One Deputy Sheriff and one Firefighter will be biking 230 miles starting in Glenwood on Sept. 3 and traveling to Redwing.  The two are raising awareness and funding for Invisible Wounds Project (IWP) with “a ride against suicide.”

Brandon Sell, one of the bicyclists riding said he and his fellow biker, Firefighter Austin Langer will be starting in Glenwood and there will be a gathering of area law enforcement officers, firefighters, dispatchers, other first responders and military representatives at the Pope County Historical Society Museum at 8:30 a.m. next Tuesday, Sept. 3.  

The two will conduct a short program in Glenwood before starting their 230-mile trek across Minnesota to raise awareness and save lives,” according to Sell.  “We would really like the community to come out and support this effort,” said Sell.  “It isn’t just a fundraiser but we want to make a big deal out of it and have the community behind us so we can raise awareness that there is another resource for military and first responders,” he added.

Raising awareness and funds for the Invisible Wounds Project helps improve the lives and mental health of First Responders, Military, and Frontline Healthcare Workers during Suicide Prevention Month, according to a promotional flier on the event.  The two are trying to reach their goal of raising $20,000.  

For more information, check out There is a scan code on the flyer at the bottom left side of this page.  

Invisible Wounds Project

You are not alone! If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, we are here to help. We offer our services without judgement and with full confidentiality. Reach out for help via email to You can also call us for help at 1-855-HELP-IWP (435-7497).