From Sept. 18, 1914

Mr. and Mrs. Jorgenson came from Brooten Saturday evening. We understand they were showered with rice and old shoes most of the way to Glenwood. A party of friends accompanying them that far.

Yesterday at high noon, the marriage of Hild Randine Stadsvold to Tilmer C. Berg took place at the Fron Church. The couple will live on the groom’s farm south of Starbuck.

A little baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sansness about two weeks ago.

Rev. Koefod of Glenwood made a call at the bachelor home of Ole N. Barsness Tuesday.


From Sept. 12, 1924

In spite of cold, rainy weather last Sunday, a large number from Fron congregation went over to the Old People’s Home at Glenwood. They arrived just before dinner, and after a splendid dinner served by the ladies of the congregation, short services were held. Rev. Johnshoy preached the sermon. After the services, an informal program was given. A collection was taken, and was given to the home. Rev. Stormo spoke on behalf of the citizens of the home, and thanked the visitors for coming.

Mabel Thompson and Edward Fogarty were married at 8:00 a.m. August 27 at Rochester. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Alfred Smedstad, and is well known here. She is a graduate of the local high school and later attended a nurses’ training school for some time. Immediately after the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served.

Six Starbuck bachelors proved at the Fron church parlors Thursday evening of last week that they are capital entertainers. B.O. Kleven and G.J. Engebretson look very stable, but not particularly build for speed, but they showed the ladies that they could do very well in serving food. Tilman Smedstad ably wielded a dish towel in the kitchen. Dr. Larson and Christ Westby ably assisted Mr. Kleven in waiting on tables. It is said they were particularly attentive when it came to seeing that the unattached fair ones with no one to look after them got a fair and square chance at the good eats. Julius Billehus served the coffee like an old veteran.

Schools opening last Monday were Dist. 32, Kaisa Anderson, teacher; Dist. 3, Ellen Sansness, teacher; Dist. 92, Helen Nordberg, teacher; and Dist. 74, Agnes Reisrud, teacher.


From Sept. 13, 1934

The football season will start on Friday night when the Bucks will meet Glenwood. Following is the line-up for Starbuck: Lorrin Dahlager, Dorvan Skoglund, Joseph Belgum, Arnt Aune, Lloyd Landmark, Glenn Rundquist, Melvin Kjonaas, Manley Kjonaas, Philip Hagert, Norman Norland, Everett Wesen, Carlton Wollan, Melvin Baukol, Arnold Wollan, Thomas Olson. Among new material for the freshmen candidates are John Nelson, John Merrill, Andrew Thorstad, Robert Pederson, Warren Baukol and Earl Anondson.

Marjorie Bennett, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bennett of Reno Township is the new health champion of Minnesota. She is a member of the Go-Getter 4-H Club.

Miss Huldah Hagen, daughter of Mrs. Gyda Hagen became the bride of Mr. Einar Pederson of Baltic, South Dakota at the Minnewaska Church on Sept. 9, Rev. O.C. Dahlager officiating. Miss Edith Hagen was her sister’s maid of honor and Ruth Lois Sederstrom, niece of the bride was flower girl. Mr. Pederson was attended by Mr. U.P. Udesen.

Pope County 4-H stock judging team won second place in the state at the recent state fair. Members of the team are Gilbert Anderson and Floyd Swenson of Farwell and Norman Henderson of Glenwood. In the sewing project Adeline Nodland of Starbuck won third place with her display of needlework.

Little Chester Flack, 5-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ottar Flack underwent an emergency operation for mastoid last Tuesday evening. He was released from the hospital on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hoium are the proud parents of a baby boy, born Sept. 5.

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Odin Barsness on Monday afternoon.


From Sept. 14, 1944

Miss Evelyn Lee of Benson and Marvin Thorson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thorson were married August 31 at the parsonage of Rev. J.W. Yivisaker in Minneapolis. The couple will make their home on the groom’s farm near Starbuck.

Casper J. Gorder of Fergus Falls received a message from the War Department on Saturday, stating that his son, Sgt. Carsten Gorder, was missing in action over Italy on August 28.

Capt. Paul Johnshoy, son of Rev. and Mrs. M. Casper Johnshoy received his distinguished flying cross for his 44 missions to his credit over enemy territories. Last Monday his folks received a letter stating at he had been promoted from lieutenant to captain.

Mr. and Mrs. Tegner Hustad entertained several relatives and friends Friday afternoon in honor of Loretta’s second birthday.

Several helped Marlys Barsness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.S. Barsness celebrate her 9th birthday Tuesday.

Funeral services for Mrs. Alfred Thompson, 40, were held from St. Petri Church in Cyrus Sept. 13. She is survived by her husband, Alfred and one daughter, Mildred Nordaune; five brothers and four sisters, Rosella of St. Paul, Bernice Klevann, Juline Hagestuen, Anna Kleven, Elias, Joseph, Cornelius and Elvin Nordaune, all of Starbuck and Pvt. Alfred Nordaune of Camp Ellis, Illinois.


From Sept. 16, 1954

Mr. and Mrs. Art Dahlin received word than an 8-1/2 pound baby born was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dahlin Sept. 14 in the cities.

Delores Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moe of Glenwood and Merle Dosdall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dosdall of Cyrus were married August 30 at St. John’s Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home on a farm near Cyrus.

Funeral services fro Arthur Flaten, 46, were held at the Glenwood Lutheran Church August 31. He is survived by his wife, Lola and four children, Darrell, Larry, Sharon and Paul, all at home.

Linda Marce, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lund was baptized at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Benson August 29. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tollefson of Benson.

Funeral services for Joyce Alene Nissen, 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nissen of Hoff Township were held at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Hancock August 21. She is survived by her parents and one sister, Marilyn Kaye.


From Sept. 17, 1964

Michael Dean, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Nelson was baptized at the Minnewaska Lutheran Church Sunday, September 13. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Olson of Glenwood.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pochardt visited at the Allan Hagestuen home on Thursday, September 3 to help Karen celebrate her 3rd birthday.

Todd Engebretson celebrated his 1st birthday with friends and relatives at the Walter Engebretson home Sunday.

Births: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Ednard Barsness, Jr. of Richfield Tuesday; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Olson announce the arrival of a 6-week-old baby girl, Jane Marie.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Larson of Glenwood are the parents of a son born Monday and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vold of Glenwood are the parents of a baby girl born Saturday, both at the Glenwood hospital.

With registration practically complete in the 1964-65 enrollment in the Starbuck School stands at 634; 309 of which are in Grades 106, and 325 in the upper six grades. The largest class in the ninth with 65.


From Sept. 12, 1974

A devastating frost, reported as the earliest ever recorded, hit this area and a big portion of the state early last week. First estimates of the loss statewide to area crops was reported as $300,000,000.

After hearing testimony for three hours on the proposed power line through Pope County last Thursday evening, the Planning Advisory Commission voted to delay making a final decision for an unknown period of time until they can make a complete study of the material presented. Some of the speakers at the hearing included Starbuck Mayor Gene Watnaas testifying proposed line would be a hazard to the city airport, and Rep. Delbert Anderson mentioned and brought out that other power lines area also proposed for the future.

State Representative Joan Growe, DFL endorsed candidate for Secretary of State was in Starbuck on Thursday, Sept. 5 to meet with Pope County residents. Rep. Growe walked the business district of Starbuck shaking hands with shoppers and merchants.


From Sept. 12, 1984

It was back to school for 420 Starbuck school students last week. School open Tuesday, September 4. Pictured in the Times eagerly jumping off the bus on opening day are Michael Linde, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Linde, and Ryan Erdman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Erdman, ready to encounter the new experience of another grade.

A 10:30 a.m. worship service and a program at 1:30 are among the highlights of the 110th anniversary celebration at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Lowry, Sunday, Sept. 16.

The question “What do you like best about school?” was asked of six five-year-old students in Mary Kay Fredrickson’s kindergarten class at the Starbuck Elementary School by a Times photographer after two days of classes. Bobbi Jo Stadsvold, daughter of Chuck and Deb Stadsvold, said “I like when you cut and stuff. We make lots of stuff. I like to go to the lunchroom to.” Joshua Heuring, son of Greg and Cheryl Heuring, said “I like writing and playing but eating is the best thing.” Katie Kelly, daughter of Tim and Wendy Kelly, said “I like writing, coloring, and taking naps and sitting down and listening to my teacher.” Jesse Olson, son of Marlin and Sherri Olson, said “I like lots of stuff in school in doing our papers and stuff. I like everything.” Jill Thompson, daughter of David and Dawn Thompson, said “I like…let me think…to make things we bring home. I like playtime too. There’s nothing else I guess.” And Jeffrey Kirkwold, son of Paul and Sue Kirkwold, said “I like it when there’s not too much kids. I like my teacher very much cuz she’s a good teacher in kindergarten. I like the toys but sometimes they take them away.”


From Sept. 14, 1994

Vic Wheeling, owner/operator of the Starbuck Show and Leather Repair, announced last week that he has purchased T.J. Vintage fron Gloyd Welmman. Wheeling will be moving his business from 206 East 4th Street to the T.J. Vintage building.

Funeral services for Rose Giesen, 86, were held at St. Pius Catholic Church in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Sept. 10. She is survived by five children, Allene Sieling of San Carlos, Ca, Dr. John Giesen of Hayden Lake, Idaho, Kathi Pease of Truchas, New Mexico, Philip Giesen of Long Beach, CA, and Allan Harold Giesen of San Diego, CA.

Steve and Shannon Lunderby of New Castle, Wyoming, are the parents of a son, Jake Robert, born Sept. 7.

Funeral services for Doris Hagestuen, 66, were held at Fron Lutheran Church September 3. She is survived by her husband, Burnell and three children, Paul of Alexandria, David of Duluth and Beverly Anderson of Glenwood. 

Kay Amundson Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Amundson of Starbuck, received her Bachelor of Science degree and David Evenson, son of the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evenson, received a Bachelor of Science degree at commencement exercises at St. Cloud State College at the conclusion of the summer session.


From Sept. 15, 2004 

With encouragement from the Starbuck City Council, Starbuck fire department leaders will move forward with proposed plans for a new fire hall. 

The $2.5 million Minnewaska Lutheran Home (MLH) renovation and expansion project has been underway for about five months but seemed to be right on schedule, according to construction manager and MLH board member Steve Hippe. The eastside expansion will house the new main entrance and physical and occupational therapy services for MLH residents and community members. All administrative offices will also be relocated to the east wing of the facility. 

The Minnewaska FFA Dairy Judging Team of Katie Klimek, Lisa Thompson and Laura Thompson placed third at the 2004 Minnesota State Fair in competition with teams from across the State of Minnesota.


From Sept. 17, 2014

In recognition of their generous donation to the Pope County firearms safety class, Sue and Paul Kirkwold received a plaque from conservation officer Daniel Baumbarger, who presented it on behalf of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Enforcement Division. The Kirkwolds made the donation in memory of their son, Jeff, who was a volunteer instructor for the Pope County area youth firearm safety.

The Starbuck Police Department was asking for the public’s help in locating an 18-year-old who was wanted in connection with the theft of two vehicles from Starbuck. According to the police report, two vehicles were stone from the 600 block of John Street in early August.

Eric Aslakson, the son of the late Gary Aslakson and the grandson of Sally Aslakson of Starbuck, was promoted to colonel on Aug. 28. The ceremony was held at the national archives in Washington, D.C., in front of the original Constitution of the United State and the Decal ration of Independence.ß