From Sept. 4, 1914

For Sunday night drug service, call No. 30.

John Larson of Blue Mounds has threshed 37 bushels of oats to the acre.

Ford tires at wholesale! 30×3-1/2 non-skid, weight 16 lbs., $14.70; 30×3-1/2 smooth tread $13.69; 32×4 – $19.80. Congress automobile tires will reduce the operating equipment of a car. The strongest and best made. Any size you wish to order by mail. Consumers Supply Co., Morris, MN.

Anton Aaberg will be “Johnny on the Spot” to weigh your cattle and hogs Monday.


From Aug. 29, 1924

Tuesday morning, Sept.2, school will open for another term. The personnel of this year’s teaching corps is as follows: Miss Ila Oby, 1st and 2nd grade; Miss Ida Holden, 3rd and 4th grades; Miss Ruth Larson, 5th and 6th grades; Miss Thelma Haugen, 7th and 8th grades; Miss Esther Weickert, high school instructor; Miss Olga Bly, high school instructor; Miss Cora Glesne, high school principal; Mr. S. Hagen, Supt. of School.

A joint meeting of the three Ladies Aid Societies of the Fron congregation was held at the new church parlors Friday afternoon and evening. A splendid program was given in the afternoon and during the supper house the church orchestra, consisting of Rev. Johnshoy, Edw. S. Olson, M.P. Eidberg, John Larson, with Mrs. Olaf Wollan at the piano, furnished a program of instrumental music.

The following program will be given at St. .John’s Y.P.S. next Sunday evening: Recitation, Myrtle Vigdahl; song, children; song, Iver Kjera; Selection, Melvin Kamrud; recitation, Mildred Tangen.

Miss Hazel Maanum daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.K. Maanum, became the bride of Wilhelm Pederson Thursday afternoon at a quiet home wedding. The only attendant was the flower girl Almira Maanum, sister of the bride.


From Sept. 6, 1934

Miss Luverne Johnson and Mr. Milton Brundin were united in marriage at Minneapolis on Friday evening, August 31 at 8:30 p.m. according to announcements received here this week. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Johnson and has been a student at the local high school. She is a talented singer, having taken part in both church and school activities. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brundin of Glenwood. He is a graduate of Glenwood High School and for the past year has operated the pavilion in partnership with his brother, Harold. He recently purchased a cafe in Minneapolis. 

Mr. R.S. Forde has been appointed through qualifications by the S.E.A. to act as instructor in band, orchestra and chorus work in Pope and Douglas counties. Mr. Forde is well qualified to carry on this work and a splendid opportunity for all who are interested in music. All who are interested should get in touch with Supt. Peterson at once.

293 pupils were enrolled in Starbuck schools.

Henry Rud, Melvin Opdahl, Raymond Pederson and Walter Nelson, who are stationed with the CCC at Frazee, came home for a visit with relatives.

Miss Ruby Hanson is taking the place of Miss Cora Pederson as assistant at the dental office of Dr. W.W. Larson. Miss Pederson recently resigned.


From Aug. 31, 1944

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larson announce the marriage of their daughter, Ruth Shirley to Lt. Perry L. Berg on August 19 at Greenville, South Carolina. The couple will make their home in Greenville where the groom is stationed.

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Telford Hendrickson of Hoff Township August 9. Also in Hoff, a baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jeitz.

Corp. and Mrs. Ivend Holen are the parents of a 7-1/2 lb. baby boy born at Swedish Hospital in Minneapolis Aug. 21.

A deal was made Monday whereby Hilmer Opheim of Minneapolis bought the Lowry Meat Market from Arne Holtberg. Opheim, who plans to take over next week is a former Starbuck resident and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Opheim.

Three new teachers have been employed at the Starbuck school for the coming year. Grace Gray will teach first and second grade. Harriet Hoium will teach English and geography and Katherine Estrem will teach general science, biology and high school American history.


From Sept. 2, 1954

Mrs. Harry Hendrickson and daughters, Shirley and Fae, will start moving to Alexandria Thursday. Mr. Hendrickson is employed by the Nodland Company in Canada.

A deal was made last week whereby Adolph Carlson bought out the interest of his partner, Carl Dahlseng in the Starbuck Furniture Mart.

Keith Neal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mortenson and Barry Alan, son of  Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bainey, Jr. were baptized at East Zion Lutheran Church Sunday. Sponsors for Keith were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bainey, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Orvald Moen. Sponsors for Barry Alan were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Warfield and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortenson.

Harold Jerome Disrud of Starbuck is among the men ordered for induction Sept. 17.


From Sept. 3, 1964

Dennis M. Jackson of Minnetonka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jackson of Starbuck, will receive a certificate as a certified public accountant at a luncheon Sept. 22, given by the State Board of Accountancy. He is employed by Strand & Roe, certified public accountants.

Mr. and Mrs. Lutheran Nelson are the parents of their third son, Michael Dean, born Wednesday, August 26. He shares his mother’s birthday.

Daniel Lee, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edner Danielson was baptized Sunday at East Zion Lutheran Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Delner Danielson.

Herman Nordgren and Mrs. Mildred Gorder, both of Starbuck, were married in the Fron Lutheran Church Chapel Saturday, April 10. They will make their home in Starbuck.


From Aug. 29, 1974

People by the hundreds headed last Sunday afternoon for the Don Espenson farm about 7 miles south of Starbuck to witness an “old -ashioned threshing bee.” They were far from disappointed as the bee went off in great fashion. In addition, several side attractions added to the interest of the afternoon. Actually doing the threshing was a 21” separator powered by different older tractors. Bundle pitchers rotated to give many a chance to swing a fork again.

State Senator Jim Lord of Chanhassen, brought his campaign for State Treasurer to Starbuck last Thursday. He visited with several area residents and urged their support. In his attempt to win the treasurer’s job, he had already visited around 100 communities. He was pictured in the Times with Cecil Huff of Starbuck.

A hearing on the proposed power line to be constructed through Pope County will be held in Glenwood on Thursday, Sept. 5. According to Michael Howe of the planning commission, a large crowd is expected as there has been quite a bit of opposition voiced to date on the matter.

Charles Gordon, an 83-year-old Villard man, along with 72-year-old Le Center woman Mrs. Lois Vollmer, were named Minnesota’s outstanding senior citizens by the Minnesota State Fair, Governor’s Citizen’s Council on Aging and the Minnesota Federation of County Fairs. The two will be honored during the Annual State Fair on Senior Citizen’s Day, Thursday, Aug. 29.


From Aug. 29, 1984

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Danielson (Mary Grote) are the parents of a daughter, Shana Beth, born August 23.

Randall L. DeGier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald DeGier of Starbuck, has been promoted to principal development engineer, air systems engineering, for the Commercial Systems Group of The Trane Company in LaCrosse, Wisconsin.

Cindy Vatthauer left for Grand Forks, North Dakota on Friday morning where she will be attending the University of North Dakota.

The Starbuck Stars were winners of the Region 9B amateur baseball tournament. Unfortunately the Stars lost to Red Wing 4-0 in the opening round of the Minnesota State Amateur Baseball Tournament held in Delano. Starbuck’s final won-lost record showed 20 wins against 11 losses. The Stars won 7 of their last 10 games during post season action against very tough competition.


From Aug. 31, 1994

A quick-forming storm, packing winds up to nearly 60 mph and gusting rain showers raced through western Minnesota last Thursday and did some damage to trees and miscellaneous personal property of homes and buildings. A large cottonwood tree, located between the Times building and Swartz apartments on Wollan Street, snapped off and punched a hole in the Swartz roof, spewing water and debris into one of the apartments. Fortunately, there were no injuries.

Marvin “Super Pete” Pederson and his family invited the community to an open house as a thank you to all of the wonderful people of the greater Starbuck/Pope County area for their faithful and dedicated patronage during the 40-plus years the Pederson family was in business in Starbuck. As a small token of saying thanks for this patronage and for the many wonderful memories they have of those 40 years, the Pederson family will host an open house at the Starbuck VFW.

One hundred nine descendants of the Ole and Gurl Dokken family reunited at the Starbuck Lakeshore Park on August 20 and 21. The Olaus Dokken family descendants were hosts.

Scott Snider was here for three weeks visiting his mother, Anne Snider and other friends and relatives. Scott had been studying at Austin, Texas Presbyterian Seminary and was looking for a possible internship in Minnesota.


From Sept. 1, 2004 

Many Starbuck Elementary School students, with parents in tow, checked out their classrooms on Monday during the evening’s Back to School Fair. 

The district began its goodbyes to Minnewaska Area Schools’ superintendent Bob Vaadeland, as well as started plans to find a replacement for him at the Aug. 24 special meeting of the MAS school district. Discussions focused around how quickly the board could find either an interim or permanent super intendant to take over Vaadeland’s position, as his projected last day with the district will be Sept. 10. He had accepted a position in Bemidji.

Residents at Hobo Park Campgrounds had their annual “End of the season” picnic Saturday evening.

Pastor R. Barry Anderson was installed as pastor of Indherred and Immanuel churches Sunday, Aug. 29.

On Saturday, Aug. 28, Pope County Pheasant Restoration held its very first annual youth event, which drew in over 50 kids to the Glenwood Gun Club. The event was free to all kids ages eight to 15 and was held at the Glenwood Gun Club’s new location just two miles east of Glenwood. Numerous educational demonstrations were put on by professionals. Some of the categories demonstrated were guns, safety and care; dogs, care and training with live springers; field first aid; and duck calling.


From Sept. 3, 2014

School days are back. Glacial Hills Elementary students arrived for the first day of school on Tuesday, Sept. 2. New teachers at GHE included Mike Swanson (physical education), Elizabeth Dahleimer (first grade), Nancy Bittmann (kindergarten), Amanda Strong (sixth grade), Breeana Zaic (title/special education) and Becky Anderson (speech).

Shane Weinand of Audubon Center of the North Woods (ACNW), current authorizer for Glacial Hills Elementary School in Starbuck, held a conference call with the GHES board Monday night and explained the contract renewal process. Charter schools in Minnesota are required to have contracts with an authorizer approved by the Minnesota Department of Education.

Eagle Bank officially took over ownership of the former First National Bank and First National Insurance in Starbuck on Friday, July 25, and opened for business officially as Eagle Bank and Eagle Insurance on Monday, July 28. The existing staff from First National Bank was retained. Pictured in the Times were Vice President/Branch Manager Randy Anderson, Marsha Williams (teller), Linda Jackson (loan administrative assistant), Jan Jensen (assistant cashier), Tina Haugen (customer service) and Bob Hendrickson (agent).