Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on May 24, 2024 at 11:10am CDT
Gold Medal awarded to J.R. Hite
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, May 29, 1924
The Annual meeting of the White Bear Lake Insurance Company will be held at Starbuck on Tuesday afternoon June 3rd. Besides the regular business to be transacted a representative of the Minnesota State Prison will be there to give a talk on the farm machinery manufacture of the prison.
J.R. Hite was awarded the Gold Medal for the largest run of broken targets, breaking eleven targets without a miss. The scores were exceptionally poor on account of the wind and changes made in the grounds. Every Sunday afternoon the Gold Medal will be awarded for one week to the shooter breaking the largest number of targets in succession. This is open to class “B” shooters only, those with averages below 86, but there seems to be considerable friendly rivalry among the shooters in this class.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, May 29, 1924
A young man by the name of Sam Rockwell, who is working with the road crew on trunk highway No. 28 near the Kirkwold farm was run over by a dump wagon Tuesday morning at about half past eight o’clock. He was at once taken to the Starbuck hospital where he was operated on. It was found necessary to remove his spleen and hopes for his recovery are not of the best. Mr. Rockwell was just turning away from the grader after getting his wagon full, when he for some reason fell off the wagon in front of the hind wheel.
Every dairyman who has felt the pinch of the present low market for butterfat is urged to get behind the Browne bill, which provides for an increase from 8 to 20 cents per pound in the tariff on imported butter, with proportionate upward schedule on other dairy products.
Kindly see that all school library books and text books that may be in your homes are returned to the school library or Mr. Pryor’s office this week. —L.H. Pryor.
The district managers of the St. Cloud Public Service Co. met in Glenwood on Friday of last week. They had a fish dinner at the Rogers hotel after which they held their meeting in the Masonic club rooms. The meeting was for the purpose of discussing ways and means. Some of the older men in the service gave the younger men advice as to how to handle different cases and they all discussed the method of giving the best service to the many patrons of the company.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, May 30, 1924
The annual Kredsmode, or Glenwood Circuit meeting of the Norwegian Lutheran church is being held here this week. The large tent was erected alongside the church and large numbers have attended the meetings. Wednesday afternoon there were over 1,500 present. The ladies of the church have been serving the immense throngs in the new church basement, which is so far completed that it could be used for the purpose.
The Immanuel Ladies Aid bazaar and sale held on Saturday, May 17, was largely attended and proved very successful. The receipts from the lunches and sales of the various booths totaled $170. The church parlors were prettily decorated for the occasion in the national colors. There was a booth filled with a variety of fancy and useful articles, a candy booth and another both filled with good things to eat. Ice cream was also served here.