chris Hill and Mike Hied. There were 33 volunteer firemen in the department at the time. 

March 1, 2004 – Members of the Pope County Agricultural Society got a more detailed glimpse of a possible new fairgrounds at an informational meeting Tuesday night. The deal was this: If the Ag society would give up 13.5 acres of land in Glenwood for a retail complex on the south end of its 27 acres of property, developers would build a new $3.5 million fairgrounds on the north end and hand it over to the Ag society. 

Robert J. Wong, 42, of Minneapolis was sentenced in Pope County District Court Feb. 20 to 86 months in prison for conspiracy to commit a controlled substance crime in the first degree. The sentence was in connection with a methamphetamine manufacturing scheme that occurred in rural Pope County. Wong pleaded guilty to the Pope County charge in July 2002. He had been serving time since June 2002 for a separate controlled substance crime in Wright County.  

March 3, 2014 – Glacial Ridge Hospital installed a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner, weighing 13,000 pounds, through an opening in an outside wall on Feb. 24. Currently, MRIs are offered at Glacial Ridge Hospital through a mobile unit two afternoons each week. Now, having an MRI and trained technician on site, MRIs will be available Monday through Friday, marking a significant change in the radiology department. 

Sub-zero temperatures and a biting windchill didn’t stop snowmobilers from participating in The Main Event International Vintage Snowmobile races on the track in front of Lakeside on Lake Minnewaska on Saturday. Pictured in the Tribune, 2013 Hetteen Cup Winner Jordan Johnson drove the American flag around the track to kick off the 2014 Main Event. 

A city water main broke last week under 1st Ave. Southeast near Glacial Eye Clinic. Water was moving down the street and quickly turned to ice with temperatures dipping to single digits during the day and below zero during the nights. City crews drilled through the street and frozen ground to get to the main. Frost was as deep as 6.5 feet, according to Glenwood Public Works Director Dave Perryman. The repair was completed last Wednesday.