Winterama has been canceled for this year, but Waterama will still host the annual Polar Plunge at 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 8 on Lake Minnewaska in front of Lakeside Ballroom. 

The Polar Plunge, which attracts a number of volunteers who jump into Lake Minnewaska, is a significant fundraiser for the community’s summer celebration–Waterama.

Those jumping typically raise about $150 or more from sponsors and jumpers must be age 16 or older.  Jumpers typically do brief skits and where themed costumes.  

The cancellation of Winterama this year was in large part because of the lack of volunteers. 

Anyone who is interested in joining the Glenwood & Beyond Board of Directors please text Kari Nelson @ (320) 815-7233 or email

“Thank you for understanding, we hope to bring back Winterama in the near future but until then we encourage you to enjoy Waterama’s Polar Plunge,” it was   stated.