From April 24, 1914

Please read this! Notice to all good substantial Norwegian and Swede farmers including Dutch and Irish, if any not barring the widows: The Rogers Livestock Co. will take hogs and cattle every Monday until further notice. Anton Aaberg, Manager. 

The stork visited the cozy home of Mr and Mrs. Victor Larson Wednesday morning and left a fine baby boy. 

Peder Berthusen, better known as “Fisker Per,” a well-known character in the neighborhood, died suddenly last Monday. 

Hjalmer Berg went from Starbuck to New Prairie Tuesday evening on the train.  


From April 18, 1924

Miss Judith Wallin of Minneapolis began her duties as county nurse of Pope County on Monday of last week. 

Ole Troy and Elmer Wesen, Jr. bought the Frank Bron poolroom in Glenwood Tuesday. Mr. Wesen will operate the poolroom. 

The Cantata “The Hour of Triumph” was given by the Women’s Choir of the Minnewaska church Sunday evening. The choir consists of about twenty-five voices and is directed by Mabel Johnson. Solo parts were sung by Mrs. T. Kleven, Mrs. Victor Larson, Mrs. Lewis Solhaug and Mabel Johnson. 

Mr. Carl K. Pederson passed away at his home in the village on Monday. Funeral services were held at the West Zion Church on Thursday. Revs. Chr. Pederson and K.R. Palmer officiating. Mr. Pederson is survived by his wife, Josephine, one son, Conrad and one daughter, Florence, and his mother. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Velde on April 13. 

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Nels Benson on April 15. 

Saturday afternoon, Eleanor Otteson, Helen Nordberg, Cora Brenden and Verna Erickson returned to their home to spend a weeks vacation. They are attending the Teachers College at St. Cloud. 

The Fron church was packed to capacity for the concert given last Wednesday evening by the Twin City Male Quartet. The members of the quartet are R.W. Giere, E.M. Hegge, I.M. Stubkjaer, and R.C. Teslow. Miss Laura Forde is their accompanist. 

Miss Hazel Maanum closed a seven-month term of school in the Dahl schoolhouse, Dist. 51 last Friday. 

Miss Charlotte Buesing closed a seven-month term of school in the Dokken schoolhouse, Dist. 99, last Friday. 

Miss Edythe Dahlgren closed a term of school in Dist. 3 on Friday. 


From April 19, 1934

Rural schools in Pope County this week are making plans for district elimination contests in preparation for the annual rural school’s field day that takes place in Starbuck on Sat., May 12. The first of these elimination contests will take place Friday in District 2 in the town of Gilchrist. Several others are scheduled for next week, and by the first week in May all will be completed and winners in each district chosen, which in all will number eighteen in each division. 

It is estimated that about 50 contestants will take part in the field day here, with somewhere around 1000 spectators in attendance. 

The local committee in charge of arrangements are Dr. A.F. Giesen, Chairman Floyd Thompson and Carl Heggestad. 

Members of the Senior Class have begun rehearsals on their class play, “The End of the Lane” which will be given in the school auditorium on Friday afternoon and evening, May 11. Supt. Peterson coaches the members of this cast. A.M. Bredeson, who has been operating a pool room here for a number of years has had his pool equipment removed and will open a cafe on Saturday, April 21. The new cafe will be known as the Korner Kafe.

Mr. Bredeson has installed the booths and two tables, together with the counter space will give him room to serve 30 people. He will not serve regular, but will serve short orders, lunches, etc. and will have a complete line of confectionery goods. 

Rudolph Hansen was granted a pool hall license at the last meeting of the council and had two tables installed in the first part of the week. 

Thursday night there was light snow on the ground, which melted soon after daybreak. On Saturday and Sunday, we had another sandstorm. Monday and Tuesday there were high winds and on Wednesday a terrific sandstorm prevailed interrupted by slight showers. 

Some of the lawns are showing signs of green as a result of warmer weather the last couple of days. 


From April 20, 1944

Mrs. Carol Berge received a letter Monday from the Secretary of War in which he reverently and tenderly expressed the gratitude of the nation for the supreme sacrifice that her husband, Lt. Glenn Berge had rendered his country. Lt. Berge was killed over England on March 5, 1944. 

Edward J. Berens, formerly of Starbuck, but now residing on a farm near Benson, received a telegram on April 17 announcing the death of his son, Technician Fifth Grade Joseph L. Berens on April 5 in Winchester, England, from accidental injuries. 

Funeral services for Albert O. Pederson, 70, were held from the Fron Church April 15. He is survived by his wife, Rosetta; one daughter, Mrs. Palmer (Cora Barsness) of Cyrus and a son, James Pederson of Minneapolis. 

Miss Victoria Erickson of Farwell and Melvin Fahlquist of Kensington were married Thursday evening at the home of the bride’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson. 

Cpl. Marcus Tolstad arrived home this week from the Aleutians for a furlough. 

Gilman P. Gandrud filed as a candidate for the position of Judge of Probate Monday. 


From April 22, 1954

Funeral services for Mrs. H.L. Gorder, 85, were held at Indherred Lutheran Church April 12. She is survived by three daughters, Lillian of Richland Center, Wisconsin, Dagny (Mrs. George Femrite) of Lowry and Eldred of Minneapolis and two sons, Harold on the home farm and Rudolph of Windom, MN. 

Relatives and friends visited the Luther Nelson home April 14 and helped Gerald Allen celebrate his 6th birthday.

Royce John, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Odell Braaten was baptized Saturday afternoon at the East Zion parsonage. Sponsors were Mavis Braaten, Leland Larson and Roger Affeldt. 

Tech Sgt. Casper M. Johnshoy is now in the office of the secretary of the Air Force in the Pentagon, Washington, DC as the personnel council. He and his wife and daughter, Mara are living in Alexandria, Virginia.  


From April 23, 1964

Arie Van Luik, 31, New Prairie Township Farmer was fatally injured in a car pickup crash on Highway 28 about 6 miles east of Starbuck Tuesday evening. Funeral services were held Saturday at St. John’s Lutheran Church. He is survived by his wife, the former Lorraine Van Horn of Morris, three children, Gary, 8, Jon, 4, and Tammy, 1; his mother, Mrs. Olive Van Luik of Minneapolis, one brother and four sisters. 

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hoium announce the adoption of a 2-week-old daughter, Karen Jane.  

Rev. Eugene Delano Lind of Minneapolis has accepted the call to serve as pastor of the Minnewaska Lutheran Church and assistant pastor at Fron Lutheran Church. Pastor Lind and his wife, Margaret, and children, Cheryl, 7, Timothy, 4, and Kristi, 1, will move into the Minnewaska Parsonage in June. 

Starbuck students named to the winter quarter Dean’s List at the University of Minnesota, Morris are Sharon Barsness, Ronald Carlson, Sylvia Opdahl, Robert Ophaug and Julie Solberg. 


From April 11, 1974

The Starbuck City Council met in its regular monthly session Thursday evening and discussed and acted upon several items of business. After leasing a “police car” from the Star Motor Company for several years, the council decided to purchase one outright. Bids were received from Star Motor Company and the Gloege Chevrolet Company in Glenwood. Star Motor’s bid was $3445 while that of Gloege’s was $3565. The council voted to accept the bid made by Star Motor Co. 

A Nursery School will be carried out by Fron and Minnewaska Congregations again this spring. The Nursery School is for children who will enter public school kindergarten next fall of 1974 and those who will enter kindergarten in the fall of 1975. The school will begin on April 23 and runs on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 9:15 to 11:00, for five weeks. 

The Starbuck Fire Department was called out Monday afternoon around 3 p.m. to extinguish a grass fire at the Jimmie Rosen Farm about two miles north of Starbuck. The fire was north and west of the buildings and was put out before any buildings or property was damaged.  


From April 18, 1984

Lisa Swartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swartz recently graduated from the Lowthian College in Minneapolis in Fashion Merchandising. She is currently employed by Powers as a manager trainee. 

Michelle Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walker of Cyrus, has been named the 1984 National Award Winner in Industrial Arts Drafting. 

The Cyrus Cafe will be open on Sunday, April 22. Jeff Lehtola, operator. 

Funeral services for Obert Christianson, 71, of Hoffman were held April 19 at the Trinity Lutheran Church of Cyrus. He is survived by his wife, Elmira of Cyrus; one son, Eugene of Princeton and four daughters, Donna Emmert of Hoffman, Marvae Engebretson of Starbuck, Pamela Beyer of Hoffman and Mary Knabe of Kensington. 

Airman Robert D. Mithun, son of Sidney and Janice Mithun of Cyrus has completed Air Force Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. He is a 1983 graduate of Cyrus High School. 


From April 20, 1994

A daughter, Kaitlin Rose, was born to Mark and Karen (Kleinhans) Van Horn of Donnelly April 10. 

The Herbert and Myra Reese family of rural Hancock were honored as the Farm Family of the Year at a banquet held recently on the St. Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota. 

April Students of the Month at Starbuck Elementary School were Daryl Broesder, Zachary Lagred, Melanie Schwendemann, Jordan Johnsrud, Robyn Dahlseng, Holly Brommersbach, Casey Boutain, Jamie Anderson, Amanda Burlingame, Kristine Beitel, Andrew Jorgenson, Matthew Mitchell, Mitch Kelly, Teresa Davis, Janae Anderson, Jodie Moen, Luke Manderschied, Mary Kerkvliet, Lucas Dahlsend, Sarah Frederickson and Sara Koos. 

Funeral services for Arthur J. Erickson, 86, of Glenwood, were held at Glenwood Retirement Home on April 17. He is survived by his wife, Gladys; one daughter, Nancy and husband, Charles Naig and two grandchildren, Corey and Leah, all of Elk River.  


From April 21, 2004

By a vote 37 to 5, shareholders of the Pope County Agricultural Society voted last week in favor of a proposal to trade its land for a new $3.5 million fairground facility. Details have yet to be worked out on the proposal, but the vote gives the OK to the fair board to enter into negotiations with developers of a hotel/retail complex in Glenwood. 

Since the Starbuck Municipal Airport was established in the 1950s, the turf runway and taxiway have never really needed repairs… until now, according to local pilots. 

The new Starbuck Police Department squad car has been on the local beat for about one month. The 2004 Ford Crown Victoria is equipped with side airbags and a lead plate in the driver’s seat. A new light bar on the roof of the car features a strobe light for added visibility during events like traffic stops. The city pays for the squad car through a lease program arranged with the state. Monthly lease payments for the squad car total $7590. This figure includes mileage, some maintenance, gas and the vehicle payment. 


From April 23, 2014

Larry Van Hout of Widseth Smith Nolting (WSN) told the Starbuck City Council last Monday that the firm had sent out quotes to four suppliers to get a generator plus installation. Van Hout said no quotes came back and thought that maybe it was because leasers don’t do installation and the electric companies do the installation but not the leasing. Van Hout said that if the council is okay with just doing the generator separate from the installation then he can get that going. 

The Starbuck Chamber of Commerce officially closed on the purchase of the Starbuck Times building, located at 508 Main Street in Starbuck. Pictured in the Times, the past chamber president Blaine Peterson, director Joy Peterson, director Nancy Rapp, chamber vice president Jen Haugen, director Dan Jahn and secretary/treasurer Tom Beuckens. 

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) recently recognized Randy Peterson from the City of Starbuck for maintaining a perfect compliance record with their wastewater treatment permit during 2013. This year, the City of Starbuck wastewater treatment facility was among 128 wastewater facilities statewide to receive this award.