Senior class to hold play at McCauley Opera House

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, March 20, 1924.

The Senior class of 1924 have been practicing diligently for a class play that will be given at the McCauley Opera House on March 28. The title of the play is: “Come Out of the Kitchen.” The play is one that has proved a big success in other places and with the talented players that are now putting it on, the public can be assured of something real good.

Through a representative of the Shenadoah Flag & Decorating Co., the Legion post of our city has sold to the business men American flags, which on the proper occasion will be placed in front of the business places in small stands, which will be sunk on the outside of the sidewalk. Having a uniform flag decoration, Memorial Day and other days will make a very pleasing sight to the eye. The flags are 4×6 feet and will be placed on 12 foot posts.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, March 20, 1924. 

The Glenwood and Starbuck fireboys tried each other out last night at the city hall. It wasn’t a race to see who could get to a fire first, but it was a race to see who could play the grand and noble game of whist best. The results show that up to the present time the matter has not been settled. It was decided after the game that the fire boys from Glenwood were to go to Starbuck soon to meet the Starbuck boys again. This will be in a week or two. After the game all repaired to the Boston Café where refreshments were served after which a short time was spent in visiting.

The city primary election was held last Tuesday. As a result of the election, Mr. E.E. Barsness is elected mayor and Kooyer and Webber commissioners. It will not be necessary to hold a general election as far as the mayorship is concerned and Kooyer is elected commissioner. Mr. Webber, whose vote was 298 may have to go into the general election. The total vote cast at the election was 637.

Green was the predominating color on Monday but Mary made a mistake and came to school in the morning with her orange sweater on. She seemed to have forgotten that it was St. Patrick’s day in the mornin’.

A car was discovered parked in the thick of the woods on Mr. Aune’s farm Sunday night. Four passengers were enjoying the night.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, March 21, 1924. 

Alma Dahl and Martha Bagne hiked to Morris Sunday. Mable Dahl brought them back in a car.

The New Prairie Elevator will be closed four days next week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Gust Engebretson.

Edw. S. Barsness, editor of the Pope County Tribune, was elected mayor of Glenwood by a vote of 388 to 168 over J.L. McLaury. Dr. Jeffers also received 63 votes for mayor.

A farewell party was given for Mrs. Melvin Hegg at the home of Mrs. Bennie Hegg, Thursday afternoon, by the members of the Minnewaska Ladies Aid. The members brought a delicious lunch and gave Mrs. Hegg a remembrance. Mr. and Mrs. Hegg have both been active members of the Minnewaska church.

Cooperative Marketing Day at Starbuck Monday, March 24th at the Town hall at 1:30 p.m. This meeting is open to all, but a special invitation is extended to farmers and their wives, bankers and business men who are interested in the welfare of their community and the securing of a better price for the farmers’ products. A national speaker, an authority on cooperative marketing, will address the meeting, commencing at 2 o’clock sharp. Come and hear the biggest subject in America today. Get the facts about Cooperative Marketing. Your neighbor is coming! Why not you?