Trio of trap team members all hit 25’s
Sports | Published on May 24, 2024 at 11:57am CDT

The Laker trap team closed out the regular season with a BANG!, coming through with some of the highest scores of the season, Sunday night.
“It was a very bitter sweet day as we had some of the highest scores of the season today, but we also had the last competition rounds from our five seniors,” said coach Jennie Stone. “Makayla Hagen, Cole Kittelson, Ethan Curry, Mason Reichmann and John Jenson all graduate this week and it is so hard to watch them leave us after several years watching them improve their game and grow into good teammates and good people; they become family.”
Team captains Levi Schultz and Mason Reichmann both crushed 50 straight in regular competition to lead the team. They went on to see how far their run would take them and Mason carded a perfect 100 straight with Levi right behind him with a 99 x 100.
“Those extra rounds don’t count toward the season, but it is great practice on shooting under pressure and they both did amazing,” coach Stone said.
Their squad was rounded out with Dylan VanZee and the trio carded the first perfect round the team has ever had. “In 10 years, this is the first time that has happened where the entire squad runs a 25-straight,” coach Stone said. “It was so fun to see how excited those boys were.”
With Mason and Levi being top gun on the week with 50 straights, they were followed with more great scores from the team; Dylan VanZee had an impressive 49, Ethan Curry, John Jenson and Jonathan Hagen all had 48’s, and Onyx Johnson and rookie Hunter Kalb had 47’s.
The team average this week jumped to 20.53 and the Lakers are currently in third place with final results to be posted on Sunday.
“With the clusters of scores this week, there is a chance we could move up in the standings as the league uses true team scoring,” Stone said.
Most improved shooter this week was Grady Braaten, who improved his total score by 10 and shot his personal best of 22. “Grady has been putting in extra work and listening to the coaches to bring his scores up and he has done just that! It is so great to see the results of the extra effort with the smile on his face.”
The team will take a short break for graduation and pick up practices next week in preparation for the State Shoot, set for June 12.