Kiwanis Inter-City picnic was a great success

From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, July 10, 1924

On account of the city reservoir getting low on water, it has become necessary to cut out sprinkling of our street. This has caused a great hardship on the business establishments, whose merchandise has been exposed to the dust that cannot be kept out. As a relief the business places of Glenwood have gotten together and ordered a large quantity of calcium chlorite, which will be placed on our streets. This has the same effect as sprinkling. Calcium chloride has been tried out between the Serrin garage and the Soo hill and it is working out very satisfactory.

P. D. Q. establishes new bus line from Willmar. Mr. Cretzler returned Wednesday from Willmar, where he has been the past week organizing a bus line between Willmar and St. Cloud. The bus line will travel by Paynesville. The new bus line will be a popular one because it will give direct connections between here and St. Cloud. Passengers leaving Glenwood on the 112 can take the bus from Paynesville to St. Cloud at 3:30. One bus leaving St. Cloud at 11:30 connects with 111 at Paynesville and one bus leaving St. Cloud at 4:35 connects with 109 at Paynesville.

The chief of police informs us that all parties driving inside the city limits with cutouts open will be prosecuted. There is no need of having cutouts open inside the city limits, therefore it is hoped that all will comply with the law and not keep their cutouts open.

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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, July 10, 1924

Fast horses and cars sure stirred up the dust at the fair grounds last Saturday afternoon at the second race matinee of the season. The races were hotly contested and furnished plenty of excitement for the gallery of spectators who were on hand. Three horses were entered in the harness race, those of Henry Halvorson, Mrs. Aug. Peterson and Henry Dankers. These finished in the order given. In the running race, Roy McCann’s mount came in first in a field of four. The other entrants were Clifford Flom, Wallace Ogdahl and Clarence Moen. It is planned to have the next races some other day in the week than Saturday so that the people in town will have a better chance to go out and see them.

The Kiwanis Inter-City picnic which was held in the city park of Glenwood last Thursday was a great success. The success of this picnic is due largely to the untiring work of the Inter-City committee of the Glenwood club. Nearly three hundred participated in this joyous occasion. The clubs represented were Morris, Benson, Willmar, Ortonville, Alexandria, Fergus Falls and Glenwood.

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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, July 11, 1924

Pack up your dinner in a brown knap sack and hike! This is what the Girl Scouts of Starbuck are planning to do next Friday, when we are going to take our first hike as scouts. The Girl Scouts were organized the first part of June and are progressing very rapidly. Our only wish is that more girls will want to join the army of scouts. Come and meet with us on Fridays at 7:00 p.m. Judith E. Wallin, County Nurse.

The annual school election in Independent District No. 61, will be held in the schoolhouse. Saturday evening, July 19, at 7 o’clock, p.m. for the purpose of electing two directors. The terms of W. C. Torgersen and O. V. Opheim expire and no one has filed for the office. W. C. Torgersen, Clerk.

Tires, Tires, Tires. Hot days are hard on tires, when in need of any call at this place. We carry a full line of Blekre Tires and Tubes at prices you cannot afford to pass up. Cord tires at $7.85 and up. For genuine Ford extras call at Samuelson Garage. Sub-agency for Ford cars, trucks and tractors. Yes, Ford business is good; sold four cars this summer.