Official Proceedings

Pope County 

Board of Commissioners 

Regular Board Meeting

Tuesday, APRIL 16, 2024

The Pope County Board of Commissioners Regular Board Meeting duly noticed for Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 9:00 AM at the Pope County Courthouse, 3rd Floor Board Room, 130 E Minnesota Avenue, Glenwood, MN 56334 was called to order at 9:00 AM by the Chair, Paul Gerde, with the following Board Members also present: Paul Gremmels, Larry Lindor, Gordy Wagner, and Paul Wildman.  Neil Nelson, County Attorney; and Kersten Kappmeyer, County Administrator, were also present. A moment of silence was observed in remembrance of Deputy Josh Owen, who passed away in the line of duty on April 15, 2023.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Approval of Agenda and Approval of Official Proceedings for April 2, 2024 were presented by Board Chair. Motion to approve the agenda as amended, with the addition of Introduction of New Employee and Request of Sunrise Energy Venture for Change in Assurance, made by Lindor and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. Motion to approve the Official Proceedings for April 2, 2024 as presented, made by Wagner and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously.

New employee Galen Gruber, Land Use Specialist, was introduced to the County Board and welcomed to employment with Pope County.

2024 State of Minnesota Annual County Boat and Water Safety Grant was presented by Tim Riley, Sheriff. Motion to approve the 2024 State of Minnesota Annual County Boat and Water Safety Grant in the amount of $5,174, and executed the grant agreement documents as presented, made by Wagner and seconded by Lindor, Carried Unanimously.

Authorize Advertisement for Bids – SAP 061-618-037 was presented by Greg Tolifson, Senior Engineering Tech, Highway Department. Motion to authorize the advertisement for bids for the construction of SAP 061-618-037 as presented, made by Wildman and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. 

Consider Township Assessment Services Contracts Townships for Bangor and Lake Johanna Townships was presented by Mike Wacker, Assessor. Motion to authorize execution of Township Assessment Services Contracts with Bangor and Lake Johanna Townships as presented, made by Lindor and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously.

Request by Sunrise Energy Ventures for Change in Solar Installation Permit Condition from Cash Assurance to Letter of Credit was presented by Michael Cathcart, Sunrise Energy Ventures. Representatives of Sunrise Energy, County Staff, and members of the Board engaged in discussion about Sunrise’s proposal to provide a letter of credit or bond in lieu of cash as assurance for a previously-permitted solar garden installation.  After extensive discussion, the Board stated it would be open to hearing more from Sunrise representatives regarding a bond or letter of credit proposal, provided it eliminated risks of decommissioning or other potential costs to County taxpayers. No other action was taken.

Conditional Use Permit: Storage Structure Exceeding 1100 Square Feet (Fragodt, Minnewaska Township) was presented by David Green, Land & Resource Management Director. Motion to approve and issue the Conditional Use Permit on application of Fragodt for a personal storage structure in excess of 1,100 square feet in Minnewaska Township as recommended by the Planning Advisory Commission, including conditions 2 through 13 in the staff prepared report, and specifying a structure size limit of 4,640 square feet, made by Wagner, seconded by Lindor, and Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Gerde, Gremmels, Lindor, Wagner; Nays: Wildman.

Request to Replace Case Aide Position with Probation Agent Position was presented by Jackie Stevens, Human Resources Director; and Terry Jaworski, Probation Director. Motion to eliminate the Case Aide position in Probation and replace it with an additional Probation Agent position, made by Wildman and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously.

Consider Pope Douglas Solid Waste Request for Advanced Payment of 2024 Solid Waste Service Fees; March 2024 Trial Balance and Fund Balance Analysis; 1st Quarter 2024 Journal Entries and Billing; 1st Quarter 2024 Revenue Expenditure Budget Report; Auditor Bills – March 13 – April 9, 2024; and Pay Bills, Supplemental Bills, Per Diems and Employee Reimbursements were presented by Stephanie Rust, Auditor/Treasurer. Motion to approve the request of Pope Douglas Solid Waste Management for advance payment of 2024 Solid Waste Service Fees from Pope County in the amount of $675,000 during the month of June, made by Lindor and seconded by Wagner, Carried Unanimously. Motion to approve the March 2024 Trial Balance and Fund Analysis as presented, made by Wildman and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. Motion to approve the 1st Quarter 2024 Journal Entries and Billing as presented, made by Lindor and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. Motion to approve the 1st Quarter 2024 Revenue Expenditure Budget Report as presented, made by Wildman and seconded by Wagner, Carried Unanimously. Auditor Bills were presented as an informational item. Motion to approve payment of bills of $161,200.24 plus supplemental bills of $1,044.93 plus employee reimbursements of $3,796.92, totaling $166,042.09, made by Wagner and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously, and were paid as follows:  Counties Providing Technology 6894.00; Douglas County Jail 16441.93; ESRI- Environmental Systems Research In 29300.00; Fauskee Oil Company 9954.28; L & O Acres Transport Inc 2603.00; LSQ Funding Group L.C. 3012.94; Morris Electronics Inc 5715.20; NKCC Properties LLC 3150.00; Obenland & Nelson 5675.00; OPG-3, Inc 8518.25; Pope County Tribune 3648.62; Pro-West & Associates Inc 4903.02; Regents Of The University Of Minnesota 29762.24; Rolyan Buoys 6498.94; Visa 7401.56; 40 Payments less than 2000 18,766.19. 

Informational updates were given by the County Attorney, County Administrator, and County Commissioners, and there being no other business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 10:52 AM.

Kersten Kappmeyer, 

County Administrator

Paul Gerde, 

Chair of the Board

May 13