Little Free Library opens at Morning Glory Gardens
News | Published on July 29, 2024 at 1:58pm CDT
The GFWC Potpourri Club of Glenwood announces the official opening of the Little Free Library at Morning Glory Gardens in Long Beach. The purpose of Little Free Libraries is to bring books to the community and encourage readership. Readers are asked to bring a book to exchange with a book from the Little Free Library. There will be a variety of books available—fiction and non-fiction for readers of all ages. In the back row from left are Cindy Krattenmaker, Potpourri Secretary; Mike Pfeiffer, Mayor of Long Beach; Bonita Carlson, Potpourri Membership Chairman; and Barbara Odden, Potpourri Program Chairman. In the front row from left are: Janet Velde, Potpourri Treasurer; and Sandra Josephs, GFWC Potpourri President.