From July 10, 1914

Miss Alma Malmoe and Mr. Burt Stoa were married at Fron church Wednesday evening.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halvorson June 28, a baby girl. Pass the cigars, Henry!

Summer time is bathing time. Naturally our readers are interested in the various costumes and bathing caps that are being worn this season. We publish, on another page, this week, an article by Julius Bottomley, fashion expert, describing the more attractive suits for playmates of Neptune. 

A man must have the patience of Job these days when he must associate with mosquitoes, flies and 95 degree temperatures.  


From June 27, 1924

Miss Nora Nygaard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Nygaard of White Bear Lake, and Mr. Herman Nordgren, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Nordgren of Benson, were married at the home of the bride’s parents on Saturday evening by Rev. M.C. Johnshoy. Miss Ada Nygaard was her sister’s maid of honor and Mr. Gottfred Nordgren was best man. Little Pearl Erickson, niece of the bride was flower girl and Arden Solvie, a nephew, was ring bearer.

Everything is ready for the big Fourth of July celebration. The boom of the canon at sunrise in the morning will open the celebration. As the salute thunders forth in the dim light of the breaking day, awakening old and young to help celebrate America’s birthday, it will bring back to the older generation vivid memories of other celebrations in Starbuck. For it will be the same old cannon consisting of Godfred Nordstrom’s two anvils which gives a report that can be heard for miles, and Godfred will be there to help fire it as he had been for the past 40 years. About 10 o’clock the flag will be raised up on the new 70 foot flagpole which was erected this spring by the firemen. After this there will be a band concert and baseball games, also tug-of-war, girl’s nail driving contest, pie eating contest, Ford races, greased pig, and others too numerous to mention. 

Miss Agnes Arvidson and Mr. Clarence Torguson were united in marriage in Minneapolis on Saturday evening.


From July 5, 1934

The tennis court at the ball park is now completed and actual play began this week. No players are allowed on the court without tennis shoes. Sylvan Opheim is in charge of the court.

Miss Borghild Brenden, bookkeeper at the First National Bank is enjoying a vacation this week.

Misses Myrtle and Harriet Hagestuen, Selma and Lillian Tollefson spent Monday afternoon with Miss Jeanette Hagen. 

O.S. Kyvig returned Sunday evening from a motor trip to Petersburg, ND. Mr. Kyvig reports the crops looking fine from Elbow Lake to Grand Forks.

Mrs. Harry Thorstad had as her guests Monday afternoon, Mrs. Arthur Bagne and children, Mrs. Herman Tessem and children of Glenwood, Mrs. Sylvan Opheim and Ann and Mr. and Mrs. John Byhre and Paul. 

July clearance sale: Colored hats at 50¢ and 75¢. Big discount on white hats and on cotton dresses at Lee Sisters.

Mrs. Constance Erickson entertained the following Monday evening: Misses Olivia Pederson, Minneapolis; Hannah Kaldahl, Duluth; Magna Peterson, Mrs. Gertrude Pooley and Georgine, St Paul; Mrs. H.R. Peterson and Coral Ann, Mrs. William Peterson and Helen Margaret, Mrs. V.L. Larson, Mrs. A.P. Nygaard. 

Anderson’s Fairway Store: New potatoes, 10 lbs. for 27¢; firm head lettuce 9¢; Bartlett pears, 1 doz. 27¢; salmon, 2 – 1 lb. cans 29¢; preserves. 1 lb. jar, 21¢; lemons, large size, per dozen, 33¢. 


From July 6, 1944

Sylvia Tharaldson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Tharaldson became the bride of Lloyd Vindedahl, son of Mrs. Clara Vindedahl Strand on Sunday evening, June 25 at the East Zion Lutheran Church.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Knuteson July 1. She is their second girl.

Miss Beverly Leake of Beloit, Wisconsin and Cpl. A. Norman Opheim (better known as Aldrid Opheim), son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Opheim of Starbuck, were married May 28 at the Corona Presbyterian Church in Denver, Colorado. The couple will make their home in Denver.

Funeral services for Henry T. Kirkwold, 64, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church June 28. He is survived by his wife, Isabella, and three sons, Melvin and Herbert of St. Paul and Truman of Bismark, ND. 

Miss Evangeline Heegard and Raymond M. Brown were united in marriage at the Minnewaska Parsonage July 1. The couple will make their home in Swift Falls. 


From July 8, 1954

Miss Dorothy Corine Gabrielson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Gabrielson and Donald William Anderson were married at the Minnewaska Lutheran Church June 18. The couple will make their home in Starbuck. 

Funeral services for B.G. Helgeson, who lost his life in a vehicle accident, were held at Fron Lutheran Church June 30. He is survived  by his wife, Anna; one son, Irving; and two grandchildren, Bryon and Janyce Helgeson.

Mrs. C.O. Pederson and Mrs. Maurice Walline entertained a group of boys in the park Monday afternoon, the occasion being the 9th birthday of Billy Pederson and Jimmy Walline.

Bernice Hagen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hagen of Starbuck and Dale M. Harris of The Dalles, Oregon were married June 20th at the Barsness Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in The Dalles. 

Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Dahlseng had their infant daughter, Paulette Jean baptized at St. John’s Church June 20. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dahlseng, Arlene Siefert and Julies Dahlseng. 


From July 9, 1964

A group of relatives helped Gary Bredeson celebrate his 14th birthday at the Boyd Bredeson home Sunday.

Patricia Ann Fitzgerald of Sabin, MN and Lloyd Wilke, a son of Elmer Wilke of Starbuck were married at St. Cecelia’s Catholic Church in Sabin June 13. The couple will make their home in Fargo, ND. 

Twelve boys were entertained in the Amundson home Friday in observance of Bobby’s 12th birthday. 

Births: A daughter, Jennifer Ann to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Aaberg July 3; a daughter, Carol Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Delner Danielson of Newport June 27; a daughter, Jane Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rosten May 30.


From July 4, 1974

Supt. Ernest Janisch announced this week that Wayne Norby has been hired as the new high school principal to replace Roger Shelstad, who resigned at the end of the last school term.

Mr. Norby comes to Starbuck after serving two years as a principal at Franklin, Minnesota.

The Rite of ordination into the Holy Ministry of the American Lutheran Church on Sunday, July 7, 1974 at 3 o’clock p.m. for the song of Fron congregation, Ronnie D. Olson. Ronnie D. Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson of Kensington, Minnesota.

Lida Schultz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Schultz is completing the preoccupation preparation program as a student at the U of M Technical College, Waseca, and majoring in Animal Health Technology.

She is working at the Lake Region Veterinarian Clinic in Elbow Lake this summer under the supervision of Dr. Kenneth Greiner, DVM.

Dr. Robert Hanson, vice president of academic affairs at Moorhead State College announced the names of three Starbuck students who made the dean’s list for the spring quarter. She has maintained a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Proof of auto insurance coverage will be required of all motor vehicles when they register for 1975. 


From July 4, 1984

Funeral services for Gordon Devick, 63, of Donnelly, were held from the Kongsvinger Lutheran Church of Donnelly June 30. Among his survivors is a sister Mrs. Eldred (Corrine) Jackson of Starbuck.

Births: A son, Reid Kennedy to Mr. and Mrs. Deon Richards (Jane Kennedy) of Seattle, Washington on June 12th; a daughter, Megan Nichole to Keith and Jane Nygaard on June 29.

Tammy Knoblauch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knoblauch of rural Starbuck was awarded the Presidential Freshman Scholarship at St. Cloud State University. Her scholarship was in the amount of $300. 

Stan Martinson recently retired after eight years with the Farmers Union. Before coming to Starbuck, Stan worked for 17 years with Town and Country Gas in Glenwood.

Monica Richards, daughter of Dale and Evelyn Richards, graduated recently from Granite Falls Area Vocational Technical Institute. She completed the Optometric Assistant program. 


From July 6, 1994

Ashley Brown, daughter Terry and Nancy Brown was crowned 1994 Little Miss Starbuck at ceremonies held at the Starbuck Park during Heritage Days Sunday. Allie Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Freeman, was crowned 1994 princess.

Double services for Victoria Hustad, 72, and her grandson, David Raup, 10, of Arden Hills, will be held July 7, at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Brooklyn Center. A memorial service for Victoria will be held July 8 at St. John’s Lutheran Church of Starbuck. Mrs. Hustad and her grandson were killed in a car accident early Saturday morning. Mrs. Hustad is survived by her four daughters, Mrs. Gordon (Loretta) Syverson of Dunnell, Joyce Hustad of Eagan, Sandy Raup of Arden Hills and Helen Davis of Becker; and one son, Kenny Hustad of Morris Bay, CA. 

A son, Jacob Alan was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tvedt of Lakeville June 27. 

Kyle Nygaard of Starbuck and Carrie Fassenger of Cyrus were among 1600 students receiving their degrees at ND State University recently. 


From July 7, 2004 

Starbuck natives Dave and Chris Gorder will serve in the Peace Corps for the next two years. They have been assigned to the country of Jordan. The Gorders, of Long Lake, Minn., enlisted with the Peace Corps and will serve the next two years in the Middle Eastern country. After visiting family and friends in Starbuck during Heritage Days weekend, the couple left for training on July 6. The Gorders are both graduates of Starbuck High School. They married and moved to the Twin Cities area.

More than 24 tank cars broke free of a Canadian Pacific Railway train east of Lowry on June 30, and some left the track. Several tanks were carrying anhydrous ammonia and were cleared from the scene without incident. 

Dirt roads and heavy equipment have become a common sight in town, but half of Starbuck’s storm sewer improvement project is now complete. Delzer Construction crews have been in the area since late winter digging sediment ponds and then taking to several streets to install and upgrade water lines, sanitary sewer and storm pipes. 

The 22nd annual Starbuck Heritage Days kicked off with Friday night’s grand parade. Families ad friends lined the streets of Starbuck for the parade. Saturday was packed with events including: fly-in breakfast, golf reunion, Rise & Shine! run and walk, bake sale, quilt show, craft fair, animal display, Depot open house, softball tournament, kiddie parade, kids games, sand sculpture contest and fireworks. Sunday morning brought the community together at a City Park church service. The Lions Club hosted a ham dinner and Starwaska study club offered a pie and ice cream social, Johnny Holm wrapped up the weekend with a concert Sunday night.


From July 9, 2014

Great things happen when neighbors, organizations and businesses work together. The Starbuck Study Club, a member of GFWC (General Federation of Women’s Club) is partnering with the VFW Men’s Auxiliary to help get improvements made at the Starbuck Beach and Snack Shack. The Study Club project was to improve the snack shack at the beach with the goal of having it ready for an organization to sell snacks. This project ties in with the VFW Men’s Auxiliary project to make improvements at the beach. There are many people who have volunteered many, many hours to make our beach even more welcoming and safe for both the community and visitors.

Starbuck’s first golden era of high school sports occurred in the late 1960s. There had been occasional individual and team successes prior to then but not for multiple sports over multiple years. One of the key contributors to the sustained success was Todd Brenden. He earned varsity letters in five sports – football, basketball, baseball, golf and track. Brenden was to be inducted into the 2014 Minnewaska Area Schools Athletic Hall of Fame later this year.

On Saturday evening, new Miss Minnewaska royalty were crowned. The 2014-2015 Miss Minnewaska Royalty were Princess Morgan Majerus, Queen Stephanie Pederson and Princess Celeste Rapp. New this year was the Junior Miss Minnewaska Coronation. On Thursday night, Miranda Longtin was crowned Junior Miss Minnewaska Queen and Kylie Pobuda was crowned Junior Miss Minnewaska Princess. Other Heritage Days activities included the fly-in breakfast at the Starbuck airport, the kiddie parade, kiddie carnival, the Miss Minnewaska Kids Fun Run, the grand parade featuring this year’s Grand Marshalls, Dr. Robert and Vickie Bösl.