Passing their color belt tests are Mrs. Tammy Salonen (far left) and Mr. Gus Oeltjen, Mr. Beau Pischke and Mrs. Aimee Arevalo.

Recently at Minnewaska Taekwondo color belt tests were conducted for four students. To advance from one rank to another, each student needs to show proficiency in a pattern, kicking technique, hand technique and a board break. The yellow to green belts also show proficiency in basic blocking and basic punching. Mr. Gus Oeltjen, Mrs. Aimee Arevalo and Mrs. Tammy Salonen passed their yellow to green belt tests. Mr. Beau Pischke passed his white to orange belt test. 

Taekwondo classes at Central Square are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 p.m., 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. and other times by appointment.