From Dec. 4, 1914

Pope County is going to send a carload of flour to the starving women and children of Belgium. Every farmer is requested to donate a bushel and a half toward the car. You may leave it at any of the elevators or at the mill. The railroads and steamship companies will transport it free of charge. Those who have no wheat can deliver the equivalent in cash or other produce.

Report of school in District No. 9 for the month ending November 27, 1914. Number of pupils enrolled, 22; average daily attendance, 18. Perfect attendance certificates were issued to the following: James and Leila Barsness, Selma Feigum, Alma Jenum, Guy Barsness, Otto and Norman Moe, and Agnes Barsness. Leila and Agnes Barsness received 100 in spelling for the month. Visitors: Rev. O. Dahle, Mrs. C.P. Barsness and Theo. Johnson. Tina M. Smedstad, teacher.

Nels Hofstad and Julia Vinge were married at Benson. They will make their home at Appleton. Mr. Hofstad is a brother of Andrew Hofstad of Rolling Forks. Miss Vinge is a sister of Ole Vinge.


From Dec. 5, 1924

Mrs. Marie Graasletten, whose death was mentioned in our last issue, was born in Gulbrandsdalen, Norway, in 1835. She was married to Peter E. Graasletten in 1858, and they settled in Blue Mounds township. Seven children were born to them, of whom four are living. They are Amund and Iver Byhre of Walker, Christian Eyhere of California and Mris. Mary Brandvold of Chicago. Funeral services were conducted in the Fron church, Rev. M.C. Johnshoy officiating. The pallbearers were her six grandsons: Otto, Edwin, William, Elmer, John and Grant Byhre. 

Items of interest about our local school, by Laura Hoines: Prof. Chapman of the U. of M., better known throughout the state as Uncle Norton, spoke in the high school assembly Tuesday morning. His main talk centered on the poultry industry in the country. His talk was brimful of wit, humor and good sense. Lloyd Bingham, one of our freshman boys, is taking a keen interest in poultry. He is showing his purebred Silver-laced Wyandottes at the poultry show, and we hope the judges will award the blue ribbon to Lloyd’s chickens. Raymond Kyvig is another promising young poultry expert. His interest appears to lean toward the bronze turkey. He is showing a gobbler at the poultry show.

Miss Martha Bergseng and Walter Hatling were united in marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs Anton Wollan in White Bear Lake on Thursday by Rev. G.O. Forde The young couple will leave soon for Sisseton, S.D., where they will make their home on the bridegroom’s farm.


From Dec. 6, 1934

At the annual village election held last Tuesday the following were elected: Mayor, W.C. Torgerson; trustee for three years, O.H. Wollan; trustee for one year, O.S. Kyvig; recorder, C.J. Gorder; assessor, Hans Skaret.

The Lowry Happy Hustlers 4-H Club will sponsor a “’Shoe Social” at the Lowry town hall; December 8. Admission charge is by the foot, a penny an inch on your sole; a prince will check them at the door. He prefers them big on the whole.

At the election held at Lowry on Tuesday the following were elected: A.O. Lysen, Mayor; Wm Leslie, councilman; O.A. Cornell, Clerk.

Miss Agnes Dokken, daughter of Olaus Dokken, became the bride of. Arthur Peterson of Minneapolis on Saturday, November 24. The ceremony took place in Minneapolis.

In spite of the busy season the Sunday afternoon series of programs sponsored by the Starbuck Community Band had an auspicious beginning on Sunday. The boys enjoy the good spirit shown by Ralph Williams of Glenwood and Gilman Haugen of Brooten in coming over to play at the concerts.

Glenwood came and conquered the Bucks here Monday evening in the season’s first basketball game, winning by a score of 31 to 17. The Bucks were handicapped by the absence of “Tuddy” Wesen, who was ill, and Dorvan Skoglund, who suffered a knee injury in football.


From Dec. 7, 1944

A new business would get underway this week when Floyd Lund opens with the Minneapolis-Moline line of farm machinery, formerly owned by the Ophaug Bros.

Miss Gladys Noyes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Noyes of Starbuck and Dave Chan of Lowry were married Thanksgiving Day at the parish house of Reno Catholic Church. The couple would make their home in Lowry.

Ruth Ann Ophaug, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Ophaug celebrated her sixth birthday on Monday.

Dear Santa: How are things at the North Pole? We have some snow. You have snow, I know that. I bet you could not guess what I want for Christmas? I will tell you. I want a black board, cradle, telephone. I cannot think of anything else. Oh, yes, a doll and bottle. I guess that is all. Goodbye for now. Noreen Ophaug.


From Dec. 9, 1954

The First National bank moved into their new building on Friday evening and were open for business on Saturday morning, December 4. The first customer in the new bank was L.W. Brown. He made the first deposit also.

The Cub Scouts held their regular monthly pack meeting Wednesday evening. The Cubs put on a play called “How the Turkey Got Its Name.” The parents sang with the Cubs, “Over the River and Through the Woods.” Two new Cubs were welcomed to the Pack, namely Robert Kyvig and Donald LeMaster.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jellum and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Stadsvold were hosts at a farewell party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Pigman and family, who are moving to Heron Lake.

A large group of friends gathered at the open house Sunday, November 21, at the Milton Sheldon home in observance of their silver wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon have three children — Jeannine, Duane and Kathleen.

The Wayside 4-H club met on Monday evening at the Julian Pederson home. A committee was appointed to plan the Christmas party. Rebecca Lund favored us with a couple of accordion solos, and Ruthie Hagestuen played a piano solo. — Darrell Velde, reporter.


From Dec. 3, 1964

Members of the 1964 Starbuck High School, football squad were honored at a public dinner Saturday evening at the school cafeteria; sponsored by the Starbuck Chamber of Commerce. The team, under the guidance of Coach. Julian Gulsvig and assistant coach Delbert Gab has been undefeated in its last 15 games. The coach presented miniature gold footballs to each member of the squad, and gold statuettes to the six players who were named to the Pheasant All-Conference team: Rick Anderson, Bruce Smedstad, Paul Olson, Dan Janisch, Jerry Gorder and Dave Rollie.

The first bitter cold wave of the season struck hard here last weekend, with the mercury skidding to a nippy 18 below zero by Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn Sundheim announce the birth of their second daughter, Kari Olava, born November 18 in Minneapolis. Maternal grandparents are Rev. and Mrs. Gabor Szthlo of Switzerland, and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Sundheim of Starbuck.

Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Evensvold, Minneapolis, announce the birth of their son, Mark Reid, born November 27. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Evensvold are the paternal grandparents.

Grocery specials for the week: Crystal sugar, 10 lbs. for 89¢, pork roasts, 29¢ a lb.; extra lean ground beef 39¢ a lb.; bacon, 2 lbs. for 89¢; luncheon meat, 3 lb. can for 99¢. 


From Dec. 5, 1974

The Minnewaska Lutheran Home Auxiliary reported another highly successful “Bazaar” held last Saturday at the local school. To date over $3800 has been realized from the sale of many handmade items, baked goods, lunches and dinners.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Berg announce the birth of a baby girl, Jolene Sue, born at the Minnewaska Hospital on Saturday, Nov. 30. She weighed 10 lbs. 4½ oz. She joins one brother, Brian in the family. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Berg of Starbuck and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krouse of Parkers Prairie.

Peggy Sue Hebert and Steven Bruce Dahlseng were united in marriage at Our Saviors Lutheran Church at Kelliher, MN on Sept. 28th, 1974. Rev. Bruce Harshbarger officiated at the double ring ceremony. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hebert of Blackduck and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dahlseng of Starbuck.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Dahlseng and Mr. Rudolph Lanning were dinner guests at Iver Aal’s on Thanksgiving day.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Edmunds and David, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Coziahr and boys were dinner guests at the Charles Putnam home in Tintah on Thanksgiving day.

Mrs. Juline Hagestuen entertained the following guests on Friday: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hagestuen and family of Aitkin, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Forde and Jason of Eagan, Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Hagestuen and Jennifer of Pine City.

Mabel and Oliver Felt were dinner guests at the Lester Felts on Thanksgiving day.


From Dec. 5, 1984

Obert H. Foss, 58, died Dec. 3 in Los Angeles, California. He is survived by one brother, Dorvan of Anoka; one sister, Opal Foss of Hollywood, California; several half-brothers and sisters including Conrad O. Pederson of Starbuck.

Stacey Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown and Bruce Tharaldson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tharaldson were married at the Fron Lutheran Church Aug. 18. The couple will make their home in Eagan.

Chip Wahlquist of Starbuck, a tenor with the Hamline University A Capella Choir, will travel to England with the choir during the January interim to present concerts and services.

Students from the Starbuck Public School named to Who’s Who annual directories are Gail O. Aaberg, Mike Syverson, Craig Pederson and Brenda Holten.

Funeral services for Mrs. Amy Wiger, 93, of Morris were held from the Trinity Lutheran Church of Cyrus on Dec. 4. She is survived by a son, Gerald Wiger of New Ulm, and a daughter, Orena (Mrs. Floyd) Lien of Alexandria.


From Dec. 7, 1994

A daughter, Amanda Marie, was born to Charles and Jane (Olson) Kohs of St. Paul Nov. 30

Funeral services for Alpha Odegaard, 83, were held at Indherred Lutheran Church Dec. 2. She is survived by a brother, Helmer Odegaard and a sister-in-law, Marie Odegaard of Starbuck.

Mary Kuhn won a new 12-speed bicycle, the grand prize, at the Starbuck Elementary Christmas Program.

A benefit fundraiser for Aaron Larson, son of Mike and Dianne Larson of Cyrus will be held at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Cyrus Dec. 11. Aaron recently underwent an 8-hour surgery at the U of M Hospital for a total hip replacement due to cancer.


From Dec. 1, 2004 

In a special meeting Monday night, the Starbuck City Council terminated the employment of Starbuck Police Officer Scott Mogler. Mogler, 31, has been on paid administrative leave at $14.33 per hour since July 6 after he was charged with two counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct.

Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce members held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new owners of the Starbuck Champion Auto store on Nov. 19. Pictured were Jeannie Pladsen, John Samuelson, Harry Blok, Mark Munson, Fran Moen, Sandra Knutson, Clay Johnson and Doug Morton.

UW-River Falls, Wisconsin welcomed 5,996 undergraduate and graduate students when classes began September 2, which included Rebecca L. Beuckens, daughter of Tom and Ann Beuckens of Starbuck.

Kayla Kennedy is participating in one of the oldest, best-known and most eagerly awaited events in the Midwest, the 78th Annual Concordia College Christmas Concert, “The Lord is My Shepherd.” The concert takes place on the Moorhead, Minn., campus of Concordia College and at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis. Kennedy, a sophomore, is the daughter of William and Marlene Kennedy of Starbuck.

Seniors returning to the Laker wrestling team this year include Joe Swartz, Keith Erickson, Taylor Jergenson, Cody Pahan and Jason Anderson.


From Dec. 3, 2014

Weather was slightly chilly Saturday in Starbuck during the Downtown Christmas Stroll with lots of events taking place culminating with the Lighted Parade that evening Miss Minnewaska Royalty stopped around town for the Christmas Stroll activities. Pictured in the Times with Dan Jahn of Peddler Dan’s General Store were Miss Minnewaska Princesses Morgan Majerus and Celeste Rapp, Miss Minnewaska Queen Stephanie Pederson, Junior Miss Minnewaska Queen Miranda Longtin and Princess Kylie Pobuda.

Minnesota Farmers Union honored Grant Herfindahl of Swift County with their Dedicated Service Award at the Minnesota Farmers Union 73rd annual state convention, held Nov. 22-23, at the Ramada Plaza in Minneapolis. “Grant has exhibited extraordinary leadership and loyalty to the Minnesota Farmers Union policy and has worked tirelessly for family farmers throughout all of Minnesota. You can always count on him to be there to fight for Farmers Union and what is important to our members by providing policy direction and old-fashioned, common-sense, get-it-done work ethic,” said Doug Peterson, Minnesota Farmers Union President. “It is great to have him as a member and leader of Minnesota Farmers.” 

Nada Carter, of Starbuck, was recognized as a retiring Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) Promotion & Education (P&E) Committee chair at the MBF Annual Meeting in Bloomington on Nov. 22. She had served on the state committee the past six years.