Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on August 19, 2024 at 12:27pm CDT
From Aug. 15, 1924
Miss Agnes Engebretson and Prof. L.J. Jorstad were quietly married at the Indherred parsonage yesterday afternoon by Rev. G.O. Forde. The witnesses at the ceremony were Miss Millianna Englund and Mr. Herman Engebretson, a brother of the bride. The bride is the daughter of Peder Engebretson of this village and the groom is the son of Charles and Kari Jorstad of Kinsman, Illinois. He has been superintendent of schools in Starbuck for the last nine years.
Miss Ruth Danielson, daughter of Mrs. Emelia Danielson, and Martin Ness, son of Mrs. Karie Ness, both of Cyrus, were united in marriage at the St. Petri Church in Cyrus last Saturday evening.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halvorson on Saturday.
The Fron basement was completed Tuesday. Carl Kjolsbeck has been doing the painting, varnishing and oiling. Monday ten ladies washed the floor, Mrs. Yarger served lunch.
On Sunday the New Prairie baseball team defeated the White Bear Lake team by a score of 10 to 7. “Smoke” Tangen pitched the last five innings and struck out ten men and allowed only one hit without a run.
The school board organized by electing Dr. Opheim as president; Ed Chalenburg, clerk and A.R. Schuetz, treasurer, at their first meeting after the election. The new superintendent is expected to arrive here about August 15.
Ashley Schuetz, 14-year-old son of A.R. Schuetz (for many years a Northern Pacific agent here), was drowned in Lake Minnewaska Saturday afternoon. Funeral services were held at the Fron Church on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. M.C. Johnshoy officiating. Ashley is survived by his parents, one sister Eldanore and one brother Clifford.
The new trunk highway between Starbuck and Glenwood opened for traffic the first part of the week after being closed since the first part of June. The road now follows the lake the entire way, which makes it a very beautiful drive. As soon as it is finished graveling will commence.
From Aug. 16, 1934
Little Ann Opheim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Opheim burned her leg Sunday morning when she tipped a cup of hot coffee off the table. The burn left some large blisters, but at this writing she is getting along fine.
Mrs. Otto Voight and her children, who returned from a trip to Wisconsin this week had the opportunity to see President Roosevelt when he visited Green Bay last Thursday. A mammoth parade was held during the day and was witnessed by a crowd of 100,000 people. In the parade was the president and his party, 1,000 national guardsmen, 50 motorcycle patrolmen, and all the sailors from four naval vessels.
Thorlief Landaas, who has been doing repair work at the Martin Pederson farm, experienced a painful injury Tuesday while taking apart an old binder. He was striking a part on the binder with a sledge which was hooked to a spring. The iron attached to the spring broke loose from the casting striking Mr. Landaas in the mouth, making a deep gash, necessitating several stitches to close the wound. Three of his teeth were also knocked loose.
Specials! Specials! Thursday, Friday and Saturday – Strawberries, fresh, fancy, homegrown, qt. 28¢; Lem Hawkins whole wheat flakes, pkg. 10¢; Sunny-Monday white laundry soap, 10 bars for 10¢; Highhouse washing powder, 44 oz. pkg. for 10¢; Home grown tomatoes, per lb. 3¢; Summer sausage, per lb. 15¢; Fresh sausage meat, per lb. 10¢; City Meat Market, Anton Aaberg, Prop.
From Aug. 17, 1944
Beginning last Monday, August 13, all beef will be ration-free except commercial, good and choice steaks and roasts, NFA has announced.
Miss Lucille Schello of Kensington and Pfc. Russell Stevens were married July 30 at the Post Chapel at Camp Maxey, Texas. The couple will make their home in Paris, Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Signalness are the parents of a 9 lb. baby boy born at the Morris Hospital Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Erick Hoium received word last week that their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stockness are the parents of twins born at the Fairview Hospital in Minneapolis. The twin boy was born August 5th and the twin girl was born four days later on August 9th.
Marvae Jane, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Obert Christianson was baptized at the Immanuel Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mrs. Cora McGee and Roger Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Norval Sylvester.
From Aug. 19, 1954
Beverly Ann Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bennett of Glenwood and John M. Braaten, son of Mrs. Mina Braaten of Kensington were married July 30 at Grace Lutheran Church in Camden, New Jersey. The couple will make their home in Camden.
Hazel Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Olson will open a gift shop at her home on Hwy. 28 this week featuring homemade articles, gifts, novelties, cards, stationary, magazine subscriptions and a lending library. Miss Olson is an energetic person in spite of the fact that she is an invalid afflicted with rheumatism.
Funeral services for Carl Anondson, 57, were held at East Zion Lutheran Church August 11. He is survived by his wife, Alma, and the following children: Vernon of Los Angeles, CA, Truman, Gordon, Donald, Mary Jane, and Carol of Minneapolis, Mrs. Herbert (Phyllis) Simonson of Rochester, NY, Alton, Warren, Stanton and JoAnn at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson of Forman, ND have bought Wally’s Resort on Lake Minnewaska and will take possession August 30.
From Aug. 20, 1964
Births: A son, Daniel Lee to Mr. and Mrs. Edner
C. Danielson August 6; a daughter, Elizabeth Diane to Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Sylvester (Eunice Kjera) of Minneapolis August 9.
Donna Marlene, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Forbord was baptized at East Zion Lutheran Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Adlore Forbord, Esther Greene and Larry Greene (by proxy),
John Samuelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Samuelson has been accepted at the North Dakota State College at Fargo and will enter the College of Pharmacy.
From Aug. 15, 1974
The 87th Pope County Fair is now history and no doubt will be long remembered by those in charge as a “washout” in more ways than one. Heavy rains curtailed some of the activities late Friday evening but the Saturday afternoon motorcycle races, Saturday evening’s auto show and Sunday afternoon’s horse races were completely wiped out by the drops above.
A squad of approximately 35 candidates greeted Starbuck football coach Bill Bailey Monday morning as the Bucks began conditioning drills in preparation for the 1974 football season. Among that group are twelve returning lettermen, a group that causes Coach Bailey to speak with guarded optimism about the upcoming season.
From Aug. 15, 1984
Funeral services for Olava Tessem, 74, were held from the Indherred Lutheran Church July 17. She is survived by two sisters, Mabel Ronnie of Starbuck and Palma Christensen of Buffalo and one brother, Ferdinand of Sylva, North Carolina.
Work started the past week on a new 46’ x 46’ office building being constructed by Steve Dinsmore Accounting. The new facility is located between Tank’s TV and Appliance and Star Lanes. The law firm of Nelson and Kuhn will also be housed there.
Todd Erickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Erickson has been accepted into the Meat Cutter program at Pipestone Area Vocational Technical Institute.
Lori Groth of Alexandria and Jerry Aaberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Aaberg, were married at Zion Lutheran Church in Hardwick on July 21. The couple will make their home in Alexandria.
From Aug. 17, 1994
A gazebo was built at the Minnewaska Golf Club at Glenwood this past summer in memory of Dave Hagert, one of the founders of the Starbuck Golf Tournament.
Funeral services for Orpha Irrthum, 89, were held in the Minnewaska Lutheran Home Commons August 9. She is survived by one daughter, Elaine and Bob May of Wenatchee, WA and two sons, Donald and Barbara Evjen of Bloomington and Elmo Evjen of Wenatchee, WA.
A daughter, Sierra Renee, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jennifer (Pederson) and Erick Koehler of Minneapolis August 11.
According to Vic Vatthauer, Glacial Lakes State Park Superintendent, a DNR grant has been approved and the project to build a non-motorized trail from Starbuck to the Park will begin this fall.
From Aug. 18, 2004
The current Starbuck fire hall is more than 30 years old and has prompted Starbuck Fire Chief Dalen Gosseling to turn to city leaders for their help in determining funding sources for the potential construction of a new fire hall. Preliminary plans include a 185’ x 60’ building to be located on city-owned property east of the Starbuck Locker between Fifth Street East and Depot Lane. Plans also include a community room that would hold about 300 people and the facility would house the ambulance service.
The Country Days festivities celebrate the importance of the farming community and its influence on the community of Starbuck. On Saturday, Starbuck was busy with numerous events around town from a pancake breakfast and parade to a farm tour and hog roast. Country Days is held the second Saturday in August.
The Pope County Health Care Commission ended its work last Wednesday by concluding that there was enough information to warrant a closer look at a merger of Glacial Ridge Health System and Minnewaska Regional Health System. The commission prepared a resolution which would have to be approved by both hospital boards that would formally open talks between the two organizations. The resolution lists 12 items which the two boards would have to negotiate for a merger ranging from how a board would be established to uses and staffing levels for each of the two existing hospitals and clinics operated by each facility.
From Aug. 20, 2014
Starbuck residents will have a choice in November of three candidates for mayor with Dori Ann, Gary Swenson and current council member Lyle Katzenmmeyer all filing for the position. Current Mayor Bruce Bakewell did not file for reelection. He served as mayor for one term, elected in 2012. Just two filed for the two four-year council seats open. They are Ted Razink and Cary Jenson. The two openings will replace current council members Mike Moen and Ranae Spore, who chose not to file. Steve Gorder is the only one who filed for the two-year council position. He was appointed to fill in for Jamie Logan after Logan resigned from the council in 2013.
Minnewaska Area Schools will add $300,000 to its previously proposed $8.3 million building repair levy to upgrade the technology backbone of its buildings in Glenwood, Starbuck and Minnewaska Area High School. Superintendent Greg Schmidt told the board that the district cannot move ahead in how it uses technology if that were to involve a large increase of technology by students, without a better infrastructure.
Minnewaska Area High School was represented by two students at this year’s MMEA All-State Choir concert held Aug. 9 at Concordia College. Senior Cole Mercier performed as a Bass I in Mixed Choir, and junior Treyson DeJager performed as a Tenor I in Men’s Choir. Students, families, teachers and audience members gathered for a reception in the Concordia gymnasium after the concert. Pictured in the Times are MAHS choir director Gordy Moeller, Mercier, DeJager and vocal instructor Diane Moeller.