Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on March 25, 2024 at 11:53am CDT
Minnewaska Hotel open for business
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, March 27, 1924
The Congregational church was packed to the doors last Sunday evening, when the large crowd gathered there to witness one of Glenwood’s talented young men, Celius Dougherty, render his musical program, which was very ably done. Even to one whose musical ear could not be classed as critical, this program must have appealed, and no doubt those that have taken up music, especially the piano, must have received much inspiration from the program given.
Chief of Police Bogie, Sheriff Ness, and Attorney Selnes bagged a moonshiner in Nora township this week. A still was found on the place. The party pleaded guilty and was fined $100.00 for conducting a place of nuisance. Sooner or later all moonshiners will get what they have coming.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, March 27, 1924
Records show that until the tenth of March, Vivian Falkner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Falkner, had never been absent nor tardy in all her grade or high school life. She returned to school this week after a two weeks absence, when she underwent an appendicitis operation at the city hospital.
The incubator at the Simmons Poultry farm has been busy working at the present and tomorrow a number of the little chicklets are expected to begin peeping. There were 3600 eggs in the incubator at the end of last week. Its capacity is 5000 and the additional 1400 will be placed in this week. The eggs in the incubator are all White Leghorn, all taken from the eggs produced on the farm. Some 150 or 160 eggs are produced every day on the farm and they are placed in the incubator in 900 lots. The plan is the set about 1000 each week.
We never knew there was any poetry in connection with a meat market, but there are people who can see the poetry in any thing. This week Mr. Smedstad of the Glenwood Meat Market has broken into verse. You should read his advertisement.
Clyde Cooley has installed a light plant. We have not learned what kind. The lights light up the surrounding country pretty good.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, March 28, 1924
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson, opened up the Minnewaska Hotel for business on Wednesday. The entire interior of the hotel has been re-papered and re-decorated and it looks like an entirely new place. A toilet and lavatory have been installed. They plan to furnish board and room by the week or month as well as to take care of transients. On Monday evening, about fifty business men will gather at the hotel of 7 o’clock for a banquet. Short speeches will be made by Dr. Christenson, Dr. Larson, Harold Peterson, W.C. Torgersen, Geo. C. Arneson, Edw. S. Olson and possibly some others. After the talks the meeting will throw open for the discussion of matters pertaining to promoting welfare of the community. As the capacity of the dining room is not large enough it was necessary to limit the sale of tickets to the business men for this occasion.
Ray Anderson entertained the children in the third and fourth grades and the teaching force at a birthday party given in the school house Friday afternoon. Angel food cake and brick ice cream were served. Master Ray Anderson is the nephew of Mrs. C.R. Christenson.