Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on December 27, 2024 at 10:28am CST
Pope County is not a safe place to transport moon
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Jan. 1, 1925
As Herman Lubbers and Joe Reinecke from Traverse County were returning home from a visit into Stearns County on Saturday evening, they smashed into another car at a crossing in Starbuck. As a crowd gathered around after the smash up, it was noticed that booze was dripping from the car. Sheriff Ness was summoned at once, who came and found 16 gallons of moon in the possession of the two men. The two men were taken to Glenwood and appeared before Judge Flaherty this week. Herman Lubbers pleaded guilty and was given a fine of $200.00 and sixty days in the county jail. His partner, Mr. Reinecke, pleaded not guilty and was bound over to the district term of court. These moonshiners, like many others, have learned that Pope County is not a safe place to transport moon.
Just half a century ago on Christmas day, W.A. Thompson of our city led his blushing bride to the altar. On Christmas day, 1924, Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Thompson celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day with children and grandchildren around them at their home in Glenwood. Four of their eight children were home for the wedding festival which was celebrated in a way that will be long remembered. W.A. Thompson began his railroad career with the Marquette, Houghton & Outonagon railway. He later became roadmaster and was assistant superintendent for 15 years until the railroad sold out. In 1892 he went west with the Soo Line and had charge of the station at Enderlin, N.D., for a number of years. Since 1906 he has been located in Glenwood.
The Villard Ice Company is busy with the ice harvest these days.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Jan. 1, 1925
After January 1, milk bottles must be left on the porch or no milk will be delivered. If you know the trouble it causes when the bottles are not left in this way, you would not neglect this. This is important. Kvalheim Bros.
Jewish immigration into Mexico has jumped from 100 a month to 200 and over, due to the wide publicity given the Calles speeches inviting the 10,000 Jews detained in European ports to colonize Mexico.
Wars in which the United States has taken part since 1790, exclusive of the World War, have cost the nation more than $6,836,000,000 in pension.
An egg is composed of the following substances: 66 percent water, 13 percent protein, 10 percent fat, 11 percent lime; so do not expect eggs if the drinking pan is dry or frozen over. The protein in eggs is chiefly in the white part and is usually made by the hen from such foods as bugs, worms, insects, milk, meat scraps, bran and alfalfa. The fat in the egg is found mostly in the yolk and this the hen makes from food such as grain and starchy foods. The lime in the egg is nearly all in the shell and this the hen supplies from such food as oyster shells. This gives us some idea of what material a hen must have to eat before she can manufacture eggs.
Grove Lake – Santa Claus was very disappointed to find so many ill in our community. He tried to be good to them anyway as they all seemed to have the Christmas Spirit.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Jan. 2, 1925
Rev. T. Kleven was presented with a new Overland Champion as a Christmas gift on the second day of Christmas by the Hoffman congregation and some members at Pocket Lake and Glenwood. The congregations have enjoyed a splendid growth under the leadership of their popular pastor, and have shown their appreciation of his work and their goodwill and esteem by providing him with fine modern living quarters and a car more suitable for his work.
Elmer Pederson of this village won the guessing contest put on by the Standard Lumber Company. A common waste paper basket was filled with coal. They offered 2,500 pounds of coal to the person who guessed closest to the number of pieces in the basket, allowing one guess for each half-ton of coal bought. In all, there were 322 guesses made, 213 being the lowest number guessed and 1,400 the highest. Elmer guessed 321, which was the correct number of pieces in the basket.
Ole Berge last week bought a five-tube radio from Brevig & Co. and has had it installed at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Landmark, where he is staying. They report enjoying it very much.
Owing to the fact that the weather has been so cold and a large number have been ill, Christmas entertaining hasn’t been as popular this year as other years.
Can a woman love one man and marry another for money and position? You will find an interesting situation in “Outcast” starring Elsie Ferguson at the Du Glada theatre, Saturday and Sunday.