From May 29, 1914

The Senior Class of Starbuck High will present their class play, “Bachelor Hall” at the Town Hall Friday evening. Parts will be taken by Harold Peterson, Herman Larson, Paul Metlie, Ernest Stenson, Ahgnes Forde, George Fossen, Bennie Griebenow, Lila Olson, Clifford Torguson, Tina Smedstad, Edna Thompson and Pearly Swenson. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Aronson Thursday of last week. 

Decoration Day – all business places will be closed Saturday from 11 o’clock and the balance of the day. 

Fred Frisell was out trying his high-steppers Sunday. Some class, eh? 


From May 23, 1924

Starbuck will celebrate the Fourth of July this year, it was decided at a meeting last week. The following are the committees appointed for celebration: Harold Peterson, marshal of the day; Arnold Dullum, street sports; Carl Kjolsbeck, advertising and parade; Olaf Wollan and W.C. Torgersen, baseball; E.M. Swenson, treasurer; Johnnie Erickson, Bowery; Ole Samuelson, fireworks; Ole Olson, Ferris wheel, etc.; Ben Kleven, cupie stands; Martin Gorder and Bill Peterson, stands.  

Tilman (Heinie) Smedstad escaped injury on Tuesday afternoon when the White Eagle oil Truck he was driving was hit by a freight train on the crossing just south of the town hall. Because of the strong winds, he didn’t hear the train till it was too close to avoid the accident. 

A class of twelve, six boys and six girls will be graduated from the Starbuck High School next Thursday evening. The commencement address will be delivered by Rev. B.E. Bergersen of Minneapolis. Miss Signe Bardahl will deliver the valedictory and Miss Hilma Sando the salutatory. The members of the class are Nora Dahl, Myrtis Wesen, Thelma Sando, Ruth Wollan, Signe Bardahl, Hilma Sando, Edner Rolien, Oliver Kyvig, Sylvanus Tessem, Grant Torgerson, Lester Friedman and Clifford Schuetz. The class motto is “Conquering Still to Conquer.”

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Casper Hegg on Tuesday. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lingen Monday.

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Smithburger at Valley City on Tuesday. Mrs. Smithburger was formerly Olga Nordstrom. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Christianson on Thursday. 

The White Bear Lake baseball team won their second victory Sunday when they played the Starbuck High School team. Battery for the H.S. team was Hilmer Opheim and Mervin Kirkwold, with Noel Johnson substituting for Opheim after the second inning. White Bear Lake had Perry Dullum in the pitcher’s box and Ole Bardahl behind the bat. 


From May 24, 1934

The entire community was saddened Tuesday evening to hear of the tragic death of Harris Nelson, former Starbuck resident, who was accidentally killed near Boulder, Montana Tuesday afternoon while operating a grader and while reaching for a lever on the grader when he stepped and fell in the path of the large grader wheels. 

Harris is the son of the late Carl N. Nelson, who passed away Dec. 22, 1933. He grew to manhood in this community and is a graduate of Starbuck High School. He also attended St. Olaf College at Northfield. For a number of years, he was employed by the Minnesota Highway Dept. being stationed in St. Paul and Detroit Lakes.

After resigning his job with the highway department, he was engaged in selling life insurance for New York Life Insurance Co. Since leaving Starbuck he has been employed by the Montana State Highway Dept. 

He is survived by his sister, Agnes of Minneapolis, his mother, Mrs. Carl N. Nelson, a sister, Marion and a brother, Eldred of Northfield, MN. and one brother, Clarence of Rochester, NY.

The remains will be brought here for burial, but as we go to press no arrangements for funeral services have been completed.

Orville Sorenson, attendant at Koland Oil Co., local district meeting of Firestone dealers at Morris Monday evening. The evening’s entertainment consisted of a banquet at 6 p.m. which was followed by a motion picture showing the Firestone display at the World’s Fair. The 500-mile speeding race and the new low-pressure tractor tires. Over 70 were in attendance. 

Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Peterson, Misses Magna and Olivia Peterson were supper guests at the Erling Wollan home in Glenwood Sunday. 

W.A. Peterson and H.R. Engebretson motored to Pocket Lake to spend the day fishing. Mr. Engebretson had the luck or should we say skill of catching a 7lb. Northern Pike. Mr. Peterson caught one that weighed close to a ton, “but got away”. 


From May 25, 1944

Norris B. Evjen, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Evjen came to his death in a bomber plane crash, while on maneuvers near New Underwood, west of Rapid City, SD May 18. He was just completing his training there with the 2nd Army Air Force for overseas duty. Funeral services were held in the new Fron Church May 22. He is survived by his parents and two sisters, Ardis and Joan.   

Twenty-eight seniors will graduate from Starbuck High School on May 28. They are Francis Aslakson, Sylvia Berg, Walter Dahl, Maynard Dahlseng, Loren Erickson, Nels W. Forde, Arlis Gaarder, Jean Gorder, Donald Hagen, Joan Hanson, Ry Johnson, Emily Johnsrud, Muriel Kjera, Eunice Kjera, Sylvia Lorvig, Audrey Maanum, Allen Paul Norby, Hubert Nordgren, Mildred Olson, Ruth Olson, DeLores Pederson, Vernon Pederson, June Smedstad, NormanTeigen, T. Dewey Teigen and Clarice Westby.

The following young men from Starbuck have made the supreme sacrifice in the present world war, or missing in action: Dead: Lee Carroll, Earl H. Martenson, Palvin M. Lukken, Emmety Herbst, Glenn T. Berge, Joseph L. Berens, Claremont Gorder, Norris B. Evjen. Missing: Roy O. Evans, Kermit R. Hanson, Vernon Pochardt, Arden Brenden. Prisoners of War: Alvin C. Oyen, James Akers.  


From May 27, 1954

James Rangaard of Morris, who recently purchased a lot from Mrs. Marie Lee on Highway 29, is having an 18×23 Dairy Queen building erected.

Mrs. LeRoy Halvorson entertained 12 girls on Friday afternoon in honor of Lorna’s 9th birthday. 

John McFarland, Jr., about 30, was killed by a bolt of lightning while operating a tractor on the McIver Bros. farm northwest of Starbuck Thursday afternoon. He is survived by his wife and four small children.  

Orrin J. Erickson is among those who have been ordered for induction June 9. 

Ardis Tollefson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Stangeland will graduate from the University of Minnesota June 12 from the College of Dental Hygiene. 


From May 21, 1964

Ronald Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Olson and Diane Silerud of Rothsay were hired as lifeguards for the coming season. Miss Silerud is a niece of M.D. Solberg and makes her home here with the Solberg family during the summer. 

Three members of the graduating class of 1964 from Starbuck High School have been awarded college scholarships. They are Darlene Otteson, the Concordia College Merit Scholarship; Gene Berg, the Charles and Ellore Allis Educational Foundation Scholarship; Marcus Baukol, Naval Reserve Officers Training Program Scholarship. 

Teo Minneapolis brothers, John and Winslow Chermak, have bought the Clifford Perry building on South Highway 29 in Starbuck and have opened a machine cam designing and manufacturing shop. 

Funeral services for Ralph Moe were held at the Indherred church on May 12. Rev. James Sumption officiating. Mr. Moe is survived by his wife, Alice, one son, Leslie; one grandson, Steven; two brothers, Gustav and Oliver; four sisters, Mrs. Henry Meningson (Mabel), Mrs. Howard Ollom (Marion), Mrs. Robert Kvitek (Elvina) and Mrs. Inger Borstad. 

Mr. and Mrs. Darold K. Tollefson of Minneapolis are the parents of a baby boy, Jay Elten, born April 27. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sylvester are the maternal grandparents.

Marie Korpi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yliniemi of Osage, Minn., and Otto N. Kamrud, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ingolf Kamrud of Starbuck, were united in marriage at the Lutheran parsonage at Park Rapids by the Rev. Raymond Malotky. The bride’s attendant was her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jennie Yliniemi and the groom was attended by his brother, Isaac Kamrud. 

Funeral services for Carl M. Rud were held from the Fron Lutheran Church on May 13, with Rev. Paul G. Tolo officiating. Mr. Rud is survived by his wife, Anna; three children, Mrs. Ronald Nicholson (Gladys) and twins, Clinton of Minneapolis and Mrs. Norman Hagen (Carol) of Starbuck; six grandchildren: Jane and Craig Hagen, Mark and Paul Nicholson, Karen and Julie Rud; four brothers, Theodore, Henry, John and Ole; five sisters, Mrs. LeRoy Halvorson, Mrs. Oscar Pederson, Mrs. Charles Gelden, Mrs. Andrew Nelson and Theda Rud.       


From May 23, 1974

Windy weather fouls up fishing on the opening day of fishing season. It was anything but what would be called ideal conditions on Lake Minnewaska, boats were observed mostly in scattered areas. The Marina campground was filled to capacity. On Lake Emily fishermen were lined up on shore casting for northerns. 

A large group of relatives and friends gathered at the Indherred Church on Saturday afternoon to honor Miss Jane DuBois at a bridal shower. Mrs. Jeanie Sylvester, grandmother of Jane and Mrs. Elmer Pederson, grandmother of the prospective groom, Barry Pederson, poured coffee for the occasion. She received many beautiful and useful gifts. Barry and Jane will be married on the evening of June 1st at the Indherred Church.

Mr. and Mrs. James Goehring of Glenwood announce the birth of a daughter, Rachel Marie, born on Friday, May 17th at the Glenwood Hospital. She weighed 6 lbs. 91/4 oz. and joins a family of one brother, Chad. Maternal grandmother is Mrs. Rachel Holten of Starbuck and paternal grandmother is Mrs. Dorothy Goehring of Glenwood. 

Diane Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson of Starbuck and Donald Bridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Bridges of Guelph, Ontario, Canada were united in marriage on Sat., Apr. 20, 1974, at 11 o’clock at Fron Lutheran Church. 

A reception was held at the Minnewaska House Following the ceremony. 

The couple are making their home 160 miles N.W. of Thunder Bay, Ontario where Mr. Bridges is employed at the Mattabi Mine.     


From May 23, 1984

Dawn and David Thompson captured first and second place in the Hoard Dairyman Cow Judging contest out of 102.731 entries. 

Sharon Klevann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Knute Klevann was named 1984 teacher of the year at Graceville, MN. 

Funeral services for Pearl Thompson, 83, were held from the Chippewa Falls Lutheran Church in Terrace April 14. She is survived by two sons, Wilford Christianson of Balaton and Albert Christianson of Villard, and four daughters, Myrtle Hanson of Minneapolis, Mrs. Robert (Inez) Noyes of Starbuck, Mrs. Gerald (Shirley) Iverson of Benson and Mrs. Rex (Gloria) Paulson of Montrose.

Births: A son, Jonathan Richard to Richard and Lynn Bright May 11; a daughter, Christine Lynn to Pat and Linda (Berg) Abram of Crystal May 8; a daughter, Brooke Marie to Bob and Becky Nelson May 16. 

Funeral services for Clifford Norland, 80, were held from the First Lutheran Church of Alexandria April 28. He is survived by his wife, Lillian. 

Don Peterson is the manager of the new Starbuck Auto Parts store when it opened last week.

Funeral services for Elmer Goodyear, 89, were held from the Indherred Lutheran Church May 12. He is survived by a son, Laverne of Starbuck and three daughters, Shirley Goodyear of Morris, Mrs. Paul (Dolores) Billhus of Starbuck and Mrs. Arnold (Darlene) Femrite of Richfield. 


From May 25, 1994

May Students of the Month at Starbuck Elementary School were Jordan Hendricks, Ashley Noyes, Megan Aaberg, Whitney Bangsund, Kevin Erickson, Scott Gullickson, Mark Mitchell, Crystal Jergenson, Mitchell Jackson, Matt Gregersen, Zachary Dworshak, Jamie Chlian, Stephanie Schuett, Tara Larson, Scarlett Swartz, Grant Maasjo, Andy Disrud, Mitch Gosseling, Derek Holten and Ashley Wink.  

Four young people were confirmed at Indherred Lutheran Church May 15. They are Kara Hippe, Sarah Johnson, Hollie Johnsrud and Bobbi Jo Stadsvold. 

Greg Peterson, owner/operator of the Starbuck Bakery, and his helper Dan Kerkvliet were instrumental in helping Starbuck Chief of Police Bruce Gilbertson in apprehending an individual who, it is believed, broke into and burglarized Petro Plus Convenience Store last week. The pair reported to the police when they observed two suspicious cars in town at 3:15 a.m. that morning of May 18. 

Dr. Robert Bösl, a family physician in Starbuck, has been named the Minnesota Family Physician-of-the-year.


From May 26, 2004

Minnewaska Area Schools will probably make another attempt to seek an operating referendum, this time on the Nov. 2 election ballot. The MAS board of education was brought up to date on committee work studying the need, time and amount for the referendum. 

Starbuck VFW Post 4582 is sponsoring a special dedication party Saturday, May 29, in the club’s community room. A ceremony for the opening of the nation’s new WWII memorial in Washington D.C. will be broadcast live at the local party. Post representatives Elmer Swenson and Walt Larson will represent Starbuck Post 4582 in Washington D.C. the afternoon of the ceremony.     

The annual Memorial Day program will feature a local veteran as the guest speaker. John Ranum, of Starbuck, will share his experiences while serving in the U.S. Army and guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 


From May 28, 2014

Minnewaska Area schools will be adding additional staff this fall as the district moves to a seven-period day. At its regular school board meeting last Tuesday, the board approved adding 4.307 positions. Two of the new positions, a business teacher and an elementary teacher, are full-time positions. The other positions are part-time or hours added to a current staff member not currently getting full-time hours. 

The Starbuck VFW Post 4582 donated three new American flags plus six 2×4 flags to the city of Starbuck to use in the city park on May 22. Pictured in the Times, VFW Chairman of House Committee Roger Larson handed a flag to Mayor Bruce Bakewell.

The Glacial Hills Elementary School Board met last. Wednesday and approved preliminary staff assignments for the 2014-15 school year, a salary schedule for licensed teachers, additional staff raises of 3 percent, and the building lease at $11,000 per month.