From July 17, 1914

Mr. L.B. Stocking, who has been in partnership with Mr. R.F. Case in the drug store, has sold out his interest and will go to Belgrade, MN where he has bought a drug business.

Carl Lee was seen out riding last Sunday. What’s up, Carl?

Nels Hofstad told us he was going to Appleton to work for good. Someone will be lonesome. 

Perry Reese was out for a buggy ride Wednesday evening and he happened as usual, to take the road going east. What is the attraction in the eastern part of Hoff, Perry? 


From July 11, 1924

J.L. Lynch, the general manager of the Benson Produce Company, wears a broader smile this week. The cause? Well, his wife presented him with a baby girls last Tuesday.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gunvalson Wednesday, July 2, at the local hospital.

Miss Agnes Eleanor Arvidson of Minneapolis and Clarence A. Torguson of Starbuck were married Saturday evening at the home of the bride’s parents. The couple will make their home in Minneapolis.

Mr. Clarence J. Anderson of Barsness quietly slipped away to Brainerd last week and took unto himself a bride, Miss Edna Wahlstrom. The young couple will make their home on the groom’s farm in Barsness.


From July 19, 1934

Starbuck now has two more gasoline stations. Last week Ed Brandvold, who formerly operated a station in the Nordstrom bldg., installed two pumps at the Peterson Motor Sales Garage, and is selling the Northland brand of gasoline and oils.

On coming Saturday evening, July 21, John Evjen, who has been operating a tank wagon for Starbuck Oil Co., will open a station of his own on Highway 29, across from the Lakeshore Park. Mr. Evjen will handle the Sinclair products, on another page on this issue he has an announcement.  


From July 13, 1944

Miss Olive Smedstad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smedstad, was one of 115 girls taking a pre-cadet nurses’ training course at St. Olaf College.

Popular young couples recently married were: 

• Margaret T. Sanvik, daughter of A.T. Sanvik, and Henry G. Nodland, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Nodland, were married July 3 at St. Kevins Church in Minneapolis.

• Verba Evelyn Espelien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Espelien, and Julian Stadsvold, son of Judin Stadsvold were married at West Zion parsonage July 2.

• Adeline Gaarder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaarder, and Lloyd H. Runquist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Runquist, were married July 8.

• Miss Norma Thorson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Thorson, and James Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, were married in the West Lake Johanna Church June 18.


From July 15, 1954

Miss Joy Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johnson and Palmer Aaberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Aaberg, all of Starbuck, were married June 26 at The Little Brown Church in the Vale. The couple will make their home in Minneapolis.

Marvin Pederson of Wayzata, the new proprietor of the Starbuck Super Market, has bought the Karl J. Nodland residence and Robert H. Pederson has purchased the dwelling he now lives in, known as the Scott residence.

Robert A. DuBois of Starbuck is among those ordered for induction July 21.

Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Gorder announce the marriage of their son, Douglas to Miss Martha Shaffer of Akron, Ohio at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Denver June 12. The couple are home in Denver.

LouAnn Barsness entertained several little girls at her home Friday afternoon in honor of her 11th birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jeitz of Hoff Township are the proud parents of a baby girl born July 6th.


From July 16, 1964

Janyce Helgeson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.H. Helgeson left for Pennsylvania Monday where she will be employed. 

Deanna Lou Barsness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everell Barsness of Starbuck, and Melvin Gene Roller of Junction City, Kansas, were married at the Fron Lutheran Church May 23. The couple will go live in Duluth where the groom is stationed. 

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hagestuen entertained a number of relatives Tuesday evening in honor of Janet’s 3rd birthday.

Chester Flack of Graceville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ottar Flack of Starbuck has accepted the position of principal at the Elbow Lake High School. 


From July 11, 1974

Starbuck residents are being asked to refrain from using water from lawn sprinkling during the present day weather spell that is being experienced, stated Mayor Gene Watnaas. “A noticeable increase in water consumption was evident during the last weekend,” said Watnaas. “On Saturday it became apparent that even though the wells were producing at capacity, the reserve water supply was beginning to drop and by Sunday evening, the supply was exhausted.”

Over 115 golfers, young and not-so-young and male and female, turned out last Saturday at the Minnewaska Golf Course near Glenwood to take part in the 7th Annual Starbuck Invitational Golf Tournament. Trophies were awarded in both the mens’ and womens’ divisions, along with several special awards. Golf tournament winners are Ann Rud, Minneapolis, Women’s Low Net; Delores Womdeldorf, Mound, Women’s Low Gross; Ernest Janisch, Starbuck, Men’s Low Net; and Tony Janu, Minneapolis, Men’s Low Gross. 

Ten persons have filed for office in Pope County according to Auditor William Boyle as of Tuesday morning. Previously reported filing were William Boyle for auditor, David Troen for treasurer and John N. Claeson for county judge. The additional filings are Ira Emmons for sheriff, incumbent; H.W. Bly, incumbent as commissioner in the 4th District; Robert W. Groth for county attorney; Eleanore P. Larson, incumbent, for Register of Deeds; Engebret “Brick” Vold, incumbent, commissioner in the 2nd District.


From July 11, 1984

John Lundebrek of Starbuck will be one of 150 young men from throughout the state participating in the 1984 Mr. Minnesota Teen Program event to be held in Morris, August 2-4. The program is in its 15th year and seeks to recognize outstanding young men from throughout the state in a fellowship setting. Participants selected to take part in the program were chosen on a basis of service and achievement in school and community.

Ann Beuckens, an employee of the First National Bank, Starbuck, was among the 151 Minnesota bankers who attended the 19th session of the Minnesota School of Banking (MSB) held at St. Olaf College in Northfield June 24-29. Beuckens was a member of the first year class at the school established by the Minnesota Bankers Association (MBA). 

The $175,000 FmHA-financed Starbuck water tower began to take shape last week as workers started construction of the planned 75’ tower. When completed, the tower will have a maximum holding capacity of 278,000 gallons of water. The unit is located on the north edge of Starbuck, just off Highway No. 114. The Starbuck name and emblem face towards the southwest. The tower is being built from the top to the bottom with each ring adding approximately five feet to the height.  


From July 13, 1994

Funeral services for Casper Anderson, 96, were held January 30 at Fron Lutheran Church. He is survived by one daughter, Helen Claire Anderson of White Bear Lake, MN. 

Mark and Jill Heggestad are the parents of a son, Taylor Brenden, born July 9th.

The SHS Class of 1944 held their 50-year class reunion earlier this summer. Those present were Nels Forde, Joan Hagert Oyaas, Mavis Hanson Schwartz, Audrey Maanum Brozek, Nora Forde Hendrickson, Sylvia Lorvig Olson, Delores Pederson Teigen, Muriel Olson, Aleck Overson, Hub Nordgren, Dewey Teigen, Donald Hagen, Maynard Dahlseng, Loren Erickson, Eunice Kjera Sylvester, Muriel Kjera Aslagson, Ruth Olson Shaw, Dorothy Hanson Pederson, Allen Paul Norby, Jean Gorder Maanum, Jean Smedstad Severson and Vernon Pederson.


From July 14, 2004 

Aaron Giese and Cathleen Jasmer, both of Starbuck, entered posters in a contest sponsored by Pope Soil & Water Conservation District (RSWCD). This year’s poster theme was “Community Waters.” In early spring, two schools in Pope County participated in the contest. They were the fifth and sixth graders from Starbuck Elementary and fifth and sixth graders of E.N. Nordgaard Elementary in Glenwood.

The Rev. Curt Larson of Lowry, Minn., has been named the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans (North Central Minnesota) Regional Financial Office Adult Volunteer of the Year for 2003. Larson was selected for his dedication to helping others through volunteerism and service. During the year he contributed to the community by serving as one of the founders and is currently serving as president of the Prairie Lakes Habitat for Humanity affiliate in Glenwood. He was also instrumental in receiving one of four $10,000 grants from North Central Minnesota Regional Financial Office of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

A Starbuck police officer is charged with two counts of third degree criminal sexual conduct after an alleged sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl while he was on duty. A three-year veteran of the Starbuck Police Department, was arrested early Thursday, July 8, and held in Otter Tail Detention Facility on suspicion of criminal sexual conduct until his first court appearance Friday. 


From July 16, 2014

Starbuck VFW Post 4582 won five games in six days and won its own tournament over the weekend. On Tuesday Starbuck knocked off Wilmar in a league game, 8-2. On Saturday Starbuck won the opening game of the tournament they were hosting, defeating Sauk Centre 2-1.

Starbuck, Benson and Hancock fire departments, along with the Pope County Sheriff’s Office, responded to an early morning house fire at the Ninow residence on 300th Ave. in Starbuck on July 10. All family members made it out safely, it was reported. The first call came in to the Starbuck Fire Department at 3:30 a.m.; responders worked until 2:45 p.m. according to Mitch Gosseling of the Starbuck Fire Department. While the family’s cat was lost to the fire, her five kittens were recused by the firefighters. The cause of the fire is still under investigation, it was stated.

The Starbuck City Council voted unanimously at the Monday meeting to appoint current full-time Deputy Police Officer Mitch Johnsrud to Chief of Police Jim Minion has accepted the same position in Wheaton. “I have taken another job,” Minion said. “I wanted to thank you for a couple good years here with this council. My last day here will be July 24. I start July 28 in Wheaton.”