Glacial Hills Elementary School is making strides in promoting healthy eating and nutrition through its commitment to farm-to-school initiatives. This year, the school has partnered with local farmers who generously donated fresh produce, enriching the meals and snacks served to students.

Upper elementary students have taken an active role in this initiative, spending time in the kitchen prepping the donated fruits and vegetables. From chopping tomatoes for salsa to boiling apples for applesauce, slicing apples for dehydration, preparing carrots for the salad bar, and freezing beans for future meals, these young chefs have embraced the opportunity to learn valuable cooking skills while understanding the importance of eating locally sourced foods.

The integration of local produce into the school’s menu has not only enhanced the flavor of meals but also sparked enthusiasm for healthy eating among students. Classroom activities have included recipe development and discussions about nutrition, empowering children to make informed food choices.

As Glacial Hills Elementary continues to prioritize nutrition and sustainability, the school community is excited to see how these initiatives will shape a healthier future for its students. The commitment to farm-to-school practices is cultivating a lasting appreciation for fresh, local food within the next generation.