By Melanie Stegner


ARPA Childcare grant funds were approved for the improvements at the lower level of the Starbuck School to make space for the Lakes Area Enrichment Center. The Pope County Board of Commissioners approved the request unanimously. The request will help give headstart and preschool their own areas in the lower level and ups the capacity of the childcare center from 78 to 100 spots.

Sunrise Energy approached the board again this week to continue the consideration of their request to change from the cash assurance they have in place to a letter of credit. In prior meetings, Sunrise Energy approached the board asking for a change to free up the cash so it can be put to use or held in an interest-bearing account. 

The letter of credit and demand for payment that was brought before the board had been gone over by County Attorney Nelson who stated that the letter of credit as presented is the best option other than cash, “but cash is king.” Commissioner Lindor asked if there is assurance from US Bank that the letter and demand would suffice. The assurance hadn’t been requested. Commissioner Wagner reiterated that “cash is king” and after some discussion it was decided to continue with the cash assurance.

A conditional use permit was granted for Joshua and Melissa Douvier to construct a 1,200-foot storage structure on their 3.57-acre parcel in Bangor Township. Another conditional use permit was granted for Nicholas Molitor to operate a dog boarding facility on his property in Glenwood Township. It will accommodate up to 24 dogs and per conditions in the permit, no dogs will be outside between the hours of 9 p.m. and 7 a.m.

The remonumentation grant that was applied for from the Public Land Survey System was approved for the total amount requested of $215,000. Rod Eldevik, County Surveyor will begin the process of ensuring that coordinates and markers are positioned correctly throughout the county.

The County Feedlot Officer’s annual report was reviewed with similar numbers to last year. There have been no additions or subtractions of feedlots in the county. “We’re excited about Ariel Hughes and the work she’s done. She’s doing a great job,” stated Jessica Hill, Zoning Administrator in the Land and Resource Management Office.

The monthly report from the highway department was reviewed at the meeting. A possible candidate for the vacant position in the maintenance department has been found. The $660,000 carbon reduction grant program funds that were applied for were granted for planned improvements to CSAH 3 between CSAH 26 and the county line. Maintenance is completing crack filling when the weather permits.

A public hearing was set for May 21 at the board of commissioners meeting to hear the 5-year road improvement plan. A discussion and review will be at the committee of the whole meeting on Tuesday.

The plans for CSAH 17 have been completed, specifications are ready and standing litigation is not expected to prevent the reconstruction of the road moving forward, permits have been challenged at the district court, but an ad for bids was approved for the project. It will be advertised for the next three week and bids will be opened on June 6th. 

The board authorized the purchase of two general fleet cars that are coming off of their lease. A quote for furnishings for the renovation of the auditor/treasurer’s office was approved. Following a review of the financial status of the county, the meeting was adjourned.