From Aug 21, 1914

A.H. Dreyer and C.C. Heegard are wiring the home of Miss Louise Ronning this week. They are installing a splendid system of electric lights. The hall lights are wired on what is called a three-way switch so that the lights can be controlled from two places. Edison Mazda lamps will be used throughout the home.

Announcement: We have bought out the pool room business of H.J. Golie and will conduct it in the future. We aim to carry a large stock of cigars, confectionery and soft drinks. At the present time we have some big watermelons, the kind with big, red, juicy heart. You can take some home or have a slice at our lunch counter. Lund Brothers – Henry and William.

Mrs. Julia Johnson, who with her husband, Nicolal Johnson, ran the “Corner Restaurant” for eight years have purchased it back from Peter Berg and will take possession next Monday. Mrs. Johnson is well known in the community from her long connection with this popular eating place and has a host of friends who will be glad to learn of her getting back into the business again and she is assured of liberal patronage.

In making plans for the future of your boy or girl, remember that the most useful education you can give them is a thorough business training in a high school business training school, like the Little Falls Business College. The fall term begins August 31.


From Aug. 23, 1924

Miss Hilda Bremnes and Dr. Otto S. Talle of Glenwood were married at the Chippewa Falls Lutheran church Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Belgum. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Talle of Walden township, and is a practicing dentist at Glenwood, having bought out Dr. Shipstead’s office when he moved to Minneapolis. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Bremnes of Sedan.

Casper T. Wollan, for 50 years a prominent business man of Glenwood, died at his home there last Saturday morning. With his brother Michael he founded the Fremad store in Glenwood, one of the largest business enterprises there. They first opened a little store dealing in hardware and implements, and had a tin shop in connection. He was married to Ingeborg Aal, a sister of Jorgen Aal of Glenwood. Mrs. Wollan and eight children survive.

Jens Solhaug, well-known pioneer of Minnewaska township and for many years prominent in village affairs here, died at his residence last Friday morning. Mr. Solhaug was 77 years, and had enjoyed good health until about three years ago, when he suffered a stroke. Funeral services were held at the Minnewaska church on Monday, Rev. T. Klevann officiating. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Solhaug, and of these six survive him.

Eddie Berg, who is threshing for some of his neighbors, reports that Otto Otteson, Jr., secured 50 bushels of barley to the acre on 18 acres. Peter Peterson, on a patch of 10 acres, got 878 bushels of oats. Threshing at Andrew Nali’s, some oats with short straw ran out 606 bushels in two hours.


From Aug. 23, 1934

Two Lowry clubsters will represent Pope County at the 4-H health contest at the State Fair this year. They are Marjorie Bennett of the Go-Getters 4-H Club and Allen Hagstrom of the Lowry Happy Hustlers 4-H club.

A deal was completed last week in which Mrs. Knute Hidem became the owner of the Lee Sisters Millinery Shop. The new store will be called Hidem’s Apparel Shop. The Misses Clara and Marie Lee have operated the shop in Starbuck for the past twenty years.

A.T. Sanvik, who has been acting postmaster of the local post office since last September, received official notice of his appointment as postmaster from Washington last week.

Every now and then Starbuck is visited by a chimney sweeper, but the one that came here Monday was in a class by himself. While cleaning the chimney at the drug store he started to yodel, and before long he attracted quite an audience.

Arnold Dullum is leaving today with his race horses for Alexandria to take part in the races. Following the Alexandria races he will go to Fergus Falls and Herman.


From Aug. 24, 1944

Funeral services for Mrs. Clara Lermon, 74, were held from the Fron Lutheran Church August 22. She is survived by one son, Guy.

Gilbert Olaus, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kjorstad was baptized at the Indherred Church Sunday, August 13. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Baukol, Esther Kjorstad and Harold Ranum.

Four Starbuck boys met somewhere in Italy about a month ago. They were Ralph Pederson, Carlton Brevig, Berger Mickelson and Clarence Espelien. These four also had their picture taken together.

Specials this week at the Red Owl Store: Harvest Queen coffee, 3 lb. bag 30¢; Bacon, 1 lb. pig. 38¢; 50 lb. sack enriched flour, $2.49: VanCamps beans, 2 – 20 oz cans 25¢; Minnesota yellow onions, 4 lbs. for 25¢; evaporated milk, 3 cans for 26¢; Black Flag insecticide killer, 39¢ quart. Let us service your car or truck. Greasing and washing. We have in stock Phillips 66 and National batteries. We also carry auto accessories. Phillips “66”. Ralph Stewart, owner.


From Aug. 26, 1954

About 75 women gathered at the West Zion church parlors on Wednesday afternoon, August 18, honoring Rita Haldorson at a bridal shower. Rita thanked the guests for the honor shown her and for the lovely and usable gifts.

Mrs. Maria Tollefson and David, Luther, Grace and Ruth Marie Tollefson spent the weekend on the North Shore and at Port Arthur, Canada.

Mrs. C.G. Pederson returned Tuesday evening from Minneapolis where she went to get acquainted with her new granddaughter, Nancy Anlis, born August 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kuusisto.

Charles Schumann, manager of the Penney Store at Morris, has been transferred to the company’s larger store at Grand Rapids, Mich., and assumed his new duties August 16. Mrs. Schumann (the former Babe Thorstad of Starbuck) and children will remain in Morris until housing is secured.

Miss Donna Mae Simondet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Simondet of North Redwood Falls, and Rasmus B.A. Kalnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.M. Kalnes of McFarland, Wis., were married at Hayfield, where both will teach. I.M. Kalnes was publisher of the Starbuck Times up to May 15, 1914.


From Aug. 20, 1964

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Baukol celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on July 19, with an open house reception at their home in Starbuck. Hosts and hostesses for the day were the couple’s children: Lawrence Baukol, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baukol, Mr. and Ms. Warren Baukol, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Baukol and Mr. and Mrs. Peder Baukol.

Miss Bodil Ostby of Oslo, Norway spent a few days with Sylvia Winge. Miss Ostby was a student at Luther College during the summer session. Miss Ostby and Miss Winge spent one day with Mrs. Claire Moen at Milan.

Robert DuBois and family moved Saturday to a home on Lake Darling, north of Alexandria.

Mr. and Mrs. Ednar C. Danielson are the parents of a son, born August 6. He is their seventh child and sixth boy.

Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Sylvester, Minneapolis, are the parents of a baby girl, Elizabeth Diane, born Sunday, August 9. She is their sixth child and fifth girl. Mrs. Sophie Kjera and Mrs. Jennie Sylvester are the grandmothers.


From Aug. 22, 1974

Robert Logan, an employee of the Farmers Union Oil Co. and Orlando Follingstad, local telephone manager, will both be leaving Starbuck by the end of the month for other employment.

Mr. Logan and family will be going to the Wisconsin Dells where he will have a managerial position at the Co-op Oil Station there.

Mr. and Mrs. Follingstad and family will move to Pelican Rapids, Minn., where he will be manager of the Telephone Co. there. He formerly held that position before moving here.

Wesley Hanson, owner of the Starbuck Telephone Co. stated he regretted seeing Mr. Follingstad leave and that he had several applicants to replace him but had not made a choice yet.

Elmer Swenson, manager of Farmers Union Oil Co. also had high praise for the work of Mr. Logan, and as now has not hired a replacement.

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Anderson plan to leave Friday for Sand Point, Alaska where they have accepted teaching positions at Sand Point Public School. Rick will teach and coach basketball and Susan will teach Home Economics. They have both taught in Corwin Wesley High School in Iowa for the past three years.

Rick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Anderson of Starbuck and his wife is the former Susan Knutson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Knutson of Glenwood. 

Susan Kay Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Hanson of Benson, and Ronald Wayne Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Eugene Johnson of Starbuck were married June 15th in Our Redeemers Lutheran Church in Benson. The Rev. Darold Beekman officiated at the 7 p.m. ceremony. Mrs. James Hruby was the organist and Mrs. Barry Pederson the soloist for the service. The bride, a graduate of Benson high school and the Willmar Vo-Tech Institute is employed by Star Styles in Starbuck. The groom is engaged in farming near Starbuck.


From Aug. 22, 1984

Ernest Prchal, 68, of rural Alexandria, was killed Friday afternoon at Lowry when a westbound Soo Line train hit the tractor he was driving.

Rick and Connie (Schnobrick) Hauer are the parents of a daughter, Jessica Jo born August 16.

Funeral services for Claremont Kirkwold, 77, were held from Minnewaska Lutheran Church August 20. He is survived by five children: Robert of Dayton, Mrs. Gordon (Maxine) Halvorson of Lonsdale, Larry of Hot Springs, Arkansas, Mrs. Thomas (Janice) Pettit of Minneapolis and Paul Kirkwold of Starbuck.

Wanda Amundson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Amundson and Mark Haberer of Elbow Lake were married June 9 at the Fron Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home near Elbow Lake.

Michael R. Payne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Payne of Starbuck has enlisted in the U.S. Air Force.


From Aug. 24, 1994

Another leg of a non-motorized trail connecting communities through parks has just become a reality. According to Glacial Park Superintendent Vic Vatthauer, the DNR grant has been approved and the project to build the non-motorized trail from Starbuck to the Park will begin this fall. Vatthauer hopes to have all the dirt work completed this fall and hard gravel surface. The blacktopping will be done next spring.

Midwest Cablevision is getting closer to completing its improvement project that will greatly enhance cable television to subscribers in the Starbuck area, it was announced recently. The local Starbuck cable provider, Midwest Cablevision of Morris, has estimated the total project will cost approximately $65,000. This project includes installing approximately six miles of new cable, amplifiers and filters that will provide the area with new, state-of-the-art electronic equipment. The previous system was installed about 16 years ago and this project will be replacing that original equipment.

The Moorhead State University volleyball squad opened preseason volleyball practice last week as the Dragons prepare for the NSIC/NAIA season. One of the seven returning letter winners for Coach Becky Schulze’s team will be sophomore Leah Halvorson of Starbuck and the Minnewaska Area High School Lakers.


From Aug. 25, 2004 

With docks and swimming slides beached, Starbuck Beach closed for the season on Sunday. Cool August temperatures made for a frustrating end to the summer season for local sun and sand lovers.

A group of area election judges from Starbuck, White Bear Lake Township and Minnewaska Township gathered last week to review election day procedures. Pictured in the Times were Marilyn Staples, Doris Gorder, Sylvia Gunderson, Delores Draxton, Joann Holten, Grace Larson, Nancy Samuelson, Pat Dinsmore, Dolores Johnson, Emily Gullickson, Sue Schumann, Sharon Larson, Corrine Hoium and Marilyn Mortenson. (Not pictured were Stan Martinson, Ray Brown, Dolores Billehus, Helen Hoverud, Jan Arneson, Bobbie Nicklasson, Barb Boutain, Marvae Engebretson, John Gorder, Carol Engh, Timmie Baukol, Marilyn Quitney, Joyce Goodyear and Jan Norby.

Third and fourth grade Starbuck little league baseball teams recently finished their 2004 season. Teams included the Twins, Orioles, Oakland A’s and Yankees. Area businesses including First National Bank, Mary Baukol’s Advertising and Little Store, Prairie Lakes Coop and Starbuck Telephone sponsored the teams.


From Aug. 27, 2014

Jeff Finden was honored last Thursday with a dedication ceremony and monument for the new Finden Waterfowl Production Area west of Starbuck. Finden was a founder of Pheasants Forever. He was the organization’s first staff member and served as the organization’s executive director from 1982 until his retirement in 2000. Finden, in fact, headquartered the fledgling Pheasants Forever organization in his home’s basement from 1982 until 1986. The new, 280-acre Finden Waterfowl Production Area is a permanently protected area of wildlife habitat. 

Residents of South Shore Drive in Starbuck saw some flooding across the road Thursday morning because of the heavy rains that took place Wednesday night and into Thursday morning. A South Shore resident said it was a three inch rain that caused the flooding. He said this is the second time in 2014 that the rain has caused flooding over the road and caused houses along the road to get flooded crawl spaces. He stated that the flooding has happened about five times since 2006. He said that he believes the problem was caused when the county removed two culverts just west of Fron Cemetery on County Road 18 that directed the water to alternate spots rather than the one big culvert the county placed that sends all the water to one spot.