By Tim Douglass

It was in December, 2024 that the Pope County Board accepted the resignation of Pope County Sheriff Tim Riley.  Riley has served in law enforcement in Pope County for 34 years.

His resignation is effective on March 31 and the Pope County Board of Commissioners discussed with Riley the next step in declaring a vacancy, and selecting method to provide for a successor.  

The board has three options, according to Pope County Administrator Kersten Kappmeyer.  The board can do nothing and that would mean that Chief Deputy Nathan Brecht would assume the duties of Sheriff.  Or, the board could appoint a successor for the balance of the current term, which ends in 2026.  That person could then seek election.  The third option is for the board to order a special election, Kappmeyer explained.  He said the board’s options are dictated by Minnesota state statute.

Kappmeyer pointed out if the board decides to order a special election, that election can only be held at specified times and would likely mean that the position would remain open, consuming most of the time before the next election in 2026.  He cited MS 205.10, Subd. 3a, which dictates (as it did with a Commissioner vacancy previously) that a special election can only be held on a limited number of dates during the year, Kappmeyer stated.  And election dates will also be determined by the number of candidates (whether a primary needs to be held) and extensive filing and voting deadlines that must apply.

Riley told commissioners that he would recommend appointing Chief Deputy Nathan Brecht for the remainder of the term.  He said he has done a remarkable job and it would be the most seamless transition.

Board Chair Larry Lindor asked the board for their opinions on the issue, stating that nothing could formally be done at the COW meeting.  Commissioner Paul Wilder and the other commissioners  said they are leaning toward making an appointment for the remainder of the term.  Mike Tamte, a retired  law enforcement officer, told the board that they should support Nathan Brecht in the position.  “You won’t find anyone better,” he said.  

Kappmeyer said he would bring the issue back to the board, during a regular meeting.  It is now on the agenda for tomorrow’s (Tuesday’s) regular County Board meeting.