Down Memory Lane
News | Published on January 27, 2025 at 11:10am CST
Clyde Machines unveils ramp de-icer
Jan. 27, 1955 – Mrs. Julia McLean and Mrs. Ardell Hanson had accepted the chairmanship of the 1955 Mothers’ March on Polio in Glenwood according to Mrs. Sally Aslakson, Pope county campaign director. Mrs. Aslakson also said, “Some 100 women will volunteer their services for this grand finale to the annual appeal for polio fighting fund.”
The coming of the first snow that amounted to anything the past week was very much appreciated by all those who love outdoor sports as skiing and tobogganing was now a possibility. The Glenwood Lions Club also welcomed the snow as they were now able to put the Glenhaven hills into operation. They had opened up activities on their fine ski grounds and the grounds were open to the public for their enjoyment. The ski tow was in operation and charges were 25¢, 40¢ and 75¢ per day. The new Chalet would be open Saturday afternoon and Sundays. Hot dogs and refreshments were available.
The annual Ski tournament will take place this year on Sunday, Feb. 20. Some of the top-notch skiers of the country have been lined up for this big winter event.
Jan. 28, 1965 – Glenwood area residents were asked for voluntary contributions to the fund to help fight the Soo Line railroad’s petition to take passenger trains Nos. 9 and 10 (Winnipeger) out of service. In this and past battles to keep trains in operation, railroad union members have borne nearly all the cost, but in this action, additional help was needed.
Testimony on the hearing of the Soo Line railroad’s petition to discontinue passenger trains Nos. 9 and 10 (Winnipeger) was expected to conclude in St. Paul before the Minnesota State Railroad and Warehouse Commission.
Dennis Sager, former Glenwood high school athletic star, was holding down the 177-pound spot on the undefeated Gustavus Adolphus college wrestling team at St. Peter.
One of the biggest walleyes caught in the area this winter was landed Sunday night by Mrs. Walter Trippe, wife of the game warden. Mrs. Trippe caught this 8-pound walleye with a sucker minnow. She caught a 6-pound walleye. Fishing had been slower than last year thus far, but you couldn’t prove it by the way Mrs. Trippe was pulling them in.
Jan. 30, 1975 – Operation Identification, the national program for identifying valuable goods to prevent their loss by theft and aid in the recovery of stolen merchandise, began in Glenwood. City residents could reserve one of two marking tools and mark their valuable items with a special number, which in the case of Glenwood residents would be their home phone number with area code.
Julie Schramm, Glenwood Waterama Queen, would be a featured guest of the 1975 St. Paul Winter Carnival. She would join more than 50 regional visiting queens in four days of fun and festivities at “America’s Greatest Winter Spectacular.” She was sponsored by Glenwood Waterama, Inc., and was a freshman at Bemidji State College.
Three Glenwood high school girls were named to the All-Central Gopher Conference basketball team, according to Laker coach Helen Lehar. Named to the team from Glenwood were Barb Anderson, Carol Olson and Brenda Witikko. The trio led the girls to the best record in the CGC last fall during the girl’s basketball season.
Clyde Machines of Glenwood unveiled its newest piece of airline ground support equipment. It was called a ramp de-icer, and it’s no “dime store” piece of equipment. Mounted on a Ford truck chassis, the de-icer had a 45-foot hydraulic boom which enables the operator to remove ice and snow from the bodies of the huge 747, DC 10 and L-1011 aircraft now common in major air terminals throughout the world. Built at a cost of $60,000, the de-icer is the invention of Ted Trump of Waverly, Neb., who invented the “cherry picker” for airline use nearly 25 years ago. Clyde Machines had orders for 13 of the de-icers, with five going to United, four to Eastern Airlines, two to National Airlines, one to Continental Airlines, and one to CP Air.
Jan. 31, 1985 – Cary Birch, Culligan dealer in Glenwood received the Century Club award from Culligan International at the firm’s annual convention in Minneapolis. The award was presented for sales of water conditioning and drinking water systems.
Students who were on the straight “A” honor roll at Villard High School for winter quarter were Tom Zitzmann, Jay Abraham, Jerry Zitzmann, Mark Justice, Aaron Cheadle, Andy Volkmann, Reed Heidelberger, Heather Pennie, Jenny Cheadle, Shari Massman, Deanna Ness, Lynn Daniels and Kathy Malecha.
Pope County would possibly become the focal point for an attempt by Groundswell, a newly formed farm organization seeking a solution to the farm foreclosure problem, to stop a farm foreclosure currently scheduled for Friday. In a news release sent out, Groundswell announced that its 32-member board of directors was endorsing support of Jim and Gloria Langman when their farm was scheduled to be sold on the steps of the Pope County Courthouse.
Jan. 30, 1995 – The top three winners in the annual Minnewaska Ice Fishing Contest received their prizes from Jim Clayton, executive director of the Glenwood Area Chamber of Commerce. Pictured in the Tribune were Bruce Haugen, Glenwood, who won first place and a trip to Las Vegas with his catch of a 2.56-pound bass; Phil Dale, Beardsley, who won second place and a Browning shotgun with a 2.54 small mouth bass; and Jarod Brustuen, Morris, the winner of $5,000 for taking third place with a two-pound Northern.
Kyle Andrew Amundson became the first baby born at Glacial Ridge Hospital in 1995 when he was delivered at 1:02 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 22. Kyle, the son of Diane and Eric Amundson of Glenwood, tipped the scales at 9 lbs. 5 1/2 oz. and was 20 1/4 inches long. He had a brother, Derek, age three, at home.
The Minnewaska Area High School one-act play won first place in the sub-section tournament held Saturday at MAHS. The members of the cast and crew for “The Final Trial of Richard Ill,” were Sarah Stone, Luke Ofstedal, Trisha Pederson, Travis Nelson, David Fischer, Carrie Nevitt, Jack Burns, Jolene Hanson, Matt Shirkey, Andrew Bösl, Robert Fischer and Beth Peterson.
Andrea Wildman, a junior at Minnewaska Area High School, spent the week of Jan. 17-20 at the state capitol in St. Paul and served as a high school page for the Minnesota House of Representatives. Wildman assisted in delivering materials in the house chamber during sessions and attended important committee meetings that involved hearings on issues of concern to all Minnesotans. Wildman also met with her legislator, State Representative Hilda Betterman, from District No. 10B.
Jan. 31, 2005 – New students of the quarter were honored with a photo in the Tribune. Junior high students of the quarter included: Amie Chan, Emily Roering, Ricky Zamora, Aaron Banister, Janelle Johnson, Katerina Prescott, Samantha Bergsrud, Cam Schafer, Jay Giersdorf and Jeff Kocher. Senior high students of the quarter were Alex Brainerd, Aaron Kessler, Anthony Wolf, Dustin Goraczkowski, Joseph Haynes, Jorge Aubinal, Dan SchapIkohl, Andrea Kuseke, Vanessa Pooch, Tanna Braaten and Sam Goracke.
The Minnesota Twins caravan made a quick stop by Minnewaska Area High School. Students in grades four through eight were able to listen to Matt LeCroy, Michael Cuddyer, Al Newmann and Bert Blyleven speak about the importance of education in their lives. The Twins were a little late for the visit, but didn’t cut anything from the program. Two lucky fans won four tickets to any home game for that year after adorning twins attire and being voted best dressed by fellow students.
Jan. 26, 2015 – There were plenty of smiles out on the ice this weekend. The first annual Minnewaska Lake Association (MLA) Family Ice Fishing Challenge exceeded organizers’ expectations with 121 children and 142 adults taking to the ice of Lake Minnewaska. Pictured in the Tribune were MLA members Mike Stai and Bill Anderson who couldn’t help but grin as they gave away a Red Ryder BB gun. Stai said all prizes for the event were purchased locally. With the event’s success, he estimated that the MLA would be able to release 10,000 more walleye fingerlings into Lake Minnewaska.
Five Minnewaska music students in grades 9 and 10 upped their game on Jan. 17. Along with Minnewaska Area High School band director Caitlin Drayna, the students traveled to Augsburg College in Minneapolis where they participated in the Augustana Honor Band. Pictured in the Tribune were Bruce McWilliams, director of bands at Augsburg and Honor Band Director; Alicia Pederson, grade 10, clarinet; Natasha Nemmers, grade 10, alto saxophone; Greta Serrin, grade 10, alto saxophone; Rachel Erickson, grade 9, trumpet; Anna Vold, grade 9, flute; and MAHS band director Caitlin Drayna.
Starbuck resident Brady Wulf met with District 12A state Rep. Jeff Backer after testifying before a joint meeting of the House Agriculture Policy and Finance Committees on Jan. 14. Wulf served as state treasurer for Future Farmers of America (FFA).