Starbuck submits proposed water system project to MDH
News | Published on May 20, 2024 at 2:05pm CDT
By Kris Goracke
With a short agenda and limited discussion, the Starbuck City Council’s regular monthly meeting concluded in 30 minutes on Monday, May 13.
A public hearing was held at 6:35 to hear comments regarding the subdividing of parcel #27-0086-000. With no public comments or discussion on the part of the council, the public hearing ended.
Moving on to the regular council meeting, Nick Koos informed the council that the proposed water system project for the fiscal year 2025 had been submitted to the Minnesota Department of Health. According to the report, some old cast iron water mains date from the 1940s. As a result, the city is experiencing water main breaks due to the deteriorating distribution system.
Another suggested need for improvement is the rehabilitation of the wells because of the iron oxide buildup.
Koos stated the council does not need to move forward with the proposal. Still, to receive state funding, a report must first be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Health.
Jen Haugen, a representative from the Starbuck Fire Department Auxiliary, sought approval for two off-site gambling permits. One is for Starbuck’s VFW May 25 meat raffle, the proceeds of which will go to Scott Johnshoy. During this event, the Starbuck Fire Department Auxiliary will be running its animal pull tab races also for the Scott Johnshoy benefit.
The second off-site gambling permit is for their annual ticket raffle. The auxiliary is selling $50 tickets for numerous prizes. The drawing will be held on July 5 at their annual pork feed during Starbuck Heritage Days. The council approved both off-site permits.
Starbuck Mayor Gary Swenson reported to the council that he has been meeting with MnDot and Pope County engineers to discuss pedestrian safety south of town. The group has been discussing several potential changes, including possibly lowering the speed limit, installing signage and painting crosswalks, and flashing signs to alert motorists of the crossing. No decisions have been made, as they are still waiting to hear back from MnDOT.
Regarding an update on the Starbuck Marina Lighthouse, Swenson stated that the Department of Natural Resources and the Pope County Land & Resource Management Department have put a hold on the progress due to concerns about wetland conservation. These concerns are being addressed, but they have caused delays in the project timeline. “We also heard from Ferguson, who had been awarded the bid to do the excavating work, that they are not sure when they can do the job as their busy season has started. So, we have some delays beyond our control regarding when the project will get done,” said Swenson.
Water and Sewer Superintendent Randy Peterson asked the council to consider purchasing a side-by-side UTV for Hobo Park and the city. The UTV can pull the watering trailer and be available to city workers instead of using their personal vehicles for city-related work.
Peterson suggested the city purchase a 2023 Cam Defender from Ollie’s Service in Alexandria. The cost is $14,592.00. “I think we need this. I make a motion for us to proceed with the purchase,” said council member Steve Gorder. The council approved.
The purchase of two projectors at the Starbuck Community Center had been tabled at the March council meeting. At that time, council member Dane Christensen asked about the need for two and what the cost would be if the city only purchased one. At the May meeting, Info Link Wireless submitted two options for the council to consider. The first was the price for one projector, $9,170, and two, $14,567.
Starbuck City Clerk Joan Kerkvliet commented that two projectors are rarely used simultaneously. “I think we could get away with having just one projector,” she said. The council then discussed how the purchase of two is cheaper than one. “If we just purchase one now and then decide we want two, we would be spending more money than if we purchase two. I would like to see us get both now,” said Gorder. “I agree, I think we should purchase both of them now,” commented council member Chris Taffe.
Christensen asked if there was a charge for using the projectors. “Yes, we charge a minimal fee,” said Kerkvliet. “I think we should raise that charge,” said Christensen. With that, the council voted unanimously to purchase both projectors for the community center.
In other business:
•Approved the subdivision of parcel #27-0086-00
•Approved the appointment of Cody Blevins to the Planning and Zoning Committee
•Approved to rescind the resignation of Charlene Drewes and authorize her to remain in the administrative assistant position
• Approved Resolution #2024-14 accepting the donation from the Minnewaska Rotary Club for $3,300 to be used for Starbuck City Park
The next regular council meeting is Monday, June 10, at 6:30 p.m.