Speaking of Sports

By John Fragodt, Sports Reporter

What a place to live!

It’s coming up on two years since I started working at the Pope County Tribune and about seven years since we bought our place on Pelican Lake. 

First of all, it’s amazing how quickly time flies.  Second of all, it’s amazing how much I love living on a lake and working at the PCT.

I’ll admit I was getting a little lazy and predictable in Benson, spending too much time in the basement watching TV or wasting time doing something else; especially when it was too cold or too hot outside.

Living on a lake has reawakened my love of nature and life.  Not only is there a different look to the lake each and every day due to weather and the time of year, but there are also different animals and waterfowl that appear every day depending upon the time of year, including deer, ducks, geese, pelicans, turtles, jumping carp and so much more.

One of my favorite things is waking up early on a weekend morning, before anyone else has gotten up, and just stare out my window at the lake with a cup of coffee in my hand.

And, when I’m not inside looking out at the lake, I’m outside enjoying the lake in a variety of ways including paddleboarding, kayaking, boating, fishing, swimming or just splashing around on the lily pads with my grandchildren.

Yes, life gets more and more amazing each day and a lot of that has to do with living in Pope County and on Pelican Lake.  I knew I’d enjoy working at the PCT and living in Pope County and I sure haven’t been disappointed.

Can’t wait til Waterama weekend!