The Minnewaska Area Schools Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, February 12, 2024 in the Minnewaska Area Schools District Office Board Room.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Barsness. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Present: Barsness, T. Reichmann, A. Reichmann, Ogdahl, Lagred, Zavadil

Absent: Holtberg

Motion by Lagred, seconded by, T. Reichmann, to approve the agenda as presented. 

Roll Call Vote:  Aye:  Barsness, T. Reichmann, A. Reichmann, Ogdahl, Lagred, Zavadil, 

Nay: None

Motion carried.

Visitor’s Comments: None

Special Recognitions & Honors: 

• The MAS School Board would like to recognize Megan Larson, Mary Johnsrud, Jennifer Erickson, Megan Greene, and Jamie Katzenmeyer. These five teachers at the Elementary School take on many obligations above and beyond their regular teaching responsibilities.   They all serve on the Building Leadership Team and the PBIS team. In addition, three of them are instrumental in our Wonder Wednesday Program, planning the activities for the entire school each month.  Two of them also serve on our District Technology team.  Principal Currens states: “As I have transitioned into the Elementary Principal role, these five individuals have played a crucial role in helping me navigate the established practices and routines within the building.  Their dedication and the additional time they invest in MAES is truly commendable and greatly appreciated.

Motion by Ogdahl, seconded by Zavadil, January 22, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting. 

Roll Call Vote:  Aye:  Barsness, T. Reichmann, A. Reichmann, Ogdahl, Lagred, Zavadil, 

Nay: None

Motion carried.

Superintendent Rankin gave an update the summary of bills, K-12 board revenue and expenditures, foodservice, investment report, school enrollment report and Superintendents Report

Motion by A. Reichmann, seconded by T. Reichmann, to approve the Claims & Accounts totaling $1,468,781.16. Zavadil Abstained

Roll Call Vote:  Aye:  Barsness, T. Reichmann, A. Reichmann, Ogdahl, Lagred, 

Nay: None

Motion carried.

Motion by Lagred, seconded by Barsness, to approve resolution No. 02122024 accepting donations/gifts to the school district. 

Roll Call Vote:  Aye:  Barsness, T. Reichmann, A. Reichmann, Ogdahl, Lagred, Zavadil, 

Nay: None

Motion carried.

Motion by A. Reichmann, seconded by Ogdahl, to approve the consent calendar as presented. New Hire: Brittany Scott, Emotional Behavioral Disorder Technician, Grade 6 Step 4, effective 02/12/2024. Resignations: Bryce Bergeron, Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, effective 02/09/2024 • Sarah Iverson, Assistant Girls’ Golf Coach, effective 01/31/2024 • Scott Lempka, Middle School Principal, effective 06/30/2024 Retirements: Linda Hoffmann, Secondary Teacher, effective 06/30/2024 • Vickie Kohler, Mental Health Practitioner, effective 06/30/2024 • Gail Swart, Mental Health Professional, effective 06/30/2024

Roll Call Vote:  Aye:  Barsness, T. Reichmann, A. Reichmann, Ogdahl, Lagred, Zavadil, 

Nay: None

Motion carried.

Minnewaska Area Elementary Principal, Sue Currens, gave a brief update from the Elementary School.

Motion by Zavadil seconded T. Reichmann to table the following by to table T. Reichmann, the W.I.N. Academy construction renovation part 1 bid, W.I.N. Academy construction renovation part 2 bid and, W.I.N. Academy construction renovation part 3 bid.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye:  Barsness, T. Reichmann, A. Reichmann, Ogdahl, Lagred, Zavadil, 

Nay: None

Motion carried.


• Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 6:15 pm in the MAHS Media Center

• Monday, March 25, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the MAS District Office Board Room

• Monday, April 12, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the MAS District Office Board Room

• Monday, May 20, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the MAS District Office Board Room

• Monday, June 17, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the MAS District Office Board Room

Other: None

Motion by Zavadil, seconded by Ogdahl, to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 p.m.

Roll Call Vote:  Aye:  Barsness, T. Reichmann, A. Reichmann, Ogdahl, Lagred, Zavadil, 

Nay: None

Motion carried.

Angie Reichmann, Clerk

Minnewaska Area Schools,

ISD 2149

Glenwood, MN

April 8