Judith Wallin began duties as county nurse of Pope County

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, April 17, 1924

The sheriff, his deputy and the county attorney made a raid on the Jake Webber farm in Bangor township and raised havoc with his moonshining outfit. As a result, Jake and John Webber are lodged in the county jail. Their hearing comes up today. Some moon was found on the place, also the full apparatus for making moon. Four barrels of mash were found in a manure pile. As this particular case has not been tried we shall leave our remarks until next week. We shall have some interesting reading material on the subject.

Easter Clothes. The dress up season is now upon us and we offer you a large assortment of suits to make your selection from. Our suits are all Kuppenheimer, Collegian, Styleplus or Clothcraft, which means the best of tailoring and the latest of styles. We offer you Easter specials: men’s suits in worsteds and cashmeres, good patterns, $17.75; men’s serge suits, the No. 5130 standard serge in blue, gray or brown, $29.50; boys’ two-pant suits of very good material, $7.75; other special values in boys’ suits at $10, $12.50 and $15. Hershman’s Dep’t Store, the store of today and tomorrow.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, April 17, 1924

Work started last Tuesday morning on remodeling the building formerly used by Norling and Wollan for a machine shop. When the work of remodeling is finished it will be used for a creamery by Peterson & Imsdahl. Messrs. Peterson and Imsdahl find that the building they are using for a creamery is too small. They bought this building across from the Fremad store about a month and a half ago, intending to use it for this purpose. C.T. Kirkwold is the contractor who has the work of remodeling. He began with his crew of men on Tuesday morning. The front part of the building will be partitioned off for an office and a retail room. It is expected that the work of remodeling will be finished by June first. At that time the machinery will be moved to the new location.

At the meeting of the county commissioners held last Tuesday, bids were opened on the sale of trunk highway reimbursement bonds for trunk highway No. 28. The bid of the Minneapolis Trust Company was accepted. These bonds will be paid by the state highway department and the interest on them will be taken care of by this department. The money will be used for the purpose of building the road between Westport and Starbuck. The road contract will be let next Tuesday by the State Highway Department. Work on the project should start in about two weeks after that.

For Your Child. Supply the nutrition his little body needs. Keep him well and strong with Bestyet Bread, rich in nutrition. It contains plenty of rich, pure milk, and the vitamin of yeast, needed for healthy growth. Let your child eat this bread for his health, three times a day. Ask your grocer. Glenwood Bakery.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, April 18, 1924

Miss Judith Wallin, of Minneapolis, began her duties as county nurse of Pope County on Monday of last week. Miss Wallin was graduated from the St. Barnabas hospital in 1921, and was engaged in public health work in Minneapolis until last fall when she entered the University and took the public health course of nine months which she just recently completed. At the present time she is staying at the home of Mrs. Erick Solvie (nee Marie Larson) in Glenwood. She will be in her office at the court house on Saturday mornings.

Minnesota farmers are offering an average of $38.93 for farm hands working on a monthly basis, according to J.S. Jones, secretary of the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation, who has just completed a state-wide survey. His data shows a general trend toward slightly higher wages in all departments of farm activities. The report is based on figures obtained from 41 widely scattered counties.

Ole Troy and Elmer Wesen, Jr. bought the Frank Brown poolroom in Glenwood. It is next to the Rogers Hotel. Elmer Wesen Jr. will operate the poolroom. They took possession yesterday but closed it to make repairs and re-decorate, and expect to open up again next week. H. Aitkins is the owner of the building.