From March 13, 1914

Starbuck retains prohibition by a tremendous majority. The “Drys” roll up the biggest majority in the history of our town, winning out to the tune of 95 to 40. Lowry, Villard, Sedan, Alexandria, Hancock, and Beardsley stay “wet” as before, Kensington, Hoffman and Appleton “dry” and Paynesville goes “dry”. 

Mr. and Mrs. P.W. Sylvester have been entertaining a baby girl at their home since Saturday. 

We did not have any wind here Saturday, but a lot of it went through here Sunday and it was in an awful hurry.

Bennie Aslakson and Clara O. Nelson were married recently at the Langhei Church by Reverend Chr. Pederson.


From March 7, 1924

The operetta “Love Pirates of Hawaii” was presented by the Starbuck High School on Friday and Saturday evenings, drawing a full house both evenings. Irving Helgeson played the part of Pirate Chief; Miss Edna Olson as the head of the girl’s school; Miss Cora Tollefson was a charming young American girl; Clarence Nelson as the young lieutenant did some creditable singing; Orville Thompson gave an exhibition of the sword dance and Miss Myrtis Wesen of the sailors hornpipe dance. 

A deal was made last week by which the Torguson-Hippe building and stock of goods was sold to John Husmoe of Kasson, Minn. and Ole Teigen of Benson, Minn. They expect to open for business on March 15 and will carry a full line of groceries, notions and men’s furnishings. 

A.J. Gorder was seen in the fields dragging last Thursday, Feb. 28. He is the first man in this community to do any spring work. 

Ole Hagestuen sold his restaurant on Wednesday to H.I. Mattison of Appleton, who will take possession on April 1.

High school notes: (by Myrtis Wesen). The Seniors have received the copies of their class play “An Early Bird”. Miss Glesne will direct it and all the seniors will take part. 

The Operetta was a great success. The approximate profits are as follows: Total receipts-$263.75; approximate expense-$85.00; approximate profits-$178.75.

Forty-two students were neither tardy nor absent during the month of February. 


From March 8, 1934

James Davies, music critic for the Minneapolis Tribune, considered one of the best music critics in the county, has the following to say of Laura Forde Giere, who recently appeared with the Symphony Orchestral Society as soloist:

Laura Forde Giere, pianist and one of the best we have, played the first movement from Rubinsteins’ piano concerto. Mrs. Giere continues to advance in her art; she is an admirable combination of pianist and musician, who has the requisite ability to draw from the music. She plays all it possesses of beauty, brilliance or thought. These three elements were present in her interpretation at this concert. 

After about a week of hard work, Lewis Stenson and his crew of men moved the railroad coach recently purchased by A.A. Johnson to its location near Koland Oil Co. Station where it will be used as a cafe. 

The car weighed 40 tons, and much difficulty was encountered in moving it. Mr. Johnson expects to open for business in the near future. 

Mr. and Mrs. Julius J. Hagestuen entertained Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evjen and children for supper Sunday evening. It was Donald Evjen’s third birthday and Burnell Hagestuen’s 6th birthday. 

Miss Adeline Dreyer, who has completed her course at St. Olaf and also her practice teaching at Glenwood is staying at her home until graduation. She majored in Modern and American History. 

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Thompson was baptized at the Fron Church on Sunday, receiving the name Charles Owen. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Evenson, Ella Berge and Martin Evjen. These together with Mr. and Mrs. Anton Berge, Rev. and Mrs. Johnshoy and family were entertained at the Thompson home after services. 


From March 9, 1944

Funeral services for Mrs. Hans O. Skaret, 68, were held at Fron Lutheran Church on March 1. She is survived by her husband, Hans and four children, Mrs. Carl (Emma) Engh, Henry, John and Monnie.

A deal was made last week whereby Ralph Stewart became the owner of the Phillips 66 filling station in the village. Arnold Opdahl, former owner, has joined the Armed Forces. 

On Sunday at 8 p.m. the Rev. J.G. Swedberg was officially installed as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church of Benson and Bethany Lutheran Church, about seven miles southwest of Starbuck. 

The following from Starbuck registered with the Pope County Local Draft Board at Glenwood during the month of February: Allen Paul Norby, Alton C. Anondson and Harry C. Erickson. The following Starbuck registrants reported on March 8 and have been assigned to the Army: Ernest M. Nali and Arnold Opdahl. The following Starbuck registrants were ordered to report for Preinduction Physical Examination at Fort Snelling on March 4: Carl Williams, Louis L. Hanson, Teddy W. Anderson, LeRoy Halvorson, Irving Helgeson, Raymond L. Steen and John Lynch.   


From March 11, 1954

Mrs. Lloyd Landmark entertained a few mothers and children Saturday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Susan’s 2nd birthday. 

Funeral services for Hagen Moe, 83, were held at Indherred Lutheran Church on Feb. 20. He is survived by the following children: Mrs. Elmer (Agnes) Swensrud of Starbuck, George of Cyrus, Mrs. Vernon Prokasky of Lucan, Mrs. Palmer (Helen) Haugen of Belgrade and Mrs. Winfred (Clarice) Branch of Starbuck. 

Relatives and friends helped Darlene and Linda Otteson celebrate their 8th birthday Tuesday evening. 

Marcia Johnshoy celebrated her 3rd birthday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thorwald Johnshoy Wednesday. 

Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Bollingberg helped little Mary Larson celebrate her 1st birthday at the Urness Larson home Thursday evening.  


From March 12, 1964

Mr. and Mrs. Luther LeMaster have sold the Starbuck Cleaners to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson of Minneapolis. Possession was given on Tuesday. The deal did not include the building. 

Annette Charlotte Sires, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Berg and Orlin Swensrud, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Swensrud, all of Starbuck, were married Saturday, Feb. 22 at the Bethany Church. The couple will make their home in Starbuck.

Miss Linda Kay Olson of Clarkfield and Otto Holten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Holten of Starbuck were married at the Clarkfield Lutheran Church on Saturday, Feb. 22. The couple will live in Minneapolis. 

Births: A daughter, Cynthia Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jackson (Pat Klevann) on Feb. 26; a son, Michael David to Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Gorder (Janet Gullickson) of Whittier, CA Feb. 29; a daughter, Shelly Rae to Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Holten of Minneapolis March 6. 

Marsha Schumann, Eloise Amundson and Eleanor Nali helped Marcia Johnshoy celebrate her 13th birthday on Tuesday. 

Relatives and friends visited at the Melvin Baukol home on March 1 and helped Fye celebrate her 13th birthday. 


From March 7, 1974

The annual meeting of the Lowry Shipping Association was held last Friday in the City Hall at Lowry. Elected to serve another term as president was Richard Chan. Elected new to the board was Virgil Anderson who will replace Ed Chan who after 21 years of being on the board, refused to run again. 

Mrs. Oliver Standsvold, local blood bank chairman, was extremely pleased Monday as 89 persons responded to the call at the Fron church basement. The rush came early due to other community functions on Monday evening. Of the 89 who came, 76 units of blood were obtained. Thirteen were declared deferrals. 

Workmen began Saturday tearing down the old X-ray equipment at the Minnewaska Hospital to make room for a completely new unit. The table portion which is here, will be installed first and that is expected to be done about Thursday. The controls are on the way and hopefully by the weekend, the new machine will be in operation. Ken Carlsten, Minneapolis, head of the installing crew said it will be some of the finest equipment made and should last the hospital for a good many years. 


From March 7, 1984

The Starbuck girls’ basketball team will test their 20-0 record in regional play against Perham on Thursday at MSU. The girls repeated as District champions with a 50-36 win over No. 2 seeded Ashby.

Lydon Hagestuen, son of Mrs. Juline Hagestuen of Starbuck has been named Teacher of the Year in the Pine City School District in Pine City, MN. He has been with the Pine City school district since 1970.

Jeanie Lynn Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson and Bruce Dean Zavadil, son of Mrs. Florence Zavadil of Glenwood were married at the Evangelical Covenant Church in Alexandria on Dec. 10. The couple will make their home near Lowry. 

A son, Jonathan Eldon, was born to Snuffy and Lori Hagen of Stoughton, Wisconsin Feb. 28. Minnow and Margaret Hagen are the paternal grandparents.

Stacy Rae Tvrdik was born at the Minnewaska District Hospital on Wednesday, Feb. 29, Leap Year. Stacy’s mother said that her daughter will probably celebrate her birthday on March 1 since she was born at 10:49 p.m., so close to midnight. 


From March 8, 1994

Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Anderson of Cyrus entertained friends and relatives on Sunday, Feb. 27 in honor of Matthew’s 13th birthday. 

Funeral services for Lillian Hagen, 83, of Pequot Lakes, were held at the Church of the Cross in Nisswa, MN March 4. She is survived by four children: Dick and Bob of Minneapolis, Heidi Hawkinson of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and Helen Gangsei of Pequot Lakes.

March Students of the Month at Starbuck Elementary School are Nathan Wheeling, Jedidiah Beaumia, Nick Vangsness, Anthony Benson, Adam Aaberg, Lindsey Wesen, Julie Macho, Jill Foslien, Sarah Zavadil, Amy Rooney, Doug Noyes, Matt Katzenmeyer, Scott Johnson, Shawn Gilbertson, Tracy Ronning, Rochelle Anderson, Mindy Martin, Cassidy Zimmerman and Kris Haavig.

Funeral services for Daisy Jennille (Chalenburg) Sutton, 79, were held at the Roller Daniel Funeral Home in Searcy, Arkansas March 11. She is survived by one son, Michael Chalenburg and one daughter, Lisbeth Jones, both of Searcy, Arkansas. 


From March 10, 2004

Starbuck Elementary School students celebrated National Read Across America Day on Tuesday, March 2. The 100th birthday of Dr. Seuss was celebrated in conjunction. The day’s theme was “Snuggle Up with Books” and students and staff wore pajamas to school and had favorite stuffed animals in tow. Pictured in the Times, first graders in Kay Elvehjem’s class made silly faces for the camera just before their afternoon popcorn party. Also pictured in the Times, Starbuck sixth graders posed with Dr. Seuss in the school entryway. Jim Harrison is usually seen around Starbuck Elementary School as a substitute teacher but he dressed up as Dr. Seuss for the day and visited classrooms to read Dr. Seuss books to students. 

He died in 1996. She died early last year. Their will was executed in December 2003. Known as a very private and quiet couple, the late Palmer and Evelyn Pederson left a gift in their will that came as a surprise to its recipient. In December, the Minnewaska District Hospital was presented with a $96,572.79 gift from the late Palmer and Evelyn Pederson. The same amount was also gifted to East Zion Church. 

A public hearing on the issuance of revenue notes by the City of Starbuck was held during the Starbuck City Council meeting Monday night. It is a federal requirement to hold a public hearing involving tax-exempt property. Minnewaska Lutheran Home requested the city’s help in financing the multi-million dollar expansion project by approving the issuance of revenue notes. 


From March 12, 2014

In what has become an annual tradition on Dr. Seuss’s birthday, Starbuck Telephone Company made sure second-graders at Minnewaska Area Elementary School had their own copy of a Dr. Seuss book to take home and enjoy. This year’s title was “Oh the Thinks You Can Think.” Pictured in the Times, Bobbi Jo Johnson’s class presented a giant thank-you card to Monica Gosseling signed by staff and second-grade students. 

Commissioners signed a resolution at Tuesday’s meeting supporting the integration of three public health departments spanning five counties into one public health organization: Horizon Public Health. Currently, Pope County, Douglas County and the three-county public health department of Stevens, Traverse and Grant counties operate separately.

News from Glacial Hills Elementary: I believe we may have seen the last of the “Polar Vortex”…..YEAH! Now we will see some melting of the snow, and finally be able to get outdoors. Please continue to have children prepared with snow pants, warm coats, boots, hats and mittens/gloves. As the snow turns to puddles and mud, it may also be a good idea to send an extra pair of socks, pants and mittens/gloves to keep in the locker.