Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on July 8, 2024 at 1:50pm CDT
Club house at the golf grounds has formal opening
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, July 10, 1924
On Wednesday of this week the club house at the golf grounds had its formal opening. The opening was in charge of the ladies. Approximately one hundred people were present at the opening. The committee in charge is composed of Mrs. B.A. Benson, chairman, Mrs. M.E. Kalton, Mrs. Earl Crum and Mrs. Tieke. The time was delightfully spent in playing bridge. The ladies of the Golf Club will have weekly meetings on every Wednesday during the golf season. On next week the meeting will take place on Thursday instead of Wednesday. The committee asks that those who wish to attend will please make reservations before next Thursday in order that the proper accommodations can be made for all those who wish to come.
A deal was closed yesterday between the Glenwood Co-operative Creamery and Messrs. Peterson and Imsdahl whereby the former takes over the creamery and ice cream business in Glenwood as soon as the new building can be completed and machinery installed. A crew is now working on the building and it is hoped to have the new company operating in it within thirty days.
Red Cross Report: Total visits-186, total home visits-140, nursing calls-10, babies visited-9, Tuberculosis patients visited-17, suspected T.B. patients visited-17, social investigations-45, school children visited-32, Diphtheria cases-2, pamphlets sent to mothers-15, mileage-700, Tuberculosis clinics-2, classes-12, Girl Scout meetings-12.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, July 10, 1924
Eight large barberry bushes of the rust-producing variety were found by Scouts Ben Schaub and Homer Oleson of the federal barberry eradication force just north of Lake Villard last Monday afternoon. As these bushes were in such condition as to cause a serious local epidemic of black stem rust, they were immediately destroyed and salt was applied to the roots to prevent any possibility of future growth. Samples of these bushes will be posted in prominent places throughout the county so that the public may become familiar with the general appearance of this deadly bush and be able to identify it wherever found. Anyone wishing information about barberry eradication or knowing the location of such bushes are asked to communicate with the County Farm Bureau office at Glenwood.
Monday morning F.P. Minette & Son, the proprietors of Fair View Dairy Farm, were officially notified that their three-year-old cow, Dorothy Believe, daughter of the world champion Brown Swiss cow, over all ages, had achieved a production record that puts her at the head of the list as the world champion three-year-old cow, of the Brown Swiss breed. Dorothy Believe went on official test on June 9, 1923 and ended her test on June 9, 1924. During this time, she produced 19,406 pounds of milk and 779 pounds of butterfat. As soon as the detailed record has been completed, The News will publish same together with a picture of the cow. This is the second time within a few months that the Minette herd has produced a world champion, a fact that everyone in the community should be proud of – Sauk Centre News.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, July 11, 1924
S.C. Sorenson rented his farm this week to Theo E. Berg for a term of three years to commence November 1st. Mr. Sorenson plans to have an auction in the fall to dispose of his personal property and will move to Starbuck. His present plans are to rent a house. He has not decided just what he will do, but expects to get some work or go into some business to occupy his time.
Alfred Setterlind, a brother of Fritz Setterlind of this village and a nephew of A.G. England, who emigrated here from Sweden last year, has started in business for himself in Chicago. Mr. Setterlind is an expert industrial chemist and is now manufacturing a glue that will mend wood, cockery or dishes, and those who have tried it say it is very good for the purpose.
S.O. Koland and Henry Nodland formed a partnership recently and this week were successful bidders on three sewer construction jobs at St. Cloud. Mr. Nodland has had considerable experience in this kind of work and Mr. Koland has had long experience in concrete work.