Lowry, Long Beach use Rotary’s Cash Bash donations for city projects
News | Published on January 6, 2025 at 11:29am CST

The Lowry City used the Cash Bash donation of $3,300 from Minnewaska Rotary for some of the renovation of the community center. It was something that has been needed for a long time. The new roof with insulation and the addition of air conditioning/heating units along with new epoxy floors in the gym, bathrooms and entry way was a huge improvement to the building. Basketball and pickleball courts were added in the gym for greater use of the floor space. Half of the monies raised were provided by local businesses, private individuals and from the fireman’s relief fund. “We were overwhelmed by the response of the community to upgrade the facility,” said Lowry Mayor Daniel Sutton. Next year’s focus will be the planning of the community park south of town. The council approved that engineered plans be drawn up to help us in the grant process. Upgraded playground equipment, toilets, walking/bike paths, dog park run area and a new pavilion are on the wish list. Pictured from left are: Lowry City Council members Trish McCrory, Daniel Sutton, Virgil Coziahr, DJ Ashler and Lowry City Clerk Kristi Kramber. “We thank Minnewaska Rotary Club for the donation.” Due to community support for Rotary’s 2024 Cash Bash event, the local club donated about $17,000 to cities in Pope County. This year’s Cash Bash is set for April 5.

As part of Long Beach’s ongoing efforts to enhance the beauty and accessibility of the city’s beloved Morning Glory Gardens, the city is embarking on a project to replace the crushed granite paths with ADA-compliant paver paths, including a new paver front patio of the chapel, making it accessible and welcoming for all. This transformative Morning Glory Gardens paver project is made possible through a combination of funding from the Minnewaska Rotary 2024 Cash Bash, City of Long Beach general fund, our 10% Charitable Gaming fees, individual paver dedications, and generous community donations. The Long Beach City Council is pictured above at Morning Glory Gardens.