Two tons of fish taken out of Lake Minnewaska in one day

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, June 20, 1924

The Glenwood Summer Hotel is not the new name of the old Minnewaska Summer Hotel property which Allan McCauley purchased this past week and which he intends to have running very shortly. He already has a large crew employed at the place getting it in shape to open for the summer by July 1.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, June 20, 1924

There were many fish taken from Lake Minnewaska last Sunday. Every available boat in Glenwood was put into commission. Anything that would keep a person afloat was used. Others who could not get into boats removed their shoes and stockings and waded out to cast from near the shore. And every person who went out got fish. It is estimated that more than two tons of fish were taken out of Lake Minnewaska on that day. The fish that were caught were not all bass. Many pike, crappies, sunfish and some pickerel were caught. The people of Glenwood are so engorged on fish, not that many of them will not go out fishing again for some time.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, 

June 21, 1924

Minnewaska Hotel (Starbuck) now open. Board and lodging furnished by week or month. Come in and try one of our big meals when you are in town.