From Oct. 2, 1914

Henry Helgeson was the unfortunate victim of pick-pockets while taking in the fair at Glenwood Saturday. The gypsies managed to take from him $20, a check for $120 and the keys for his auto.

There will be yodelers at the town hall Thursday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Urness Satruday, Sept. 26, a baby boy.

I have started a milk route in Starbuck. First milk delivery at your door every day the year round from tested herd. Milk 5¢ per quart and cream 25¢ per quart. Sunny Slope Farm, Louis Solhaug.


From Sept. 26, 1924

The Parents and Teachers Association met at the schoolhouse and the following program was given: talk by Rev. T. Kleven; piano solo by Miss Esther Weikert; talk by Supt. S. Hagen; vocal duet by Magna Peterson and Mable Johnson; storytelling by Miss Ila Obey; talk by Rev. Johnshoy; vocal solo by Miss Marjory Weikert; two selections by the orchestra were omitted because the instruments and the piano were not of the same pitch. Thirty-eight members joined at this meeting. the collection amounted to $4.50, of which $2.50 was paid out for ice cream leaving a balance of $2.00.

Since organizing the Minnewaska Clinic the work has increased to such an extent that in order to give people adequate service it has become necessary to add to its personnel. We are extremely fortunate in having a high-class young physician locate here. He is Dr. A.P. Bratrude, who comes from a family of five physicians practicing in the state. Starbuck, as a medical center, is rapidly becoming known throughout this section of the state, and people are coming here from hundreds of miles to take advantage of the splendid clinic and hospital facilities.

Miss Marjorie Weikert, sister of Miss Esther Weikert, music teacher in the school, came last week to start a class in voice culture. She is a graduate of the University of Minnesota with a degree in music and has had six years of professional training.

Funeral services were conducted at the St. John’s Church on Sept. 26 for Wm. F. Erickson, a prominent White Bear Lake farmer, former serviceman and member of the town board. Rev. G.O. Forde officiated the service. Mr. Erickson is survived by his widow, Karen, and two children, Pearl, aged three, and James, 14 months; also, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson, and the following brothers and sisters: Elmer, John and Alfred of Starbuck, Minnie, Helen, Mrs. Arnold Sylvester, Mr. Emil Erlandson, Verona and Adolph on the home farm.


From Sept. 27, 1934

Otto V. Byhre received a letter on Wednesday from his brother, Grant at Kevin, Montana, stating they had been having a snowstorm there for the past three days, with snow drifts piled up to six and eight feet high. This may account for the cold weather we have been having the past week.

Adolph Bardal returned Saturday evening from St. Paul where he had a cataract on his eye removed at Miller Hospital by Dr. Frank Burch. Casper Forbord and Ole Bardahl accompanied him on the trip. While there they visited with Mr. Forbord’s sister, Mrs. Fred J. Murdock and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brundin, who are operating a cafe on Central Avenue.

On Sunday, Sept. 23, at high noon, about 250 relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Oscar Runquist to help them celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Those who acted as waitresses were Mrs. Edwin Hendrickson, Mildred Berg, Louise and Lillian Friedman, Emma and Josephine Runquist. Rev. Lundstrom acted as toastmaster; recitation of welcome by LynDale Hendrickson; vocal solo by Mrs. Johnny Nordgren; remarks by Rev. Roselin; organ solo by Ethel Johnson; remarks by Olse Sunde, a brother of the bride; a declaration by Esther Berg; remarks by Mr. Wm. Merrill and Rev. Lundstrom. All left wishing many more years of happiness and success.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson of Terrace moved here last week and are living in the rooms over Ericson’s Store building. Mr. Johnson will take his father’s place, Knute Johnson, at the local blacksmith shop. Gilmar Johnson will also make his home with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Ophaug and Albie Johnson motored to Minneapolis on Saturday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brundin. Mr. Ophaug brought back a 1931 Chev. coach.


From Sept. 30, 1954

In the large (50×80 feet) store space recently vacated by the Starbuck Furniture Mart, which has just been remodeled and redecorated, the Pederson Super Market will throw open its doors to customers on Saturday of this week. This event on Saturday will not be the formal opening of the new store, as that is to come later. This week’s opening will be a prelude in which Marvin Pederson and his staff of assistants in the store will greet their customers and all will have an opportunity to get acquainted. The proprietor of this new store has already bought a new home in Starbuck and has his family in it. The family consists of Mr. and Mrs. Pederson and their son, Richard, 20 months old.

Olive B. Opp, county home agent, who has been hospitalized at the Minnewaska hospital since the automobile accident west of town July 19, will be discharged today. She is able to be up and around with the help of crutches.


From Oct. 1, 1964

David James, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Suckow (Joan Hagestuen) was baptized at First Lutheran Church in Alexandria Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hagestuen of Aitkin.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Opdahl (LoAnne Williams) are the parents of a son, Michael Howard, born Sunday, Sept. 27.

Erick Hans, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mortenson (Donna Heuer) was baptized at the Glenwood Lutheran Church Sunday, Sept. 27. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Husom of Glenwood.

Karen Jane, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reickman (Laurel Koland) was baptized at Vinge Lutheran Church in Willmar Sunday. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jacobson of Gaylord, by proxy, and Mark and Jane Brenden.

St. Cloud State college announced this week that Mark Brenden, a freshman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Brenden of Starbuck, is a probable starter on the defensive team for their first football game of the season against Mankato State on Saturday on the opponents’ field.

Homecoming at Starbuck High School will be held Friday and Saturday, October 2-3. The Bucks will meet Beardsley in the homecoming football game Friday. King and queen candidates are Dorothy Hagestuen, Helen Odegaard, Beth Olson and Marty Totushek, for queen; Curt Bardal, Linden Barsness, Larry Erickson and Dave Rollie, for king. The attendants chosen were: Edna Stevens and Bruce Smedstad, juniors; Elaine Opdahl and Ted Amundson, sophomores; and Diane Barsness and Roger Aaberg, freshmen.


From Sept. 26, 1974

The oldest home in Starbuck occupied by descendants of the original builder was toured by many Sunday afternoon. It was built in 1885 by Aage Peterson, one of Starbuck’s first businessmen. It has been well kept and still a very comfortable home. Pictured in the Time are three sisters who now live in the home: Magna Peterson, Olivia Peterson and Agnes Lein. Brother Bill Peterson was also pictured, as he spends a great deal of time with his sisters.

Workmen are busy readying a new mobile home park in northwest Starbuck. Wayne Hermanson has undertaken the project and reports that possibly the first mobile home will move in in October.

Paul Freeman, 16, of Starbuck, competed in the Western U.S. 4-H Invitational Small Engines event at Ak-Sar-Ben Field in Omaha, Sept. 21. Contestants from 14 through 18 years of age and enrolled in the 4-H Small Engines project competed in the contest. Freeman, a 4-H’er for seven years, has served as Petroleum Project leader for three years in his community. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Freeman.


From Sept. 26, 1984

Beginning on Monday, Oct. 1, Homecoming festivities will begin at Starbuck High School with the coronation of the King and Queen. Vying for the title of Homecoming Queen this year are senior class members Brenda Holten, Shannon Aaberg, Kris Norby and Megnon Corson. Candidates for King are seniors Mike Syverson, Mike Knutson, Shaun Stottler and Doug Toivonen. Junior class attendants are Hayley Unke and Robert Ranum; sophomore class attendants are Melanie Engh and Dan Corson; and freshman class attendants are Kay Amundson and Dan Kerkvliet. 

Dana Lundebrek of Starbuck is one of 53 students, most of them from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, who left Sept. 11 from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport headed for London, England. From London the students traveled 110 miles northwest to Birmingham where they are spending the academic year studying at the University of Birmingham. Dana is the daughter of Alden and Kay Lundebrek.

Todd W. Johnston of Starbuck is a member of the University of Minnesota, Crookston football squad. Under the leadership of head coach Jim Sims, the 6’1”, 197 lb. athlete plays the position of tightend. The son of Robert and Marilyn Johnston of Starbuck, he is a sophomore majoring in agriculture in the natural resources conservation program at the two-year technical college. 


From Sept. 28, 1994

Jennie Lundebrek, daughter of Joy Lundebrek of Starbuck and Al Lundebrek of Benson, and Jack Burns, son of Curt and Laurie Burns of Glenwood, were crowned queen and king at the Homecoming festivities at Minnewaska Area High School last week. Other students vying for the crowns were Char Birt, Jessie Gregersen, Kelly Nichtern, Andrea Nelson, Melissa Stammer, Dan Guggisberg, Luke Anderson, Cory Holte, Will Cooley, Ryan Erdman, Josh Zimmerman, Mitch Johnsrud and Matt Shea.

What is termed as the largest drug bust in West Central Minnesota occurred in Pope County earlier this month when law enforcement personnel from the Pope County Sheriff’s Department, Glenwood City Police Department, the Drug Task Force and Department of Natural Resources arrest a man of Rural Route 2, Glenwood. At that time of his arrest, three fields were found on the 10-acre hobby farm with cultivated marijuana with an approximate street value of $150,000.

Kayla Dell, a third grader at Starbuck Elementary and the daughter of John Dell and Judy Marrin of Starbuck, was the lucky winner of a bike given away at the Shrine Circus. The trip is coordinated by the Pope County Masonic Lodge organization with students from all three elementary schools attending. 

Seven infants were welcomed to the Nursey Roll of West Zion Lutheran Church, rural Hancock, on Sunday, Sept. 11, 1994. The Rev John Malm is the pastor. The infants are Allison Reese, daughter of Lynn and Randal Reese; Jerrid Jepma, son of Carrie and Dennis Jepma; Jillian Hendrickson, daughter of Beth and Robert Hendrickson; Dylan Buckingham, son of Diane and Chris Buckingham; Jennifer Hippe, daughter of Becky and Roger Hippe; Torrie Kruize, daughter of Tammie Kruize; and Cody Rutledge, son of Sherry and Bill Rutledge.


From Sept. 29, 2004 

The Minnewaska Area Schools board voted unanimously to extend an interim superintendent contract to candidate Keith Redfield at its regular meeting on Sept. 21.

Starbuck Elementary School’s newly elected student council met last week to plan special events for the school year. The council plans special events, food drives and other fundraisers. The council included Blake Johnsrud, Darcie Manthei, Lexi Amundson, Austin Giese, Lexi Barkeim, Brady Johnsrud, Dylan Hoffman and Jillian Hendrickson. Gloria Nichtern and Dyanne Parsons are the advisors. One of the first events the students discussed was the October 1 pepfest at the school.

Pictured in the Times, the 2004 Homecoming Royalty candidates, emcees, attendants and escorts: 2004 Homecoming Queen Kayla Noyes; 2004 Homecoming King Taylor Hill; candidates Heidi Hoffmann, Kate Moe, Kjersti Johnson, Jenna Schley, Leanne Pfeninger, Lindsay Hurst, Heidi Carls, Mandy Ihnen, Christen Robinson, Taylor Jorgenson, Derek McIver, Steven Gremmels, Scott Gullickson, Jason Anderson, Justin Holten, Zachary Lagred, Jake Nygaard and Todd Knutson; Junior Attendant Jessica Bennet; Junior Escort Colin Cihlar; Sophomore Attendant Jamie Schley; Sophomore Escort Travis Mix; Freshman Attendant Erika Olson; Freshman Escort Danny Braaten; emcees Alyssa Brown and Joe Swartz; and Homecoming Junior Royalty Emma Middendorf and Spencer Winter.


From Oct. 1, 2014

The Starbuck Depot drew a crowd on Saturday for the 24th Annual Eple Tiden (Apple Time) celebration. Vendors sold goods ranging from apples to pumpkins, to squash and other vegetables. Inside the Depot they sold apple pie, Lefse rollups and Pork-U-Pines. The Glacial Hills Elementary scarecrow contest winners were Aaliyah McCabe (first place), Alexx Carlson (second place) and Kiefer Boman (third place).

Dr. Robert Bosl received an award from the University of Minnesota Medical Alumni Society at the Alumni Awards Banquet on Sept. 18 at the McNamara Alumni Center in Minneapolis. Dr. Bosl received the Distinguished Alumni Award, which recognizes University of Minnesota Medical School graduates and resident alumni who have made outstanding contributions to their communities.

The Starbuck and Morris Police Departments are warning the public about very potent prescription medications that were stolen during a pharmacy burglary. One overdose is already reportedly connected to the stolen drugs. On Sept. 16, the Starbuck Police Department responded to a report of a burglary at Samuelson’s Drug Store. Among the items stolen were approximately 1,800 prescription pills, several pain patches and some oral solutions, according to the police report.