Official Proceedings

Pope County 

Board of Commissioners 

Regular Board Meeting

Tuesday, NOVEMBER 19, 2024

The Pope County Board of Commissioners Regular Board Meeting duly noticed for Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at the Pope County Courthouse, 3rd Floor Board Room, 130 E Minnesota Avenue, Glenwood, MN 56334 was called to order at 9:00 AM by the Chair, Paul Gerde, with the following Commissioners also present: Paul Gremmels, Larry Lindor, Gordy Wagner, and Paul Wildman.  Neil Nelson, County Attorney, was not present. Kersten Kappmeyer, County Administrator, was present.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Approval of Agenda and Approval of Official Proceedings for November 5, 2024 were presented by Board Chair. Motion to approve the agenda, made by Wildman and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. Motion to approve the Official Proceedings for November 5, 2024 as presented, made by Wagner and seconded by Lindor, Carried Unanimously. 

Stephanie Rust, Auditor/Treasurer, provided the Pope County Board with an update from the 2024 General Election and presented the rest of the Auditor/Treasurer’s Office Staff – Kelly Detloff, Mindy Hoffman, Judy Radil, and Sara Wersinger – to the Board in recognition of the Office’s work on behalf of Pope County during the election.  The Board expressed its confidence in and thanks to the Auditor/Treasurer’s Staff for their election work.

Consider Certification of Acquisition by US Fish and Wildlife Service of Land in Fee Title (Sievers Trust, Gilchrist Township)  was presented by Jessica Paler, Realty Specialist, and Bruce Freske, District Manager, US Fish and Wildlife Service. Motion to approve certification of the purchase in fee title by the US Fish and Wildlife Service of land owned by the Luverne A Sievers Trust & Luella Sievers Trust in Gilchrist Township as presented, made by Lindor and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. 

Purchase of a Mobile Command Center by the Sheriff’s Office with Public Safety Funding was presented by Tim Riley, Sheriff. Motion to approve the Sheriff’s Office’s purchase of a Yetti command center/trailer for $54,000.00, which will be paid from Public Safety Funds, made by Wagner and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. 

Approve Project Final Payment – SAP 061-618-037; Approve Project Final Payment – SAP 061-615-010; and Approve Project Final Payment – CP 061-024-003 were presented by Brian Giese, Engineer. Motion to accept SAP 061-618-037 as complete and authorize a final contract payment in the amount of $26,016.07 to Central Specialties, Inc of Alexandria, MN, made by Lindor and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously. Motion to accept SAP 061-615-010 as complete and authorize the final payment of $8528.75 to Mark Sand and Gravel Co of Fergus Falls, MN, made by Gremmels and seconded by Wagner, Carried Unanimously. Motion to accept CP 061-024-003 as complete and issue a final contract payment in the amount of $155,986.64 to Mark Sand and Gravel Co. of Fergus Falls, MN, made by Wildman and seconded by Wagner, Carried Unanimously. 

Consider Resolution 202433 Appointing an Agricultural Inspector for Pope County was presented by Kersten Kappmeyer, Administrator. Motion to approve Resolution 202433 appointing Ralph Hanson, Land Use Specialist in the Land and Resource Management Office, as Agricultural Inspector for Pope County, effective November 1, 2024 as presented, made by Lindor and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously.

October 2024 Trial Balance and Fund Balance Analysis; Auditor Bills – October 9–November 12, 2024; and Pay Bills, Supplemental Bills, Per Diems and Employee Reimbursements were presented by Stephanie Rust, Auditor/Treasurer. Motion to approve the October 2024 Trial Balance and Fund Analysis as presented, made by Wildman and seconded by Gremmels, Carried Unanimously. Auditor Bills were presented as an informational item. Motion to approve payment of bills of $275,360.30 plus supplemental bills of $6,859.41 plus employee reimbursements of $4,756.68, totaling $286,976.39, made by Wagner and seconded by Wildman, Carried Unanimously, and were paid as follows: Intereum, Inc $4,810.51; Visa $2,001.01; Amazon Capital Services $2,677.79; Central Specialties, Inc $26,016.07; Code 4 Services, Inc $4,086.85; Counties Providing Technology $8,244.00; Dell Marketing LP $2,828.33; Douglas County Jail $10,239.02; Election Systems & Software, Inc. $2,895.23; Mark Sand & Gravel Co $164,515.39; Oldcastle Infrastructure Inc $3,789.00; Prairie Lakes Youth Programs $11,656.00; Streicher’s $6,369.00; Taylor Print Impressions $9,118.50; Visa $7,333.55; 52 payments less than $2000 $15,639.46.

Informational updates were given by the County Administrator and Commissioners, and there being no other business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 10:20 AM. 

Kersten Kappmeyer, 

County Administrator

Paul Gerde, 

Chair of the Board

Dec. 9