Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on April 15, 2024 at 12:05pm CDT
From April 17, 1914
Judith Simonson, Cora Tessem, William Kleven, and Agnes Reisrud graduated with the class of 1914 from the University Farm School of Morris recently.
Burglars broke into Troy and Wesen’s pool room Sunday night and got away with a few cans of salmon, a few bottles of pop and some cake. Some money in the till was left untouched. They probably were a local gang that is practicing up for entry to the reform school.
Wallace Carlson and Olga Anderson sprung a surprise on their friends by quietly getting married last Tuesday evening by Justice I.M. Kalnes.
A newcomer arrived at the house of Bennie Signalness last Saturday morning. No one knows what his intentions are, whether to be a farmer, business or office man.
From April 11, 1924
Funeral services for Mrs. Nels (Nora) Forde were conducted at the Indherred Lutheran Church on April 9. She is survived by the following children: Walter of Marysville, Cal.; Magdalene (Mrs. O. Preus); Gerhard O., who is his father’s successor as pastor of the Indherred, St. John’s and Immanuel congregations; Ralph of St. Francis; Agnes of Benson; Laura and Alexander. Her husband, Pastor Nils Forde died in 1917 and a daughter, Augusta, died at the age of 12 years.
Miss Caroline Lee, daughter of Mr. Tom O. Lee and Mr. Julius Finstad, son of Mr. John Finstad were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s father in Minnewaska Twp. on Thursday evening by Rev. G.O. Forde. Their attendants were Agnes and Oscar Lee.
High school notes by Signe Bardahl: On Monday the faculty and students were back after spring vacation. The only change to be noticed was that a number of the girl students and two members of the faculty appeared with bobbed hair.
On Sunday, April 6, Rev. K.R. Palmer was installed as pastor in the West and East Zion churches by Rev. Aastad, Pres. of the Northern Dist. of the Lutheran Church of America.
From April 12, 1934
Larson Bros. of this village were recently awarded a contract for a complete waterworks system at Ashby, had their equipment moved there Monday and work started Tuesday. The Starbuck Construction Co. have the engineering contract on the job.
The Starbuck Construction Co. was also awarded a contract for extension of the waterworks at Osakis.
L. Brevig, manager of the North Central Co. announced this week that the plant will begin operation next week for the coming season. A crew of men have been busy for some time putting the machinery in shape. They will start out making drain tile and culvert to fill orders on hand and from there on will make silos. The company has been in operation for 16 years.
E.A. Wesen, who has been hauling the cream on the route south of Starbuck, bought another truck last week and will operate a second route. The new route will take on territory north and west of Starbuck.
A declamatory contest for group B will be held in dist. 5, near Andrew Helstrand on Thursday evening, April 2 at 8 p.m. Lunch will be served and everyone is welcome.
The Community Club of Starbuck had their regular monthly meeting last Thursday evening with the election of the following officers: Dr. W.W. Larson, president; Floyd Thompson, vice president; Irving Helgeson, secretary-treasurer. The program committee elected consists of H.K. Myking, Mrs. O.H. Wollan and Mrs. H.R. Peterson.
Dr. and Mrs. R.T. Seashore, Miss Myrtle Ellingson, Miss Alice Lidstrom, O.S. Kyvig, Harris Engebretson, Alfred Aaberg, Tilmer Torgerson, Conrad Pederson, C.J. Gorder, Naomi and Carsten and Morris Landaas were among those from Starbuck who attended the concert by the University band at Glenwood Thursday evening.
From April 13, 1944
Funeral services for Lyal Larson, 30, were held at the new Fron Church on Holy Thursday, April 6. He is survived by his parents, Emil and Gina Larson; one brother, Earl of Osborne, Ohio; and one sister, Lt. Lucille Larson, Army Nurse at Independence, Kansas.
Lawrence J. Stedjl of Kensington has been transferred to Starbuck and will take over route 2. Ralph Ross recently resigned from this position.
Walter Schwendemann, Kenneth Brevig and Andrew Brevig will be confirmed Sunday at Immanuel.
Two local medical men, Lt. Comm. A.F. Giesen is now stationed in the Hawaiian Islands and Lt. Robert W. Merrill is stationed at Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Specials this week at the Red Owl Agency store: fresh made bologna, lb. 27¢; Camay, 3 cakes for 20¢; Kraft Velveeta, 1/2 lb. pkg 21¢; Jenny Lee egg noodles, 19¢; carrots, 2 bunches 13¢; sweet juicy oranges, dozen 35¢; Hi Ho crackers, 1 lb. pkg. 21¢.
From April 15, 1954
Wilbert Bartz announced the opening of the Midway Garage 20 miles south of Starbuck last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bartz and four children have moved into the living quarters in the garage building, from Osakis.
Six teachers have resigned their positions at Starbuck School. They are Marilyn Johnson, Gordon Raaen, Mavis Garoutte, Ed Parry, William Saari and Jim Malmquist.
Mrs. Gene Ophaug entertained six little girls on Friday in honor of Judy’s 5th birthday.
Rev. Hjalmer Swanson is the new Pastor at the Mission Covenant Church in Ben Wade.
Arlen Rue Carlson of Starbuck is among those ordered for induction on May 19.
From April 16, 1964
Miss Ragnhild Svenson, R.N., of Minneapolis, is the new administrator at the Minnewaska Lutheran Home. She replaces Miss Myrtle Kvenvold, who left March 1 for Northfield to take a position at St. Olaf College.
Many relatives and friends visited the Chester Baukol home Sunday evening to help Chester Baukol, Jr. celebrate his 7th birthday.
Allan Raaum celebrated his 2nd birthday when relatives and friends visited the Art Raaum home Sunday.
Several girls enjoyed a bicycle riding party Saturday in honor of the 13th birthday of Eloise Amundson.
Shelly Rae, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Holton of Minneapolis, was baptized Sunday, April 12 at Fron Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holten of Minneapolis.
Two Starbuck attorneys, Don M. Smith and Charles R. Wahlquist, have formed a new law firm to be known as Wahlquist & Smith. The two were pictured in front of their newly renovated and enlarged offices in the Rosby Arcade.
Thirty-eight smiling, happy youngsters began their formal education on Monday of this week when spring primary classes began in the Starbuck school. Classes were to be held five days a week for four weeks with Mrs. Paul Billehus as the teacher, and divided into two sections with 20 pupils attending in the morning and 18 in the afternoon.
From April 11, 1974
Dr. Howard H. Meyer, son of the Harold Meyers and a 1963 graduate of Starbuck High School, has accepted a position with the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture. Dr. Meyer has been appointed Animal Geneticist at Ruakura Animal Research Station, Hamilton, New Zealand. He will join three other geneticists at the station, working primarily on breed development and evaluation of exotic breeds of cattle and sheep imported from all parts of the world.
Charles Blocher, president of the Starbuck Chamber of Commerce announced that local business places will be closed this coming ‘Good Friday’ until 1 p.m. to allow employees and employers to attend church of their choice. This has been a Starbuck custom for several years.
Roger Shelstad, principal of the Starbuck Senior High for the past two years, submitted his resignation to be effective at the end of the present school term. Mr. Shelstad gave no reason for resigning and stated he had no definite plans for the future other than he may complete his education, of which he doesn’t have much left to qualify him for a superintendent’s position.
From April 11, 1984
Several resolutions were passed pertaining to the 1984-85 school year by the District 614 Board of Education at a special board meeting held in the District office on Thurs., April 5. On a recommendation by Superintendent Ernest Janisch, the board voted to have two sections of Kindergarten for the 1984-85 school year.
The Pope County Commissioners meeting on April 4 opened with many visitors on hand to discuss the emergency signing system and the 911 emergency system. Members of the Pope County Fire Chief’s Association, township officers, a representative from AT&T and the Alexandria postmaster who came in place of the Glenwood postmaster, expressed their viewpoints on the new system. The emergency sign system has been approved by eighteen of the twenty townships in Pope County; Barsness and White Bear Lake townships voted not to go along with the supposedly county-wide program.
“4-H Is…” presented by the Ben Wade Blazers 4-H Club was the winning skit at the Annual Pope County 4-H Share-the-Fun last Friday evening at the Glenwood High School. They will represent the County 4-H at the Minnesota State Fair in August. About 250 people watched as eight clubs performed.
From April 13, 1994
Esther and Arnold Hedlin were named 1994 Lowry Citizen of the Year by the Lowry Lions Club at their annual banquet last Thursday. The brother and sister duo continued to live on the farm they were both born on more than 75 years ago.
The Pope County Pheasant Restoration organization recently made a $500 donation to the Pope County Hospice in memory of Harold “Swede” Andert, who was one of the co-founders of the pheasant organization more than 13 years ago.
The Starbuck Lions sponsored a “SightFirst” fundraiser dinner last Saturday night at the Starbuck VFW Social rooms. More than 260 steak dinners were served. Door prize winners were Kay Carlson, Ardis Buysse and Norma Henriksen. Proceeds from the dinner will go to the Lions International “SightFirst” Campaign fund.
From April 14, 2004
The walls are up, plumbing is roughed in and now that the rush of a spring remodeling project is wrapping up, this Starbuck business is offering, “Better service and more time for us to be available to them, that’s our biggest thing.” Berries and Marigolds Bed and Breakfast innkeepers Jeannie and Paul Pladsen hope you’ll stop by to treat yourself to something from their new menu, shop the barn, chat over a cup of coffee or tea and check out their renovations.
The top candidate for the Starbuck police chief position has turned down the city’s offer for the job. Allen Rensvold rejected the Starbuck city council personnel committee’s offer Monday afternoon.
Pictured in the Times, determined angler Chuck Henriksen of Starbuck, casted a line despite the spring snow last week. The snow fell steadily much of Friday morning across the Starbuck area. Temperatures rebounded after a chilly Easter weekend to seasonal daytime highs in the upper 40’s and low 50’s.
From April 16, 2014
Dennis and Pam Jones were honored with the Lowry Citizen of the Year award at the Lowry Lions Club meeting last Thursday. Pictured in the Times, Lowry Lions Club President Bruce Larson presented the award. Pam Jones gave a speech saying that Lowry is a wonderful small town community where they have lots of friends and there are lots of opportunities to be involved in.
The Starbuck City Council voted Monday night to partner with the Minnesota Department of Transportation to construct a concrete plank boat ramp on city property south of the Starbuck swimming beach and north of the Water’s Edge Restaurant. The ramp will help the city with the extra boating due to the repairs of the DNR boat landing near Glenwood, which will leave that landing closed for part of the summer.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will place burning restrictions over the central part of the state beginning April 14 because fire danger is expected to rapidly increase as winds pick up and snow continues to melt.
The Lowry City Council unanimously approved granting a building permit for a 100-foot by 54-foot addition to the existing building at Quinco Press. A new offset press would be installed in the new building in Lowry.