From March 20, 1914

Hurrah! For Starbuck is dry. 

Nelson Bros. were shopping at Langhei City Saturday night. 

The Wear-U-Well shoes will be sold in Starbuck hereafter. These shoes are made in the biggest shoe factory in the world and will be shipped direct from the factory to Starbuck, in this way, cutting out the middleman. Martin O. Johnson, the Starbuck shoe maker will be the manager of the Wear-U-Well Starbuck factory branch. 

There were five patients operated on at the hospital last Wednesday. 

Miss Hilda Larson returned to her home west of Spring Grove Saturday morning from Starbuck, this state, where she has been teaching school. 


From March 14, 1924

The Fron Church Choir sang the Schuler’s cantata “The Adoration”, a Christmas cantata at the church last Sunday afternoon, and again in the evening. Solo parts were taken by Mrs. O.V. Opheim, Mrs. Geo. Arneson, Miss Mable Carlson, Mr. Noel Johnson and Mrs. Harold Peterson. Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy was the director and Mrs. Olaf Wollan was the accompanist. During the intermission a trio, consisting of Edw. S. Olson on trombone, Martin Eidberg on violin and Mrs. Wollan on the piano presented a very delightful number. 

With the graduating class of 67 members, the largest in the history of the school, the West Central School of Agriculture at Morris is preparing for its fourteenth annual commencement exercises which will be on March 21. The first class which graduated had four graduates. 

Funeral services for Signe Aslakson were held at the Indherred Church on Wednesday. Rev. G.O. Forde officiating. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Osm. Aslakson, one brother, Erling and four sisters, Magdalene, Ruth, Dagny and Mildred. 

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ranum on March 10. 

Florence Larson, 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lars Hanson of Langhei, died last Saturday after a three-day illness from diphtheria. 


From March 15, 1934

P.B. Peterson, Starbuck’s Ford dealer tossed his hat into the political ring Tuesday when he handed county auditor Smith a crisp new ten dollar bill as his filing fee for the office of sheriff. 

Mr. Peterson is married and has three sons. He says he is going to put on an active campaign for the office and will do his best to win.  

Marriage licenses were issued to the following: Selma Harriet Hanson and Wm. M. Noyes of Starbuck; Helen Eunice Vegoe of Glenwood and Harold Arthur Kvilhaug of Starbuck; Mildred Minnie Warfield of Glenwood and Lee Clifton Rupner of Villard; Helen A. Huisenga and William Servis of Sedan; Elsie Marie Brockberg of Westport and Herbert Eldon Alcott of Villard. 

Petty thieves broke into the R.M. Smedstad Meat Market sometime before twelve o’clock Sunday night. They opened the safe, which was unlocked and took $19.00 in change. Entrance was gained by smashing glass in the rear door and slipping back the latch on the door. 

Application for citizen papers were Iver Holen, Nels Stenson and A.C. Throngaard of Starbuck. 

The Alexandria P.C.A. has now opened a branch office for receiving applications from Pope County farmers in Glenwood. W.J. Hammond is in charge of this office. 

Henning Lysen of Langhei was the first candidate in Pope County to file for office. He filed Saturday with County Auditor Smith for the office of commissioner in the 4th District and will oppose incumbent Eddie L. Berg. 

Adolph Johnson is announcing this week that his dining car will be open for business on Saturday morning. The car is steam heated, the steam being generated from a boiler located at one end. The diner will have a seating capacity for 30 and is arranged so that the kitchen will be in the center. Miss Estella Subrick of Alberta is employed to do the cooking. 


From March 16, 1944

Funeral services for Knut Aslakson, 86, were held from East Zion Lutheran Church March 10. He is survived by the following children: Inga of Starbuck, Mrs. Ludvig (Anna) Olson of Tioga, ND; Oscar Aslakson of Langhei, Tilla (Mrs. Carl Knutson) of Langhei, and Dena (Mrs. Albert Skurat) of Glenwood. 

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wiger of Cyrus are the parents of a son, David Jerome born March 5th.

Lyle Frederick and Linda Fay, twin son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knutson were baptized at the East Zion Lutheran Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Eldor Knutson, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hagen, Ardis and Harold Knutson, and Deloris and Vernon Pederson. 

Relatives and friends helped Odin Barsness, Jr. celebrate his first birthday Sunday.

Jimmy Totushek, who recently returned from Pearl Harbor, where he has worked in the Navy Ship Yards for the past two years left for Minneapolis Monday, expecting to enlist in the Merchant Marines.   


From March 18, 1954

Funeral services for Mrs. Olaus K. Maanum, 82, were held at the West Zion Lutheran Church March 1. She is survived by three sons, Conrad, Jr. of Benson, Harold of Clontarf and John of Wheaton.

Sue Ann Ask celebrated her 10th birthday Wednesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ask. 

Oliver M. Steen, son of Martin Steen of Cyrus, was recently retired with a reserve commission of Captain Infantry after 25 years of service in the Infantry Division of the US Army. 

Robert H. Samuelson, son of Mrs. Peter Lorvig of Starbuck, will return to Newport, RI March 7th aboard the USS Arcadia. The ship visited Spain and Portugal during its four-month tour.   


From March 19, 1964

David J. Danielson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Danielson of White Bear Lake township graduated from the School of Auctioneering in Mason City, Iowa March 13. 

Funeral services for Mrs. Henry Nodland, 69, of Alexandria, were held at Fron Lutheran Church March 6. She is survived by a son, Henry M. Nodland Jr. of Alexandria and a daughter, Mrs. Chester Baukol (Adeline) of Starbuck. 

Baptisms: Michael Lee, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Walter (Janice Johnson) of Ashland, WI at Fron Lutheran Church, March 15; Paul Ronald, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gandrud (Colleen Smedstad) of Anoka at Zion Lutheran Church in Anoka, March 8. 

John H. Anderson and Kathryn M. Lee of Starbuck were among 38 students from Pope County, who are attending St. Cloud State College. 


From March 14, 1974

The readers of the Times this week will note a little different type style and hopefully an improvement in the body copy of the paper. A new Compuwriter was installed last Thursday which is a photo-type compositor made in Wilmington, Mass. Operators Helen Hoverud and Jody Behl have received special training on its operation and no doubt after a few weeks will master the electrical genius. 

Pope County will receive $484,990 as its share of the $67,556,282 allocated to the County State Aid Highway fund, State Highway Commissioner Ray Lappegaard announced today. This money represents Pope County’s share of the 29% of state highway user taxes on motor fuel and motor vehicle registrations collected by the state. 

Cyrus’ population less than 300, showed that numbers don’t count when it comes to basketball. They were mighty big as they captured the District 21 basketball crown Friday evening by downing a smooth-operating Wheaton team. 


From March 14, 1984

The Starbuck girl’s basketball team was defeated in Region 6 play by Staples 50-41 last Saturday and received the runner-up trophy.

A Klub benefit supper was held at the VFW Club March 2 for the Tom Hagert family and a sum of $1,343.64 was collected to help defray expenses incurred for Tom’s recent illness. 

Diane Richards of Herman and Dan Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art J. Olson were married December 17 at the Herman United Methodist Church. The couple will make their home in Brandon. 

Funeral services for Erick Erickson, 86, were held from St. John’s Lutheran Church, March 5. He is survived by two sisters, Hilma Norduane of St. Paul and Alma Erickson of Starbuck. 

Kayo Aslagson, former Starbuck graduate, was honored as District 20 Wrestling Coach of the Year. Kayo is in his 11th year at Kimball High School, the last eight years as head coach of wrestling. 


From March 16, 1994

Births: A son, Lucas Aaron was born to Randy and Vickie Anderson of Starbuck January 27; a son, Zachary Mitchell, was born to Becky (Anderson) and Mitch Hagen of Minneapolis Feb. 21. 

Funeral services for Irving Helgeson, 85, were held at the First Lutheran Church of Fergus Falls March 7. He is survived by one son, Byron, and one daughter, Janyce Olson. 

Terry and Nancy Brown entertained many relatives and friends Sunday for dinner in honor of Mitchell’s 7th birthday.

A daughter, Rene Lynne was born March 12 to Steve and Ann Mullins of Cyrus; and a daughter, Raelyn Lois was born to Kim and Steve Schutts of Burnsville March 15; Both are granddaughters of Lois and Maynard Stadsvold. 


From March 17, 2004

The city of Starbuck is in fairly healthy financial condition according to an audit report presented during Monday night’s city council meeting. Jennifer Thiennes of the financial services firm Ker, DeWenter, Viere, Ltd., summarized the audit for the council and said, “This is the highest cash balance you have had in a very long time. I consider this to be very good.” The city’s general and enterprise funds totaled $4,734,360 in receipts and $1,829,147 in disbursements. 

Among swirls of pink, swishes of lavender, bodices of sequins, and flowing wedding gowns, you’ll find Lori Vaadeland putting the finishing touches on her new store in downtown Starbuck. Lori described one part of her business, “Touch of Class is a store that is a complete full-service bridal shop.”

Starbuck Elementary School students are tracking the progress of the 2004 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race currently being run in Alaska. There are 92 mushers entered in this year’s race. Last week, students were treated to an up-close show-and-tell with Siberian Husky sled dogs. Carl Larson of Lowry owns about 50 sled dogs and brought a few dogs for the kids to pet and learn about. 


From March 19, 2014

Daniel Jenniges purchased #38, the heifer pictured in the Times, from his father, Yvo, in 1998 when Yvo retired. Daniel estimated that she is more than 20 years old. At a March 1 auction, held by Berge Livestock, NGN Red Angus and Jenniges Hidden Acres Ranch, two bred heifers were sold by Daniel – both related to #38 and representing four generations from the same cow. Daniel sold one of the heifers to his grandson, Chase, for $1 as a start to his school fund, something Daniel said that he and his wife, Linda, would like to make a tradition with their grandchildren. The proceeds from the calves born to Chase’s heifer will add to his school fund. 

The Starbuck City Council approved amending ordinance #154 to consolidate item number two and item number 10 in letter A, a permit used to include multiple dwellings and apartment buildings provided they are located above the first floor. It was stated that the first-floor buildings that are already apartment buildings are grandfathered in. 

Pastor Kelley Mahoney talked to students at Glacial Hills Elementary School last week about what it takes to be a “hero for other people in need” and asked students and their parents to join in the global and local fight against hunger. Students were given an M&M container that can be used to collect coins and dollar bills and the proceeds will go toward fighting hunger in such places as Haiti, as well as 10 percent of the proceeds going to the Pope County Hearts and Hands Food Shelf.