Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on April 22, 2024 at 12:13pm CDT
Fine for speeding inside city limits
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, April 24, 1924
Last Saturday evening was “Soo Line Night” at the local Masonic lodge. The Soo line degree team of Minneapolis conferred the M. M. degree on four candidates and the work was followed by a banquet and social session. Visitors were present from lodges at Minneapolis, St. Paul, Paynesville, Brooten, Villard, Alexandria, Evansville, Hoffman, Elbow.
Our community was greatly shocked and gravened when it learned that Rev. Ramstad had passed away at a hospital at Tyler, Minn., April 15, 1924, after being ill a week with pneumonia. He had not been in the best of health for some time and this was partly due to overwork in caring for his different congregations and other duties. Rev. Sigurd Ramstad was born at Stenqjaar, Norway, Oct. 25, 1891, and was at the time of his death 32 years, 5 months and 23 days.
Last week we called the attention of the public to speeding inside the city limits. Many have heard the notice, but one motorist did not, with the result that he had to pay a fine this week for speeding around the corner by the Glenwood apartments Sunday night. All motorists should slow up when nearing a crossing in order not to collide with cars coming at a right angle and also to protect pedestrians.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, April 24, 1924
At the woman’s national bowling tournament at Indianapolis last week, Miss Edna Wollan of this city, as a member of the Cooper-Carlton team of Chicago, rolled the high individual score of the team with a total of 507. She did not do as well in the singles, getting a score of 484, and placing fourth.
Miss Pearl Voss is again in charge of the Voss Studios in this city, after having spent the winter in the South and East, where she went primarily for the purpose of gathering experience and inspiration and to become acquainted with the latest developments in photo portraiture. The greater part of the time was spent at the Harrison studios at Miami, Florida, where were employed fifteen photographers under the direction of J. C. Abel, the famous portrait artist of Cleveland, Ohio. She was also employed as portraitist at Coral Gables, and as such commanded the highest salary ever paid by the concern. Later she became official photographer at the Nautilus Hotel at Miami Beach, photographing prominent people from the North and East, and furnishing photographs for several large daily newspapers. Returning through the East she spent three weeks with some of the leading portrait artists in the country, such as Pirie McDonald, Dudley Hoyt, and Nicholas Murray of New York, Alias Goldenski of Philadelphia, and Bill Towles of Washington. Miss Voss counts this trip as a great experience and the new ideas and added inspiration received will be of help to her in raising still higher the standard of work done at the Voss Studios.
Farmers in this community are offered the opportunity of finding out just how profitable acid phosphate will prove to be on their own farms by sending ten cents in stamps or coins to the Morris Farm School. In return, they will receive, prepaid, a bag of phosphate sufficient to cover 1-40 of an acre. Complete instructions will be forwarded to each farmer, how to measure off his piece of ground, how to apply the phosphate and on what crop to use it. The whole operation will take only a few minutes time and it will give the best kind of an opportunity to find out just how profitable acid phosphate will prove to be. The Morris Farm School will also make accurate determination of the yields when the crop is ready to harvest.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, April 25, 1924
National Prize Essay Contest for young women 13 to 19 years. Subject, “Why a young man I know should attend a Citizen’s Training Camp.” 22 prizes–$200. 1st prize, $50.00. Contest closes midnight, May 5th. For further information apply to Dr. Larson. Pope County chairman. C. M. T. C.
Minnewaska Hotel, Now Open. Board and Lodging. Furnished by week or month. Come in and try one of our big meals when you are in town. John Johnson, Prop.
Starbuck Café. Meals, Lunches and Short Orders. A full line of Candies, Cigars, Tobaccos and Ice Cream in Season. Service is Our Motto. Meals, Lunches and Short Orders. If pleased tell your friends; if not tell us. H. I. Matteson.
The rain we got Sunday night was very welcome, as it settled the dust storms at least for some time. What the ground needs now is warmer weather.