From Oct. 2, 1914

While returning home from the county fair at Glenwood Saturday evening, Miss Wigforss, principal of the local school, met with a serious accident with five of the other teachers, the Misses Guy, Shoen, Spangrud, Anderson and Yost. She was driving on the south road when the wheels slewed into a washout and the surrey was tipped over. The top of the surrey struck a steep bank and one of the iron braces supporting the surrey broke and the broken end entered under Miss Wigforss’ upper lip. The horses became frightened and ran away. All except Miss Wigforss escaped with slight injury and damage to clothing. A passing auto picked them up and brought them home. Miss Wigforss was taken to the hospital, and expects to be there about a week. The team belonged to Elmer Wesen. He found the surrey badly smashed and a short distance away the horses were calmly feeding on vines and leaves. They were uninjured.

Henry Helgeson was the unfortunate victim of pickpockets as he was attending the fair at Glenwood. Mr. Helgeson lost $20.00, a check for $170.00 and the keys for his auto.

The Ladies’ Aid met at Rev. N. Forde’s on Wednesday afternoon. It was decided that the Aid would furnish a room at the Old People’s Home at Glenwood. The collection taken up at the meeting was given to aid the poor and starving in China.


From Oct. 3, 1924

Rev. M. Casper Johnshoy, pastor of the Fron congregation, was given a delightful surprise after the regular morning services Sun-day, when George Arneson arose in his place in the choir and announced he had been asked in behalf of the congregation to invite the pastor and his wife to the church parlors for a dinner and a program. After dinner the church orchestra played a number of delightful selections. There were talks by Rev. G. O. Forde (in the Norwegian language) and Leo Sylvester. They both expressed to Rev. and Mrs. Johnshoy the esteem and affection the members of the congregation feel for them.

Items of interest about our school (by Adolph Anderson): At the pep meeting on Monday afternoon, Irving Helgeson was elected chief cheerleader and Gladys Ness assistant cheerleader. The Girl Scouts hiked to Glenwood on Saturday. While there they attended the Glenwood – Starbuck football game… The pupils in the Third grade have just completed the study of the poem, “The Swing.” The pupils in the Fourth grade are studying the poem, “The Tree.”

G. A. Hagert, Starbuck’s popular harness and shoe repair man, installed a fine new shoe finishing machine last week. It is a Landis machine, and is driven by a Century 1 h. p. motor.

It has a suction fan which draws all dust made by the polishing wheels and throws it out of the building.


From Oct. 18, 1934

Highway 29 may get blacktop treatment, stated Engineer Scales at Thursday’s meeting.

Delegations from Glenwood and Benson were in attendance at the meeting. A committee from Benson, namely J.C. McGowan, Mayor, W.X. Jones, August Miller and County Engineer L.R. Johnson took an active part in the discussion, Senator Smith of Glenwood was present and offered his assistance in getting the project started.

The local committee, Dr. W.W. Larson, I.H. Helgeson and Edward S. Olson will work jointly with the. Benson committee, and if necessary will make a trip to St. Paul to confer with state highway officials, so that the work can be started before freeze-up.

Marriage licenses issued: Clarence Muriel Pederson and Thorlief C. Landaas.

A pretty wedding took place on Friday afternoon, Oct. 12 at 5 o’clock at the Lutheran Church of Petersburg, North Dakota, where Miss Myrtle Ellingson was united in marriage to Mr. Oliver S. Kyvig of Starbuck. Rev. T. Rykken performed the ceremony. The bride is the charming daughter of Mrs. Marie Ellingson of Petersburg, ND. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kyvig of Starbuck. The happy couple went to the Twin Cities on their honeymoon. They will make their future home in Starbuck.

Dr. A.F. Giesen of Starbuck was reelected president of the West Central Minn. Medical Society at it’s meeting at the Merchants Hotel at Morris last Wednesday evening. Dr. Maynard Nelson of Lowry was re-elected secretary.

Mr. Larson of St. Paul, contact man for the Medical Societies, also addressed the group.

Cold weather returned again Tuesday evening and by Wednesday evening we had freezing temperatures. There were several showers on Tuesday. Saturday, Sunday and Monday were very warm. The lawns and gardens have been nice and green.

Radios: Stewart-Warners from $13.95 and up. See the Sentinal battery radio 6 tube set that sells for $39.50. Finest radio you ever heard. Thorstad’s Store.


From Oct. 7, 1954

A silver wedding honoring Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hoverud was held at the West Zion church parlors Sunday evening, September 26th. Albert Hoverud and Mrs. Arthur Peterson were their attendants. The beautiful wedding cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Oliver Harstad and Mrs. Ove Harstad.

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2:00 p.m. at the Indherred church for Peder Aasum, who died at the Minnewaska Home on Monday.

Soft glow of candlelight and baskets of gladioli and fall flowers formed a lovely setting for the wedding of Evelyn Jeanette Ros-ten, daughter of John Rosten, Glenwood, and Gordon Finstad, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Finstad, Starbuck, which took place at the Indherred Lutheran church Saturday evening, September 18. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. G. O. Forde. The newlyweds left on a wedding trip to northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. They are now residing on the groom’s farm near Starbuck.

Miss Rita Haldorson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Haldorson of Hancock, became the bride of Gene Vought, son of Walter Vought of Blomkest, at a candlelight wedding at the West Zion Lutheran church. The double-ring ceremony was performed by Rev. L. C. Anderson on Friday evening, August 27, 1954


From Oct. 1, 1964

Members of the United Fund committee met recently to plan the third fund drive, which has proved very successful. Officers are Don Staples, pres.; Robert Boyd, Treas.; Maurice Walline, sec’y; Marvin Pederson, campaign chairman. The directors are Mrs. Earl Rundgren, L. W. Brown, Mrs. R. F. Fredeen, Ralph Chalenburg, George Ivesdal, Mrs. F. D. Bucher, Charles Wahlquist and Mrs. Russell Peterson.

The 1964 Homecoming at the Starbuck School opens Oct. 1 with the Coronation. King and Queen candidates are as follows: Dorothy Hagestuen, Helen Odegaard, Beth Olson, Martha Totushek, Curtis Bardal, Larry Erickson, Linden Barsness and David Rollie.

Members of Troop 491 joined in the Dist. 4 fall camporee held at the Knapp Memorial Park west of Villard over the weekend and won the honor award for general excellence in camping and campsite improvement projects. Representing the troop were Kayo Aslagson, Donald Hagen, Don Baukol, Jeffrey Knutson, Scott Boyd, Robbie Pederson, Larry Disrud, Dale Disrud, Jeffrey Sorenson, Brett Davis and Dick Tharaldson. They were accompanied by scoutmaster Ken Davis.

A baby boy, Michael Howard, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Opdahl on Sunday, September 27.

Funeral services were held at the Fron. Church on Tuesday, September 28 for Mrs. Theo.

Hanson, Rev. Paul G. Tolo officiating. Mrs. Hanson is survived by her husband and two children, Mrs. A. Robert Pederson and Harold Hanson, also two brothers, Harry Rasmussen and Stanley Rasmussen; one foster brother, Theodore Rostad and five grandchildren, Michael and Marianne Pederson and John, David and Nancy Rasmussen.


From Oct. 3, 1974

Homecoming week at Starbuck High School. Candidates for queen are: Debbie Dahlseng, Corrine Danielson, LaRee Johnshoy, JoAnne Tharaldson and Wendy Weinrich. King candidates are Jim Gullickson, Bob Gunderson, Gary Johnsrud, Charles LaQua and David Wollan.

The big football game in the evening will be against the Milan Vikings. Game time is 7:30 p.m. The annual dance will be immediately after the game and will continue until midnight.

Open house honoring Mr. and Mrs. Elom Colden on their 25th wedding anniversary will be held at the Immanuel Lutheran Church Sunday, Oct. 13 from 2 to 5 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

Bucks shut out Hancock 21-0, play Milan Friday.

Zuhrah Temple Chanters appearing here on Oct. 11th. They are sponsored  by Valley Lodge No. 174, Glenwood.

The singing group of volunteer male voices is made up of business and professional men largely from the twin city area.

E.J. Beckstrom, chanter director has been at the helm for 38 of the group’s 52 years of existence. The unit’s president Ralph Emerson says that approximately 50 chanters will take part in the concert.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson of Royal Oaks, Michigan spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johnson. They were all dinner guests on Friday at the Orin Hill residence north of Murdock.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Larson were Sunday dinner guests of the Hub Nordgrens at Henning.

Several neighbor ladies helped Mrs. Sylvan Opheim celebrate her birthday on Thursday afternoon.


From Oct. 3, 1984

Brenda Holten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Holten and Shaun Stottler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stottler were crowned 1984 Homecoming Queen and King at Star-buck High School Monday evening.

Attendants to the new royalty were Shannon Aaberg, Kris Norby, Megnon Corson, Mike Syverson, Mike Knutson and Doug Toivonen.

Dana Lundebrek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Lundebrek left Sept. 11 with 52 students from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, for Birmingham, England, where they will spend the academic year studying.

Cindy Vatthauer of Starbuck has been selected to receive a Elizabeth J. Larimore and Sadie P. Mathews scholarship to attend the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks for the 1984 school year. She is a 1984 graduate of Starbuck High School.

Cyrus High School is hosting two exchange students for the year. They are Malin Sodergren, 18, from Sweden, who is making her home with the John McNeill family, and Alvara Vives, 17, of Columbia, South America, will make his home with the Bob Young family.


From Oct. 5, 1994

Dr. Robert Bösl of Starbuck attended the 46th Annual Scientific Assembly of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) In Boston, Mass. The meeting was held September 22-25. More than 5,000 family physicians from around the country attended the continuing medical education meeting. 

Tiffany Renee Wendt, daughter of Tracy and Heidi Wendt was baptized on September 18, 1994, at the Fron Lutheran Church. Her sponsors were Laree and Vyke Breen and Lisa and Dwight’ Brakel. The sponsors and their children, Melvin and Avis Baukol, Duane and Diane Hagen, Heidi, Tracy and Tiffany Wendt were entertained at the David Baukols for dinner after the church services. They also celebrated Nicholas Brakel’s 12th birthday the same day.

Starbuck Area Chamber President Harry Blok, and Chamber Director Curt Bredeson, welcome Vic Wheeling, proprietor of T.J. Vintage/Starbuck Shoe and Leather Repair last Friday to the downtown business district. Wheeling was presented with the first dollar of “clear profit” certificate by the Chamber representatives during his Open House last Friday.


From Oct. 6, 2004 

Starbuck was a stop during a mobile workshop last week. The event was part of the 32nd annual Minnesota State Planning Conference.

Project Starbuck co-chairs Karen Holte and Nancy Rapp (left introduced the city of Starbuck to the busload of city, county and regional planners from across the state.

Holte and Rapp introduced the conference attendees to the old Starbuck Hospital, East Gateway, Hobo Park and the marina. Local business was also discussed during a stop at the Starbuck Locker where the visitors were treated to food samples. The potential construction of a new Starbuck Fire Hall and the city’s streetscape were also discussed during the tour of Starbuck.

Starbuck Elementary School sixth graders picked up trash along a two-mile stretch of Highway 28 last Monday as part of the Adopt-a-Highway program. Local sixth graders and the Starbuck Lions club share in the pick-up efforts. Sixth grade teacher Dyanne Parsons said the kids discovered the usual road kill animals, lots of pop cans, beer cans, beer bottles and your basic paper trash. Some unique items found were a t-shirt, cap and wheel cover. Teacher Gloria Nichtern and adult supervisors Jackie Hauglie and Brad Parsons also participated in last week’s clean up.

Minnewaska Area High School’s new class officers for the school year are Secretary/Treasurer Mandy Ihnen, Vice-President Taylor Hill and Senior President Joe Swartz.