Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on May 20, 2024 at 2:02pm CDT
From May 22, 1914
Nels O. Urness of Route #1 was a Starbuck visitor on last Saturday. He also paid his annual call at the Times office and gladdened the editor’s heart with that $1.50 that we like so well for his subscription.
Mr. Earl K. Yarick, editor of the Aurora News, Aurora, MN, was a Starbuck visitor on the first of the week. It is whispered around that Mr. Yarick is going to carry away one of our Starbuck girls before many moons.
Graded Stallion Brilliant, formerly known as the Christianson horse – Fee to ensure standing colt – $8.00. Will stand at the Smedstad and Wesen Livery Barn.
Practical beauty hint – For giving the face a good color, get one pot of rouge and one rabbit’s foot. Bury them 2 miles from home and walk out and back once a day to see that they are still there.
From May 16, 1924
The fire department this week erected a fine 70-foot iron flagpole on the village property next to the town hall. The work was supervised by Ole Olson, Chief, with the assistance of S.O. Koland, and John Overson, and other members of the department. The flag is furnished by the Legion, a fine flag that was donated to them by Mrs. Alfred Smedstad.
On Saturday evening, May 17, the Cyrus High School orchestra will give a concert and play at the DuGlada Theatre. Music has been stressed in the Cyrus school and a large number of talented young musicians has been produced. The orchestra is composed of eight young people: Julian Jacobson, trombone; George Folin, alto saxophone; Harris Barsness, violin and cello; Carl Heggestad, drums; Lester Stensby, clarinet; Esther Solvie, clarinet; Ruth Hanse, piano. Miss Anna S. Berge will direct the concert.
B.R. Hagen, who resigned his position at the First National Bank last week, began with his new business on Monday. He has exclusive rights to six counties for the sale of “Shell-on-Salted Peanuts,” which will be sold in confectionery stores, restaurants, etc.
Supt. L.J. Jorstad has resigned his position as superintendent of Starbuck School and has accepted a position to head the school in Hayfield, Minnesota. Supt. Jorstad has been in Starbuck for nine years.
Notice to teachers and pupils of Pope County: State examinations will be given on the following days: Monday, May 26 – Arithmetics at 8 a.m.; Geography at 2 p.m.; Tuesday, May 27: Grammar and Composition at 8 a.m.; Elementary Citizenship at 2 p.m.; Wednesday, May 28: American History at 8 a.m.; Spelling at 2 p.m. Note: Deputies conducting the examinations must send the papers to the County Superintendent’s office by May 31, 1924.
From May 17, 1934
Starbuck housewives are beginning to wonder when they will be able to clean house with any assurance of the house staying clean. For many days, the air was felted with a mantle of dirt two miles high. It was impossible to see the sun.
Ruby M. Hansen and Ivend O. Holen are the Valedictorian and Salutatorian of the senior Class of 1934, having attained the highest scholarship averages during the four years of their high school career. Ruby Hansen’s average is 90.50, Ivend Holen’s average is 89.54 and Glenn Berge ranks third with an average of 87.81%. Clara Voight ranks fourth with an average of 87.44%. Helen Wolan ranks fifth with 87%. There are eleven pupils in the year’s graduating class.
Ten local firemen, P.B. Peterson, Tilman Smedstad, Lelan Thompson, Casper Forbord, A.H. Dreyer, Ed Bingham, Emil Steen, Chester Peterson and Selmer Stenson attended the Fireman’s School of Instruction at Alexandria on Sunday. Sessions were held at the Alexandria fire hall and lasted from 8:30 a.m. until 4 in the afternoon. The meeting was in charge of Capt. Jergenson of Fire Co. No. 1. Following the meeting the firemen were entertained by the Alexandria firemen at their cottage on Lake Darling.
Miss Myrtle Ellingson left Saturday for Petersburg, N.D. to spend Mother’s Day at her home there. Miss Evelyn Bingham is taking her place as head nurse at the local hospital.
The Starbuck School Band and the Community Band will be combined for the opening concert for this season on Saturday evening, May 26. It will comprise the three contest selections played by the school band at the music festival in Alexandria recently. The balance of the program will be made up of marches and other selections. A special feature of this concert will be repeating of the Land O’Lakes convention in Minneapolis with band accompaniment. Luverne also plays the solo trumpet in the school band.
From May 18, 1944
Margie Lynch entertained a number of her classmates after school Tuesday in honor of her 14th birthday.
Funeral services for Peter Forness, 83, were held from the Indherred Lutheran Church on Sunday afternoon. He is survived by his wife, Karen.
The junior, senior and faculty members enjoyed their annual Junior-Senior banquet Friday with the theme centering around Hawaii. The following program was presented: Saluda – Big Chief Walter Larson; Voodooism – Senor Ray Johnson; Aloha Oe – Senors Ray Johnson, Nels Forde, Dewey Teigen and Gerhard Forde; Amigos – Senorita Dorothy Kleven; Coral Reefs – Senorita Alphild Johnson; Hawaii and Hawaiian Boat Song – Senoritas Ardis Knutson and Ardis Smedstad, Gladys Rud and Deloris Smedstad; Monkey Chatter – Senior Supt. W.A. Peterson and Aloha – Senorita DeLores Pederson.
The fishing season opened Monday but fishermen declared the thunderstorm earlier in the morning was responsible for their poor catch.
By a vote of the student body, Starbuck Study Club and high school faculty, Joan Hagert and Ray Johnson have been selected as the most representative girl and boy in the class of 1944. Their names will be engraved on the loving cup which was donated by the Starbuck Study Club in 1932. Joan is the daughter of G.A. Hagert and Ray is the son of Mrs. Adolph Johnson of Starbuck.
From May 20, 1954
Funeral services for Ole J. Lorvig, 65, were held May 15 at Indherred Lutheran Church. He is survived by his wife, Ida; daughter, Helen Nelson of Superior, Wisconsin; Evelyn Bruer of Albert Lea; Sylvia Olson of Tortington, Wyoming and Kathryn of Fargo, N.D.
Graduation exercises will be held at Starbuck High School on Sunday, May 16. Members of the class are Margaret Aslakson, Dagny Barsness, Robert Billehus, Donald Dullum, Joyce Erickson, Gerald Gabrielson, Allene Giesen, Loretta Gorder, Earle Grenson, Lawrence Hagen, David Hammero, Doris Helgeson, Lauris Johnshoy, Otto Kamrud, Robert Kirkwold, Vernetta Lee, Devon Maanum, Anne Olson, Norman Opheim, Jerald Pederson, Wanda Pederson, Luanne Peterson, John Ranum, Norris Stenson, Laverne Suckow, Eloise Sundheim, Leroy Sundheim, Joyce Walters, Norma Wildeboer, Jon Winge, Ione Swensrud and Willard Wold. Allene Giesen is the Valedictorian and Devon Maanum, Salutatorian.
Donald Lund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lund of Starbuck, is one of 170 candidates for graduation from Concordia College on May 31, with a Bachelor of Arts degree, having a major in economics and minor in sociology.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hogfoss and three children, Shawn 8, Carol 5 and Robert, 2, have moved here from Elbow Lake. Hogfoss is the territory manager for Cargill and Hybrid Seed Co.
From May 21, 1964
Mrs. Allan Nygaard entertained a number of little friends after school Thursday in honor of Jenell Nygaard on her 7th birthday.
Births: A son, Jay Delton to Mr. and Mrs. Darold Tollefson (Ione Sylvester) of Minneapolis April 27; a daughter, Cynthia Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Krussow (Beatrice Erickson) of Hutchinson Thursday, April 13.
Thomas Dale, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Johnshoy was baptized at Immanuel Lutheran Church Sunday, May 17. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Hoium of Wheaton and Mr. and Mrs. Cortlan Krogstad of Glenwood.
Funeral services for Carl Rud, 72, were held at Fron Lutheran Church May 13. He is survived by his wife, Anna; a daughter, Mrs. Ronald Nicholson (Gladys) of Spring Valley, MN and twin, Clinton of Minneapolis and Carol (Mrs. Norman Hagen) of Starbuck.
From May 16, 1974
Hartvig Pederson, a Starbuck resident for many years, announced this week that he is resigning as clerk of both the district and county courts to be effective on August 1. He has been clerk of court since July 15, 1959. Previous to that he was clerk of Probate Court for 4-1/2 years after being in the real estate and insurance business in Starbuck.
Miss Neilson, who has been one of the first-grade teachers at the local school, resigned her position effective at the end of the present school term. Supt. Janisch said that no one will be hired to replace her since the incoming first-grade class for next year is small enough for one teacher to handle.
An open house bridal shower honoring Miss Doris Andert, bride-to-be of Ronald Engebretson will be held Friday, May 7, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Immanuel Lutheran Church parlors. Everyone welcome.
Open house bridal shower complimenting Miss Jane DuBois, bride-to-be of Barry Pederson, will be held at the Indherred Lutheran Church on Saturday afternoon, May 18, from 2 to 5 p.m. Everyone welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. John Samuelson of Breckenridge announce the birth of a daughter, Laura Marie on May 7. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Wade of Stanley, N.D. and Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Samuelson of Starbuck.
Angiers Dept. Store will have a grand opening Thursday, May 16. $200 in free prizes – Bargains galore. Free $1.00 gift certificate to the first 50 ladies through the door Thursday, May 16.
From May 16, 1984
Craig Pederson and Gail Aaberg were recently notified of membership in the Minnesota Music Education All-State Groups. Craig will be a member of the All-State Orchestra and Gail made membership of the All-State Jazz Ensemble.
Mike Syverson, son of Rev. Gordon Syverson has been selected as the American Legion Boy Starter. Named alternate was Mike Knutson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knutson.
Julie Ann Erickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Erickson and Ronald Thom of Underwood were married April 14 at the East Zion Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home near Underwood.
Births: a daughter, Mindy Ann to Stuart and Darla (Refsal) Martin of Alexandria May 6; a son, Mitchel Robert to Steve and Judy Gregersen May 2; a son, Chad David to Keith and Sandy (Johnsrud) Knutson of Benson; a daughter, Britta Anne was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shea on May 8.
Patty Annette Odegaard and Franklin Whitelark of Alexandria were married January 14 at the Indherred Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in Lowry.
Renee Collett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Collett of Cyrus has been named the Girl Starter at Cyrus. Janet Thompson is the alternate.
Cindy Vatthauer and Paul Malenke were named 1984 Starbuck High School Spring King and Queen Friday evening.
From May 18, 1994
David, Susan and Adam Strickler of Starbuck saved the life of Luverne Ostby of Benson Thursday evening when he flew out of his boat on Lake Minnewaska and his boat was circling around him. The Stricklers were in their boat on the lake at the time, trying out a new motor.
Travis Nelson, son of Rev. Bruce and Jane Nelson, and Jessie Gregersen, were named the 1994 Boys and Girls Stater by the Starbuck American Legion Magnus Grondahl Post #325 and auxiliary.
Fred Switzer, superintendent at the Cyrus Math and Science Technology School, resigned from that position effective June 30, 1994.
Edward Chermak, 71, of Lowry, passed away May 5, at the Minnewaska District Hospital.
From May 18, 2004
The 18th annual Lefse Dagen was celebrated Saturday at the Starbuck Depot. Live entertainment, roll-your-own-lefse demonstrations and a children’s magician were part of the day’s event. Pictured in the Times, the highlight of Lefse Dagen was an unveiling ceremony for the new building mounted photo of the making of the “World’s Largest Lefse” in Starbuck in 1983. Dale Lommen revealed the framed sign to the crowd.
About 20 local residents paraded up Main Street on Monday morning to celebrate Syttende Mai (the seventeenth of May), Norwegian Independence Day. The group also raised the flag of Norway at the Minnewaska Lutheran Home.
Ed Sell and Ida Hendrickson were voted 2004 Minnewaska Lutheran Home King and Queen last week. The royalty coronation is part of “Homes for the Aging Week” event celebrations at MLH. Outgoing King John DeGier and Queen Ellen Bonk crowned the new winners.
From May 21, 2014
The Minnewaska High School Pop’s Concert was a big success on Saturday night. With performances by the Jazz Band, Brass Ensemble, Woodwind Quintet, several solos, women’s Jazz Choir and Jazz Choir left the audience clapping.
Larry Van Hout of Widseth Smith and Nolting told the Starbuck City Council that he sent out two packages for generator quotes. One was a quote from Meyer Electric from Marshall being $104,000 at the meeting last Monday. Van Hout recommended removing the option of running the line over through the wet hands because it is too high. He said he has a feeling the city will only get Meyer Electric on the installation and Interstate Power on the generator.
This year’s Starbuck Memorial Day Service will be held on Monday, May 26 at the Starbuck City Park or at the Starbuck Community Center if inclement weather. The speaker will be Todd H. Guggisberg.