By Kris Goracke


At the June regular Starbuck City Council meeting, Water’s Edge owner Patty Glomstad requested an extension of the 10 p.m. noise ordinance to midnight for bands performing in the Water’s Edge parking lot during Starbuck Heritage Days. The performances scheduled are for Wednesday, July 3, featuring Hicktown Mafia, and Saturday, July 6, with Canyon Cowboys. The council approved her request.

Nick Koos updated the council on the 2020 Road Project Assessment. He reported, “We tracked down the necessary information verifying that the city received the small cities grant. We will now begin preparations for the assessment hearing, which will take place on July 8, 2024. We will send out letters to those impacted.”

In the mayor’s report, Gary Swenson proposed a work session to discuss blight compliance in the city, focusing on the blight program and possible solutions. He also mentioned progress with MnDot on signage and crosswalks near the city beach, stating, “We got the crosswalks marked and reflective signs installed.” Council member Christensen raised a concern about the speed limit, asking, “Did you discuss reducing the speed limit to 30 mph? It concerns me to have two crosswalks in a 40 mph zone.” Swenson noted that MnDot is open to discussion. He also suggested adding the self-service kayak rental proposal to the work session agenda. All agreed on the agenda for the work session.

Chief Mitch Johnsrud reported 289 calls for service in May, an increase from 254 in April. He also noted that new golf cart signage is installed at Hobo Park and the city beach entrance. “We have addressed a few incidents of people driving their golf carts on sidewalks and some minors driving golf carts, but nothing too serious,” he said.

The council approved a pay increase for Larry Disrud, raising his hourly rate from $16 to $17.50. Disrud works part-time for the city as needed.

In new business:

•Approved resolution #2024-12 declaring the cost to be assessed and ordering the preparation of the proposed assessment.

•Approved resolution #2024-13 approving a public hearing on proposed assessments for the 2020 Road Project

•Approved hiring Peyton Johnsrud and Noah Jensen as part-time summer help for the city

•Approved Berserker Cup Competition in the city park on Saturday, August 21, 2024

•Approved a $500 donation from Hobo Park to the Minnewaska Lake Association

•Approved a public hearing for Lowry State Bank to subdivide PID #27-0409-001 and sell the north 58.32, which is currently a rental property

•Approved hiring lifeguards for the 2024 Summer season 

•Approved payment of the material bid from Lyman Lumber for $11,876.33 so Dennis Lawson can start the construction of the marina lighthouse.

•Approved raffle for Minnewaska Community Health Services for September 30, 2024.

The next regular city council meeting is Monday, July 8, 2024.