Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on May 20, 2024 at 2:02pm CDT
New fire truck purchased by the Village of Cyrus
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, May 22, 1924
Dr. Christenson of Starbuck sneaked out the back door of his office at Starbuck on Monday and took the first train for Washington, D.C. where he goes to see the fireworks in congress. “Doc” is going to let Washington know who our next president is. It isn’t Coolidge.
The 16th Annual opening dance took place at the Lakeside Pavilion on Friday evening of last week. Almost 300 couples and about 200 spectators were present for the grand opening of the dance. Oliver Kaldahl who has charge of the dance had the pavilion decorated in a manner which captured the admiration of all. With colored light and the spotlight effect, that was varied at brief intervals, the pavilion assumed an atmosphere of enchantment that made a perfect compliment to the magnificent music of Casons Jazz Orchestra that was secured for the night.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, May 22, 1924
Manager D.V. Bartell of the local telephone exchange has set aside the month of June as an “Open House” month. During the entire month the exchange will be open to visitors between the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mr. Bartell has made arrangements to have the exchange open for inspection during the hours from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., if any local subscribers find it more convenient to visit the office during that time.
Considerable opposition developed against the proposed changes in street grades on Minnesota Avenue at a meeting of the city commission and property owners at the city hall last evening. After considerable discussion a call was made for a vote on the proposition by owners of abutting property, and it was voted down.
Last week a fine new fire truck passed through Glenwood and there were many surmised as to where the fine fire truck was going. It now develops that it is one that has been purchased by the village of Cyrus. The Cyrus Citizen describes it as follows: “There are two tanks which hold 40 gallons each and a small tank for emergencies. On the sides are two ladders and the fire axes. The truck is a Ford, all painted in red.” The truck was purchased by the village council. It was ordered early this spring.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, May 23, 1924
Starbuck will celebrate the Fourth this year. A mass meeting of the business men at the town hall last Friday evening approved the plan of the Legion and Firemen to stage a big celebration, and a guarantee fund of nearly $360 was subscribed at the meeting.
It is planned to have a parade at 11 a.m. with a number of floats by the local business houses. The Starbuck band will play and a clown band will take part in the parade. Two good speakers will probably be secured and a ball game will be the feature in the afternoon. In the evening there will be a program of sports, fireworks and a dance. For the kiddies there will be a Ferris wheel and a merry-go-round.
It was decided that drinks, refreshments and other things sold at the various stands should be sold at the same price that it is ordinarily sold for. Further details will be announced as the plans are matured.
The following are the committees appointed for the celebration: Harold Peterson, Marshall of the day; Arnold Dullum, street sports; Carl Kjolsbeck, advertising and parade; Olaf Wollan and W.C. Torgersen, baseball; E.M. Swenson, treasurer; Johnnie Erickson, bowery; Ole Samuelson, fire works; Ole Olson, Ferris wheel etc.; Ben Kleven, cupie stands; Martin Gorder and Bill Peterson, stands.
Tilman (Heine) Smedstad’s White Eagle oil truck was smashed up by the freight train Tuesday afternoon about 3:15 p.m. on the crossing just below the town hall and Tilman had a narrow escape from death or serious injury.