Several young ladies vie to be Waterama royalty

July 23, 1964 – The ninth annual Waterama celebration was about to get underway with Queen Corlyce Phelps, Emcee Dick Chapman, Admiral Bob O’Fallon, Commodore Jim Stradtman and Vice Commodore Peter Meyer heading the billing. Candidates in the 1964 Waterama Queen competition were Kay Lynn Halter, Patty Jean Bogie, Kayleen Marie McDowell, Beverly Elaine Vold, Sandra Jane Ogdahl, Dorothy Bell Peterson, Darelyn Kay Hedlund, Elaine Marie Griesert, Barbara Kaye Swanson, Pamela Kern Hillier, Kathleen Janet Shelden, Judy Idell Anderson, Carolyn Louis Ophaug, Nancy Lou Torfin and Judith Shirleen Haugestuen.

A six-year-old girl and a highway patrolman were injured, neither seriously, when the pickup her father was driving and a state highway patrol car collided north of Glenwood.

Rain was needed for both soybean and corn crops in Pope County. Harvesting of small grains was just the beginning, but the Tribune reported that the lack of rain was of greater concern to area farmers. Temperatures had been in the 90s for more than a week. 

July 25, 1974 – Dorothy Moe was named Pope County clerk of court to succeed Hartvig Peterson who had retired. Moe had been a deputy clerk of court for 11 years.

A public hearing was scheduled to be held on the proposed power line through Pope County. Townships which would probably see the placement of towers from United Power Association of Minnesota included Nora, New Prairie, Walden, Blue Mounds, Barsness, Chippewa Falls, and Bangor. The proposed line was a 450 KDVC line, running 410 miles from Underwood, N.D., where the power was generated to Delano. Groups were beginning to organize to fight the presence of the power line in the area.

Sixteen girls were candidates in the annual Waterama Queen competition. They were Jody Bogie, Kathleen Boyle, Shan Brenden, Judy Christman, Sheryl Dahlseng, Virginia Hanson, Baubette Holtberg, Ann LaQua, Nancy Lutterman, Patricia Noyes, Shirley Randt, Carolyn Schliesman, Julie Schramm, Randi Thompson, Marie Wold and Vicky Wolf.

July 26, 1984 – A one-story office and elevator addition to the Pope County Courthouse was approved by the Pope County Board of Commissioners. The vote was 4-1 with the motion made by Granville Walburn and seconded by Arleigh Lund. Arne Stoen was the single dissenting vote. The addition was expected to cost just under $500,000. 

Admiral Don McNae, Commodore Ron Erno and Vice Commodore Tim Torguson were readying the Waterama ship for its annual sail. Reigning over the festivities would be Queen Karla Mjoness and Princesses Kris Bremseth and Kim Peterson.

Dr. Rod Brown arrived in Glenwood to be the city’s third doctor. He would join Dr. Jeff Schlueter and Dr. Gordy Lee in practice at the Glenwood Medical Center.

July 25, 1994 – Thousands of people were to gather in Glenwood for the 39th annual Waterama. The celebration had contintiously been billed as one of the Upper Midwest’s largest community events, drawing over 20,000 people into Pope County. This year’s celebration was under the leadership of Admiral Wally Rajdl. Other members of the brass were Barb Ostrander, commodore, and Dyanna Parsons, vice commodore. Queen Angel Holte was to reign over the celebration.

There were 15 young women, all 1994 graduates of Minnewaska Area High School, vying for the 1995 Waterama Queen crown. Candidates were Misty Burns, Melissa Butler, Dacia Akstrand, Ramona Ferguson, Robin Himango, Stacy Johnson, Jennifer Lindquist, Deanna McKigney, Julee McMahon, Karena Oldon, Jessica Reents, Kim Ronning, Sadie Stivland, Trisha Torguson and Amanda Walker.

Nine young girls were vying for the Waterama junior crown. They were Jamie Anacker, Amanda Burlingame, Ashley Gilbert, Sara Helgaas, Tirzah Holte, Kaysha Lee, Annelise Rajdl, Whitney Wedum and Sarah Zavadil.

July 19, 2004 – 4-H members hosted their annual horse show July 10 at the Pope County Fairgrounds. Seventeen local members participated in the show which included halter, pleasure and game events. Tori Braaten of the Wide Awake 4-H Club, Nicole Sorenson of the Busy Beavers and Cheryl and Christine Hedner of the Ben Wade Blazers won trips to the state 4-H horse show, which was held in late September at the state fairgrounds.

As her reign came to a close, 2004 Waterama Queen Angela Bowen said, “I have had a lot of fun as the Waterama queen and have met a lot of great people through this experience.” In particular, she had gotten to know and spend time with the Waterama brass. “I have really enjoyed my time with the brass; it has been fun. They escort us everywhere!” said Bowen.  

July 21, 2014 – The 59th Waterama Celebration was to take place this week. The 2014 Waterama family included Frank Evertz, Vice-Commodore Becky Evertz, 2nd Princess Kacia Kollman, Koni Hill, Commodore Ted Hill, 1st Princess Kelsey Volkmann and Admiral Jodi McGinty, Jr. Queen Victoria Grandy, Queen Rachel Riley and Jr. Princess Noa Beckwith.

The 2014 Waterama Queen candidates included Ashley Barnum, daughter of Wendy and Bill Engebretson of Glenwood; Katie Haus, daughter of Karen and Tom Haus of Glenwood; Jordyn Roggenkamp, daughter of Bill Roggenkamp of Glenwood and Heidi Roggenkamp of Albany; Lindsay Schmidt, daughter of Greg and Donna Schmidt of Glenwood; Mackenzie Walsh, daughter of Dan and Mary Walsh of Glenwood; Bridgitte Weaver, daughter of James and Ann Weaver of Starbuck; and Ariel Ostrander, daughter of Donny and Cindy Ostander of Glenwood.

The 2014 Jr. Waterama Queen candidates included Kallista Banister, daughter of Brian and Kim Banister of Starbuck; Lexi Jo Barsness, daughter of Chad and Sheila Barsness of Glenwood; Jenna Detko, daughter of Joel and Joni Detko of Glenwood; Dacia Fleury, daughter of Ammon and Elysia Fleury of Glenwood; MaKayla Hagen, daughter of Jason and Jenny Hagen of Glenwood; Allyson Hall,  daughter of Jesse and Stephanie Hall of Glenwood; Alicia Henriksen, daughter of Heather Scwandt and Kenneth Henriksen of Starbuck; Kia Matt, daughter of Tony Matt and Bobbi Matt of Glenwood; Brooklyn Meyer, daughter of Cole and Mindy Meyer of Glenwood; Mara Olson, daughter of Eric and Kim Olson of Lowry; Amber Peabody, daughter of Lyle and Tracy Peabody of Glenwood; Soffia Stadtherr, daughter of Tom and Sara Stadtherr of Glenwood; Makenna Swalla, daughter of Dieken and Stephanie Swalla of Lowry; and Elle Wiegand, daughter of Sarah Gandrud and John Wiegand of Glenwood.

Tim Beasley, Minnewaska class of 2002, had the thrill of a lifetime during the major League Baseball All-Star game played in Minneapolis last week. Beasley, who pitched for the Lakers from 1999-2002, is part of the Bethel University coaching staff. The Bethel head coach, Brian Raabe, had played professionally for the Twins and three other organizations, including the Yankees. Raabe was asked to organize some players to throw batting practice and help on the field during the three-day event. Beasley, the assistant head coach at Bethel, threw batting practice and collected balls from the outfield throughout the day on Monday and Tuesday. Beasley’s batting practice session included former Twins first baseman, Justin Moreau. Brewers’ catcher Jonathan Lucroy, who Beasley played with for three years at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, was the starting catcher for the National League.