Fraternal society to hold its first outing in Glenwood

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, June 12, 1924

Glenwood will have the honor of entertaining the annual convention of the seventh district American Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary on Monday. The Legionnaires and auxiliary members coming here are several hundred strong. The local posts are making preparations to welcome the guests. 

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, June 5, 1924

One of the big days of the season in Glenwood will be next Wednesday, when the Royal Neighbors of America and Modern Woodmen of America Fraternal Society of Pope County will hold its first annual outing here. All the camps in the county will be represented by large delegations. 

The program will start at 10 o’clock in the forenoon with a parade through the business section, composted of floats, drill teams and members to Lakeside park, where will be given addresses by E.F. Burns, state deputy, and by an officer from the head camp of the Royal Neighbors. The crowd will partake of a picnic lunch in the park.

In the afternoon there will be a program of sports at the fair grounds, including a baseball game, tug-of-war, and other contests for men and women, boys and girls. There will also be a competitive drill by teams from the Woodmen and Royal Neighbor camps. 

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, June 6, 1924

lmer Erickson and his crew of men completed a barn for Joseph Svec at Lowry last week. They are now working on the Constant Wesen house at Pocket Lake.