From Sept. 25, 1914

Miss Rhoda Engebretson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engebretson and Earle H. Yarick were married at the home of the bride’s parents yesterday morning. The couple will make their home in Aurora.

Olga Nelson has been absent from school this week on account of a headache as a result of a chemistry experiment.

Francis Holt was arrested last week for embezzlement. He was employed by the Pope County Times to secure subscriptions and political advertising. He got Sheriff Gilbertson for a political write-up and secured a check for the $10 payment. He forged the name of the paper to the check and proceeded to get “soused.” He took an early morning freight out of Glenwood and was caught in Paynesville and returned to Glenwood jail. As the parties did not want to prosecute him, he was permitted to go.


From Sept. 19, 1924

Items of interest about our school (By Gunnerius Aal). School opened Tuesday, Sept. 2. The faculty is the same as last year except for the new Superintendent, Mr. S. Hagen. The total enrollment in the high school is 78. Classifications according to classes: Freshmen – 16 girls and 9 boys; Sophomores – 13 girls and 7 boys; Juniors – 10 girls and 6 boys; Seniors – 9 girls and 8 boys.

On Thursday of last week a wedding was held at the Old People’s Home in Glenwood. Mrs. Helga Aslakson and Thomas Bendikson, both residents at the Home were married at 4 o’clock in the afternoon by Rev. Stormo and was witnessed by all the residents. Mr. and Mrs. Bendikson will continue to reside at the Home.

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold McClellan (nee Mabel Troy) of Alexandria.

School commenced in Dist. 3 last Monday with Ellen Sansness as teacher. She is staying at the Anton Wollan home.

School opened Monday morning in Dist. 11, with Miss Verna Erickson as teacher.

At a meeting held at Glenwood during the Pope County Fair, Theodore Christianson, Republican candidate for Governor, will be the chief speaker.


From Sept. 20, 1934

Sweepstakes winners in the rural school building, Dist. 92, Thelma Tollefson, teacher, won first place with 44 points; Dist. 22, Jeanette Hagan, teacher, with 28 points; district 50 Lloyd Quist, teacher, fourth with 26 points; Ruth Olson, teacher, fifth with 25 points; district 37, Sophie Vold, teacher, sixth with 23 points.

In the contest for the best decorated booths, the decision was as follows: first place, district 50 by Lloyd Quist; second place, district 6, Marie Specht, teacher; third place, dist. 63, Lailah Peacock, teacher; fourth place, dist. 53, Christie Baukol, teacher; fifth place dist. 33, Martha Rosten, teacher; sixth place, dist. 22, Jeanette Hagen, teacher.

Two popular couples exchange marriage vows on Saturday. Miss Cora Pederson and Mr. Palmer Barsness of Cyrus were united in marriage at the Fron parsonage on Saturday, Sept. 15th, Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy officiating. Attendants were Miss Grace Torgerson of Willmar, cousin of the bride, and Mr. Harris Barsness of Minneapolis, brother of the groom. The newlyweds departed Saturday afternoon for a trip to Minneapolis and the World’s Fair at Chicago.

A wedding that will be of much interest to Starbuck people took place at St. Paul Saturday afternoon, Sept. 15th, when Lloyd J. Bingham was united in marriage to Miss Adeline Conlogue at 3 p.m. The bride is a former Benson girl, being a graduate of Benson High School. For the past seven years she has been a stenographer at the Northwestern Drug Co. at which place the happy couple became acquainted several years ago. The Times and many friends extend best wishes and congratulations for a long and happy wedded life.


From Sept. 21, 1944

Oscar Vinge, of Starbuck, while visiting relatives and friends in Washington, was lost in Mt. Baker National Park. He was separated from his party who was picnicking at Verlat. Trying to locate his whereabouts, his party found he had thumbed a ride back to Monroe, where his uncle, Peter Tollefson, found him at his ranch when he returned home.

Funeral services for Edwin Amundson, 64, were held in Cyrus Sept. 14. He is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Ole Jacobson, Mrs. C.L. Brevig, Anton Amundson, Mrs. August Johnson, Magnus Amundson, Emma and Casper Amundson, Mrs. H.M. Johnshoy and Mrs. Theodore Amundson.

A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hanson on Friday morning at the Minnewaska Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Heggestad are the parents of a 10 lb. 4 oz. baby girl, Ruth, born at the Minnewaska Hospital Sept. 13.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Signalness had their infant son, Roger Bennie, baptized at the Fron Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mrs. Morgan Haugen, Roy Signalness and Mr. and Mrs. Ingolf Jenum.

Gary Lee, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Berg was baptized Sunday at Immanuel Church. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Johanson, Beatrice Evjen and Donald Samuelson.

The infant twins of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stockness were baptized Sunday at the home of Rev. Joseph Vaage, former pastor of Farwell and Trysil. Sheila Marie’s sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stockness and Mr. and Mrs. Theo Rud and sponsors for Richard Lawrence were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Engebretson, Myrtle Stockness and Danny Schivone. 


From Sept. 23, 1954

Funeral services for Raymond R. Noyes, 49, were held at Fron Church Sept. 14. He is survived by his wife, Bertha; one son, Raymond, Jr.; his father, George W. Noyes; three brothers and two sisters.

Mr. and Mrs. James Halvorson are the proud parents of a son born Sept. 15.

Miss June Delores Johnson of Alexandria and Joseph A. Feigum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Feigum of Starbuck were married Sept. 5 at First English Church in Alexandria.

A group of friends and relatives gathered at the Anton Wollan home in Glenwood Sunday afternoon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wollan who were married August 28.


From Sept. 24, 1964

Miss. Olga Hagen was honored at a dinner Monday evening at the Nodland Cafe by the Starbuck Elementary teachers and women of the high school staff. Mrs. Hagen has been head cook at the Starbuck schools and has retired after 16 years of service.

Muriel Irene Kamrud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kamrud became the bride of Michael Alan Hanson of Benson at West Zion Lutheran Church Saturday, August 8. The couple will live in Minneapolis.

Funeral services for Bennie Hoium, 71, of Cyrus were held at St. John’s Lutheran Church September 16. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Edwin Olson (Evelyn) of Starbuck and three sons, Ernest of Kensington, Wallace of Moorhead and Jerome of Starbuck.

Maria Tollefson and William Smedstad were married at the Fron Lutheran Church Saturday, September 5. The couple are now at home in Starbuck.

Nancy Marie, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rustad, was baptized at West Zion Lutheran Church Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Selmer Olson, Donna Olson and Jack Mazurek.


From Sept. 19, 1974

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dahlin were honored on their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday when almost 300 friends and relatives gathered at the Fron church parlors to offer their congratulations.

At an evening wedding at the West Zion Lutheran Church on Saturday, June 29, 1974, Miss Linda Marie Naig became the bride of Judd Weston Crosby at 7:30 p.m. with the Rev. Gordon Syverson performing the double ring ceremony. Miss Helen Ann Hoverud was the organist. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Naig of rural Hancock and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Crosby of Alexandria. The bride is a 1971 graduate of Benson High School. She attended Moorhead State College and Alexandria Area Vocational Technical Institute. She is presently employed at Schwann’s in Marshall as safety secretary. The groom is a 1971 graduate of Alexandria High School. He attended Moorhead State College and Alexandria Area Vocational Technical Institute. He is employed by Floyd Wild Trucking, also in Marshall. After a honeymoon to Northern Minnesota, Judd and Linda are now home in Marshall.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hamann of St. Cloud are the parents of a 7 lb. 12 oz. son, Glen Bryan, born on Sunday, Sept. 8. He joins a family of two brothers, Gregory, 6 years and Galen, 3 years. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Froland of Starbuck and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hamann of Albany.

Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Jackson were Sunday evening supper guests at the Alan Dale Hendrickson home in Morris in honor of their daughter’s confirmation day.

Becks edge stubborn Clinton eleven 14 to 12.


From Sept. 19, 1984

Denise Ahrlin of Starbuck and Thomas Olson of Morris were married June 29 at Elm River Lutheran Church in Goldsburg, N.D. The couple will make their home on a farm northwest of Cyrus.

Funeral services for Herman Mortenson, 65, were held from Fron Lutheran Church Sept. 6. He is survived by his wife, Nona; four children, Hanley of Starbuck, Jo Korby and Janet Cleland, both of Minneapolis and Kevin of Glendale, Ariz.

A daughter, Kristin Marie, was born to Nadine (Aslagson) and Steven Moeller of Duluth Sept. 12.

Cadet Paul J. Malenke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Mortenson, has been officially accepted in the U.S. Air Force Academy’s Cadet Wing as a member of the class of 1988 during the annual acceptance parade.

A part of history was covered up last Friday when a crew of men from the state highway department covered the three Burlington Northern tracks crossing Highway 29 in Starbuck. 


From Sept. 21, 1994

The Annual Minnewaska Area High School Laker Homecoming celebration will be held from Sept. 24-30. Senior queen candidates include Char Birt, Jessie Gregersen, Shana Hofstad, Tammy Koob, Melissa Listug, Jennie Lundebrek, Andrea Nelsen, Kelly Nichtern and Melissa Stammer. Senior king candidates are Luke Anderson, Jack Burns, Will Cooley, Ryan Erdman, Dan Guggisberg, Cory Holte, Mitch Johnsrud, Matt Shea and Josh Zimmerman. Selected as underclass attendants were: juniors – Tiffany Englund and Andrew Bosl; sophomores – Jenny Holtberg and Andy Johnsrud; and freshmen – Jaime Nelson and Chris Stadick. This year’s junior royalty is from Villard Elementary School. They are Tiffany Kocher and Matt Bailey.

Greg Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Larson, was a candidate for Homecoming King at Minnesota Academy for the Deaf at Faribault, at festivities held last weekend.

Rebecca Devick, daughter of Joseph and Bonnie Devick of Starbuck, has been accepted at the University of Minnesota, Morris. Devick will be a 1995 graduate of Minnewaska Area High School.


From Sept. 22, 2004 

A group of veterans were honored Saturday might for their years of membership in the VFW organization: Harry Erickson (55 years), Alec Overson, charter member (55 years), Art Erickson (60 years), Elmer Swenson (60 years) and Harry Aslagson, charter member (55 years). The men were presented with a pin and chevron during the Starbuck VFW Post 4582 membership dinner. Also honored, but not present were Jim Totushek, charter member (50 years) and Warren Baukol, charter member and first Post 4582 post commander (55  years).

On August 14, 2004, the descendants of Inez Nali and Evelyn Johnshoy had a family reunion in the Starbuck Park. There were about 55 people in attendance and it was very much enjoyed. Inez Nali is deceased, however Evelyn Johnshoy, who lives in Eagan, was in attendance.

Harry and Margaret Aslagson and Kayo and Jody Thompson spent the week of September 6 in Washington, D.C., and attended Harry’s 95th Bomb Group Air Force reunion. On Saturday, Sept. 11 they went on a tour of the World War II Memorial at the Mall.

Seth Burgess, age 17, of Starbuck, took second place in the Junior Golf Fall Classic Tournament of Olympic Hills Country Club in Eden Prairie on Sept. 13. His score of 76 was four strokes behind the first place winner.


From Sept. 24, 2014

Pictured in the Times were the 2014 MAHS Homecoming Court: king candidates Matt Paulson, Luke Nielsen, Bret Ingebretson, Jon Nygaard, Jackson Hendrickson and Will Anderson; queen candidates Ariel Ostrander, Jordyn Roggenkamp, Mariah Gerard, Mychaela Heidecker, Jada Hoffman and Kaitlyn Lundebrek; junior escort Peter Frischmon; junior attendant Emily Haus; sophomore escort Carter Westberg; sophomore attendant Raelynn Wildman; freshman escort Jake Hoffman; freshman attendant Madelynn Reichmann; junior royalty Jonathan Hagen and Lauryn Ankeny; and Homecoming King Michael Maus and Homecoming Queen Becca Goettsch. Also pictured was emcee Jacob LaFave and accompanist Cole Mercier.

Fourteen former athletes and one team were inducted into the Minnewaska High School Hall of Fame on Sept. 20 during the inaugural banquet. Inductees were John Benson (Glenwood High School Class of 1946), Norris Stenson (Starbuck High School Class of 1954), Dave Tank (Villard High School Class of 1963), Bill Gilman (GHS Class of 1965), Bob Nelson (SHS Class of 1968), Todd Brenden (SHS Class of 1969), John Gloege (GHS Class of 1974), Melrene Nygaard Millerbernd (SHS Class of 177), Carol Skurat Baumann (VHS Class of 1978), Tom Stackpool (GHS Class of 1978), Samantha Mattson Gulon (GHS Class of 1986), Jennifer Mattson Wegner (GHS Class of 1988), Brian Malyon (MAHS Class of 1993), Carrie Cooley (MAHS Class of 1998), and the 1973 GHS track and field team – State Class A Champions Team members Dale Kramer, Mitch Long, Greg McIver, Tom Mork, Bob Swanson, Rick Wheeler, head coach Dale Gasser and assistant coach Gunnar Fosker.

The Starbuck VFW Men’s Auxiliary presented a check for $2,000 to the City of Starbuck for community projects on Wednesday, September 17. Pictured in the Times are VFW Chairman of the Board Roger Larson, Starbuck Mayor Bruce Bakewell and VFW Men’s Auxiliary member Gary Swenson. Proceeds came from the raffle and spaghetti dinner.