From July 31, 1914

A baby girl came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jens Hanson. Now, remember the cigars, Jens!

Wm Highum went to Erdahl, Grant County, Saturday and returned Monday. He says the crops up there have been ruined by the black rust.

The Minnesota Daily News had an interesting account of our friend, Mr. I.M. Kalnes’ doings last week. Mr. Kalnes arrested six saloon keepers and a club for selling their wet goods on Saturday. Would that every man in Minnesota was a Kalnes.

The White Lily Restaurant has changed hands. Miss Mary Thompson, who has been conducting this popular eating place for some time, has sold it to B.M. Johnson and his wife, who will run it in the future.


From July 25, 1924

Funeral services will be held for Isaac Engebretson at the Fron church on Sunday afternoon, Rev. M.C. Johnshoy officiating. Mr. Engebretson is survived by the following sons and daughters: John, Edward, Ingval, Gustav, Anton, Mrs. Anton Carlson and Mrs. J. Throndrud.

Mr. and Mrs. Christ Overbo were pleasantly surprised on Sunday when over two hundred friends and relatives gathered at the Ole Drevdahl home to help him celebrate their silver wedding anniversary.

The Cyrus Lutheran Church was the scene of a beautiful wedding on Tuesday afternoon, when Miss Martha May Belle Lee became the bride of Adolph Julian Solvie. The maid of honor was Miss Beatrice Lamphere and the bridesmaids were Myrtle and Vivian Solvie. Little Verna Solvie was flower girl and Master Jerome Solvie was ring bearer. The groom was attended by Raymond Solvie, Ole Solvie and Ed Hovden.

W.C. Torgerson, Mayor of Starbuck, received the following letter last week:

Mr. Torgerson:

Say, why don’t you watch after those machines they have in the pool halls here in town.

Because I seen the kids was playing on them. This name will show up later.

In reply the mayor assured the lady that the mayors office will give her the proper support if she will sign her name.


From August 2, 1934

A new tennis court located on the lots owned by the Sons of Norway lodge, west of Walden Bros. garage was completed this week. Those who have had charge of the work are Harry Thorstad, the Kjonaas twins, John Merrill, Henry Steak Nodland, Jr., and Olaf Wollan. 

Miss Lorna Peterson, Minnewaska, was married to Mr. Edmund Smedstad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Smedstad, White Bear Lake, Tuesday, July 24th by Rev. M.C. Knutson in Glenwood. Attendants were Rudolph Lee and Eleanor Pederson, sister of the bride.

Tuesday evening a shower was held in honor of the young couple at the city park in Glenwood. About 150 relatives and friends were present. A program was given of which Cornie Wollan was of toastmaster. Arthur Nordberg sang a couple of solos, accompanied by Miss Cora Pederson, a pickup orchestra of four Glenwood boys who played several numbers. Afterward, there was a picnic lunch in the park.

The young newlyweds were recipients of many gifts which were presented to them in a covered wagon, drawn by little Betty and Pat Kelliher of Glenwood.

Caroline and Anna Grondahl, Mrs. John Overson, Mrs. M.P. Eidberg, Mrs. Emil Larson, Mrs. G.G. Landmark, and Mrs. Albert Dreyer entertained the members of the band and their friends after the concert Saturday evening, at Fron parlors. The ladies served a tasty luncheon which was greatly enjoyed by the band boys, and they hereby express their thanks to the above ladies.

Irving Helgeson and Clifford Mather won the tennis tourney last week defeating Howard Jorgenson and Ralph Anderson. A similar tourney will be played this week.

Mrs. Gotfred Nordstrom, Mrs. John Overson, Mrs. Edw. S. Olson, Mrs. Ida Carlson and Alice, Mrs. B.M. Johnson spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Nels Stenson in honor of her birthday.

Helen Lorvig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Lorvig, is spending the week with Verna Landmark.

Rev. and Mrs. George C. Brenni (nee Clara Throngard) of Marietta, Minnesota took Miss Esther Berge, who has been visiting them for a week, back to Starbuck. They will return to Marietta today.

Love creates blindness; marriage cures it.

Be sure to praise your children as often as you find fault with it.


From July 27, 1944

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baukol on Sunday.

Economize! Use Minnesota twine. Your own product is made in your own plant for your own benefit. Hanse’s Elevator, Starbuck.

Miss Delores Edmunds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edmunds and S-Sgt. William P. Blair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Blair of Glenwood were married Saturday evening at the Methodist Parsonage in Glenwood. The groom is stationed at Fort Bragg, NC and the bride will remain at her home near Starbuck for the present.

Car owners – To owners of Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto, and Chrysler cars: We have in stock factory inspected parts designed for your car. Use Texaco products and play safe. Irwin’s Texaco Service, Starbuck. 

Specials at the Red Owl Agency: California Valencia oranges, dozen 25¢; California iceberg lettuce, 2 heads for 17¢; American pasteurized cheese, 2 lb. box 73¢; Hickory smoked summer sausage, lb. 29¢; sliced bacon, 1 lb. pkg. 37¢; whole kernel corn, 2 cans 27¢; mustard, qt. jar 10¢.


From July 29, 1954

Miss Evelyn Ann Rogers of Spokane, Washington, and Joseph C. Mickelson were married recently at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Spokane. The couple will live in Sacramento, CA.

Relatives visited at the Melvin Baukol home Friday evening and helped Gail celebrate her 10th birthday.

Debra Kay, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Barsness was baptized July 11 at Immanuel Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Klevann.

Mavone Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olvin Nelson of Glenwood and Arthur L. Floan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Odin Floan of Clontarf were married July 10 at Barsness Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home on a farm near Benson.


From July 30, 1964

A total of 113 tracts of parkland amounting to 11,930 acres, valued at more than $1 million has been purchased thus far under the Omnibus Natural Resouces bill, and was reported this week by Stephen Quigley, Commissioner of Administration. Among the 12 parks purchased or optioned is Glacial Lakes Park.

Five girls were overnight guests at the Harry Aslagson home Tuesday evening and helped Nadine celebrate her 12th birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schwendemann entertained a group of people Sunday afternoon in honor of Nancy’s 8th birthday.

Mary Beth Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Larson of Starbuck and Leo John Eisenzimmer of Cando, ND, were married at the Catholic Church of Incarnation in Minneapolis on June 20. The couple will live in Minneapolis.

  Births: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wesen of New Brighton July 15; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stadsvold July 26; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James Lindell July 28; a son, Randall, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Anderson July 24.


From July 25, 1974

Dorothy Moe appointed new Clerk of Court. She will replace Hartvig Pederson, who has been the clerk these past 15 years and who is retiring effective August 1st.

Edna Hoium and Charles Gordon were chosen as outstanding senior citizens of Pope County.

Funeral services were held Monday in Glenwood for Mrs. Joe (Ethel) Gandrud, 62, and Mrs. Earl (Beverly) Fingerson, 48, both victims of a car accident.

Marsha Norby and Peter Danielson exchanged wedding vows in a double ring ceremony on May 25th at the Chippewa Falls Lutheran Church in Terrace, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Amundson are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Eloise, to Donald Erickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Newman Erickson of Starbuck. Nov. 30th wedding is being planned. 

Mr. and Mrs. Don Staples will be hosting an open house wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Staples at the Fron Lutheran Church parlors on Thursday evening, July 25 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tim and Rae Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dierks of Chokio, were married July 17th at Our Saviors Lutheran Church at Chokio.

An open house post-nuptial wedding reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rosten will be held Sunday, August 4 from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the Indherred Church parlors. Everyone welcome. 

The families of Lars and Belle Hanson will have a family reunion at the Starbuck Lakeshore Park on Sunday, August 4 with a potluck dinner at noon.


From July 25, 1984

Karen Hoium, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hoium and Milo Holte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holte, were married at Fron Lutheran Church on June 30. The couple will make their home in Melrose.

Jim and Carol Wink of Glenwood announce the birth of a daughter, Ashley Lee, born July 13.

Funeral services for Valborg Marie Hagen, 78, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church July 17. She is survived by one son, Virgil of Glenwood, and two grandchildren, Kay and Jon Hagen.

Tom Johnshoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Johnshoy of Starbuck has been named to the Dean’s List at Willmar Area Vocational Technical Institute for the spring quarter. He is enrolled in the Farm Operation and Management Program.

Mardella Scherr, daughter of Pius and Phyllis Scherr, attended the MS Society’s 1984 Creative Writing event held at Itsca Community College in Grand Rapids recently.


From July 27, 1994

Linden and Doreen Pederson of Rockford are the parents of a daughter, Brenna Charlotte, born July 20.

A wedding reception was held for Candice Dullum, daughter of Helen Dullum, and Donald Crawford, at the Chad and Mimi Knutson home at Diamond Lake at the Kandiyohi County Park on July 17.

Funeral services for Vernon Smedstad, 75, were held at Peterson-Grimson Chapel in Monticello July 25. Among his survivors is a brother, Frank Smedstad of Starbuck.

Roger Larson recently retired after serving 22 years with the Starbuck Fire Department.


From July 28, 2004 

State health officials have reported that mosquito monitoring sites in western Minnesota are detecting large numbers of the Culex tarsalis mosquito, the primary carrier of West Nile virus in Minnesota. Residents of western Minnesota, including Pope County, currently face a higher risk of West Nile virus and need to be extra diligent in protecting themselves from the mosquito-borne disease.

Supporters of Dr. Robert Bösl said last week that part of Starbuck’s declining hospital market share problem is because the board of the hospital district chose not to renew a contract with Dr. Bösl, which is sending patients elsewhere. But a consultant hired to study the problem pointed out that the system’s problems began before the December decision on Dr. Bösl’s contract and goes back several years. And she said the problem doesn’t only affect Starbuck, it affects Glenwood as well. 

The VFW team won first place in their own Heritage Tournament which was held on July 10 at the MAHS fields. The Starbuck VFW Post #4582 baseball team includes Andy Toop, Cass Kreitlow, Jordan Lehtola, Ryan Gandrud, Wyatt Paumen, Ira Ammend, Aaron Kessler, Chris Fischer, Sam Goracke, David Butler, Danny Braaten, Tyler Davis, Jon Hoffmann, Andrew Olson, assistant coach Justin Peterson and coach Matt Katzenmeyer.


From July 30, 2014

With plenty of new events and attractions plus time-honored favorites, the Pope County Fair is keeping it fresh and fun in 2014. And as it has been for more than 140 years, admission is free for the whole family! One of the highlights coming up at the fair is an opportunity to see award-winning country singer Sherwin Linton in concert.

A motion to approve a major project dealing with maintenance and repairs at three Minnewaska Area Schools buildings was delayed until this week to give school board members a little more time to become more familiar with the numbers involved. The board is near the end of a project dating back to last year to detail physical needs at district buildings, decide which are the most important and then take that list of needs to voters who would be asked to approve a bond to pay for the repairs.

The Starbuck High School Class of 1959 enjoyed their 55-year class reunion at the Nutcracker Café in Starbuck on July 5. The group also enjoyed gathering there on Sunday morning for breakfast. Pictured in the Times were: Lance Boyd, Dale Krogstad, Larol Korsness, Ron Bardal, David Peterson, Paul Bardal, Mary Alice Pederson Bardal, LoAnne Williams Jaeck, Erling Barsness and Wayne Erickson.