From July 17, 1914

Victor Larson was called home from Lowry Monday on account of the serious illness of his son.

Chester Norman Larson, the 3-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larson passed away Tuesday, July 22. The cause of death was listed as endero colitis. Funeral services will be held today at the Conference Church. 

A young man giving his name as Jack Davis, forged checks to the amount of $50 last Saturday and then “flew” to parts unknown. Davis was a printer and secured work at the Herald office. Saturday night he forged the name of Editor Wollan to three checks, two for $18 and one for $20 and cashed them at three different business houses. He left on the early train Sunday, presumably for St. Paul or Minneapolis. The authorities are hunting Davis down and chances are that he will have plenty of time to meditate on the foolishness of securing money in this manner, if caught. 


From July 18, 1924

A large number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Overstad in Glenwood township last Sunday to help Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bredeson celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary on the old homestead. They have eight children living, Mrs. Ole Overstad, Ole Bredeson, Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. Albert Anderson, Bennie Bredeson, Mrs. T.C. Thompson. They also have 32 grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Laura E. Forde will present Astrid Flak in recital Tuesday evening, July 22 at the School House Dist. 3, (Forde School) assisted by Agnes Forde, voice. 

Miss Clara Tollefson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Knute Tollefson of Blue Mounds and Mr. Selmer Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sven Thompson of Nora, were united in marriage at the Zion parsonage on Tuesday by Rev. K.R. Palmer. They were attended by Clara Thompson and Tollef Syverson. 

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hippe on Saturday.

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tonn on Monday.

The White Bear Lake Farmer’s Club met at the Osmund Aslakson home on Thursday evening. Talks were given by Martin Aune and C.O. Ettesvold, and music was furnished by the Lowry Orchestra.


From July 26, 1934

Bathing beach has been a popular place the past week during the hot spell. Large groups of bathers have been taking advantage of the fine beach, which is said to be the best in years.

Since the lake has gone down the beach has been improving, as now there is a fine sand bottom, and the water  becomes deep gradually, with no holes or deep places to endanger the lives of youngsters.

Ralph Swenson, the life guard is on the job all day and far into the evening, giving added protection to those who are unable to swim. 

The past week there has been a large number of people from Montevideo, Benson, Hancock, Morris and Cyrus coming here to take their dips. Sunday the entire beach was covered with bathers who sought relief from the torrid temperatures which registered around 106 degrees.

Walter Miller, well known hardware salesman for Marshall-Wells drowned in Pomme de Terre Lake north of Morris Thursday night while out swimming with some friends. 

Miss Thea Solhaug purchased several lots from Mrs. Hulda Swenson and began building a new residence the past week. B.J. Kleven, local contractor is doing the work. The house will be of a bungalow type 24 x 24 with full basement, three rooms and a bath. 

Mrs. B.R. Hagen of Morris and Miss Evelyn Bingham spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Adeline Dreyer.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Peterson and Irving Helgeson motored to Evansville to attend the funeral services for O.J. Ostrum, pioneer hardware merchant, who passed away last week. Mr. Ostrum is the father of C.V. Ostrum, one of the partners in the Starbuck Hardware Co.

Your dollar buys more at Pederson’s Store. Our Family soda crackers, 2 lb. box 21¢; Pink salmon, 2 cans for 28¢; oranges, 344 size, dozen for 20¢; Grapenut flakes, per pkg. 10¢.   


From July 20, 1944

Sgt. Arden Brenden, who was reported missing from April 1 until June 3, in Europe, and then found and returned to his continent, arrived home Tuesday evening for a 21-day furlough. He has been awarded the Purple Heart having been wounded in the service. 

Memorial services for Lt. Glenn T. Berge were held from East Zion Lutheran Church July 16. Lt. Berge lost his life while starting out on a mission with the United States Army Air Force on March 5.

Footings for a 34 x 42 office building were completed this week for the new office which will be erected by Henry Nodland on the lots he recently purchased between his present location and the clinic building. 

Miss Ruth Evangeline Larson, daughter of Mrs. Marie Larson of Morris and Burdell Barsness, son of Mrs. Betsey Barsness of Cyrus were married at the Scandia Lutheran Free Church Sunday evening. The couple will make their home on a farm in Scandia township. 

LouAnn Barsness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luvern Barsness celebrated her first birthday recently.  


From July 15, 1954

Karen Kay Davids, 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Davids is hospitalized at the Minnewaska Hospital after suffering 3rd degree burns about the face and head and lesser burns about the body, while playing around a fire Sunday afternoon. Karen poured tractor fuel from a small container into the flames and an explosion followed covering Karen with the burning liquid.

Mrs. I.S. Roiland entertained ten little girls on Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mary’s 8th birthday.

Miss Vernetta Thompson of Cyrus and Lawrence Kannegiesser of Hancock were married June 26 at St. Petri Church in Cyrus. The couple will make their home on the groom’s farm.

Mrs. James Erickson entertained fourteen children in the park one day last week for Teddy James on his 6th birthday.

Robert Kirkwold, who is employed at John Evjen’s Service Station, proved to be on the job Monday morning, July 9, when he earned five silver dollars by trying to sell a Gates fan belt to the Gates Mystery Man. 


From July 16, 1964

Airman Andrew N. Thorstad, III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thorstad of Starbuck, has completed the first phase of his Air Force basic military training at Lakeland AFB, Texas.

Jennifer Ann, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Aaberg was baptized at Fron Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hendrickson.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnshoy (Mary Lynn Olson) are the parents of a baby girl born on July 16.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Forbord are the parents of a girl, Donna Marlene, born July 10. 


From July 18, 1974

New post office is having its dedication on Saturday.

Krase Daze hits Starbuck on Tuesday. The day was “kraze” right at the start as merchants lined the sidewalks with their wares, and wheeled and dealed all day long. Hundreds of people from miles around came to take advantage of the bargains offered by the business people. Parking space was at a premium all day long.

Extremely hot and dry weather has plagued this area the past week. Temperatures have been hovering in the nineties and close to 100 with humidity on the high side. One half inch of rain fell Saturday afternoon to somewhat relieve the dryness but much more is needed if area farmers are to have a good crop.

Five Pope County high school students will attend the Young People’s Citizenship Seminar at Inspiration Point Camp on Lake Spitzer, south of Battle Lake. The seminar will be held July 29 to August 2. The student who will be in attendance from Starbuck is Ruth Baukol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Baukol and Debbie Dahlseng. The students are sponsored by the State Bank of Cyrus, Lowry State bank, First National Bank of Starbuck, Pope County State Bank and Glenwood State Bank. These banks have sponsored students to this seminar for the past eight years.

Spring quarter commencement exercises were at St. Cloud State College and several student were included as graduates. From Starbuck, David L. Gorder received his BS degree. Five students from Glenwood received degrees as follows: Niles Austvold (BS), David O. Barsness (BA), Kenneth Koep (MS), Rose Meade (BA), and Erma Sivertson (MS). 


From July 18, 1984

Pastor Karl Pishaw, a May graduate of Wartburg Theological Seminary in Iowa, will be installed as the new associate minister of the Fron and Minnewaska Lutheran churches.  

Epenson-Olson Realty and Insurance has been sold by Ron Olson to Bob Johnsrud, owner of J & H Realty of Starbuck. The Olson family will be moving to Phoenix, Arizona where he has purchased a maintenance brokerage business.

Funeral services for Lloyd Arnold Thompson, 68, were held from East Zion Lutheran Church July 13. He is survived by his wife, Alverna and children Mrs. Allen (Patricia) Norby of Albany, Oregon; Mrs. Robert (Veronica) Severson of Wasella, Alaska; and Lyndale Thompson of Willmar.

The Executive Director of the Westchester YMCA in Los Angeles, California recently announced that former Starbuck resident, Steve Rundgren has been promoted to the position of Association Executive Director of Westchester Family YMCA effective June 1, 1984. He is the son of Earl and Lola Rundgren of Starbuck.

A son, Brent Wayne, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Miller (Sandra Samuelson) of Moorhead July 12.


From July 20, 1994

Tim Flom, son of Jerome and Joyce Flom of Starbuck, played the part of Motel, the tailor in “Fiddler on the Roof” which will be staged in Maddock, N.D.

Kara and Eric Barsness, children of Daryl and Diane Barsness of rural Starbuck, recently return from the Minnesota High School rodeo and will be, for the 3rd year in a row, heading to the Nationals to be held in Gillette, Wyoming. 

Funeral services for Marjorie Baker Gorder, 53, were held at the Daniel Rood Baptist Church in Fort Myers, FL June 29. She is survived by her husband, Milo Gorder and two sons.

Tony and Paula Amborn of Great Falls, Montana are the parents of a daughter, McKenna Marie born June 14.


From July 21, 2004 

About 50 people attended last week’s meeting of the health care commission to hear consultants talk about the future of health care in Pope County. The discussion included pros and cons of a potential merger of the Glacial Ridge Health System and Minnewaska Regional Health System. 

Reid Voss and Robert Martinson were in Starbuck last week visiting with Robert’s grandpa, Orin Syverson and other family in the area. Reid and Robert are half-way through a cross country bike ride dedicated to fallen soldiers in the Middle East. The young men went back to Nebraska last weekend to pick up where they took a break from the trek. 

Starbuck kids are taking time to read this summer as part of Starbuck Elementary School’s sumer reading program. The reading program theme this summer is “Summer Olympics.” Library assistant Rhonda Johnson said students have been challenged with weekly questions about the Olympics. On average, about 30 books have been checked out during the summer reading program. Johnson said she has about 40 “regulars” to the library and encourages students and local adults to visit the school library. She said, “I want this to be a used place and not to sit quiet. And it has been used this summer.”


From July 23, 2014

Three-term state Representative Paul Anderson (R-Starbuck) recently filed for re-election to his seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives. The district he currently serves, District 12B, covers approximately the western half of Stearns County, the eastern two-thirds of Pope County and four townships and two cities in Douglas County, in addition to two precincts in the city of Alexandria. 

Once a week since April, Kathy Ray and Patty Kakac have been visiting three Pope County nursing homes to meet with a core group of residents at each facility to listen to the residents reminisce about their earlier lives and childhood memories. The intention is to turn these stories into an original play with original songs, called Playing with Memories, which will be presented at Central Square on Sept. 19 and 20. 

Ray, the project’s playwright and artistic director, and Kakac, sing-songwriter, are involving the residents of the Minnewaska Lutheran Home in Starbuck, the Glenwood Retirement Village and Lakeview Good Samaritan in Glenwood as co-creators of the play and its music. Residents will also be the performers at the show in September.