Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on January 6, 2025 at 11:22am CST
From Jan. 8, 1915
The new Minnewaska hospital. Steam heated, electric lighted, sanitary ventilating system. Supt. Miss Ella Haug. Staff of physicians: Dr. C.R. Christenson, Dr. L.L. Gibbon, Dr. O.V. Opheim, Dr. G.D. Crossette, Dr. M.L. Ransom, Dr. C.E Caine, Dr. H. Linde. Pathologist, Dr. O.V. Opheim, Starbuck, Minnesota.
A baby boy came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Berg on New Years day. Please pass the cigars to your friends, Teddy.
The Immanuel Young People Society will meet in the school house by C.O. Sanvik on Saturday evening January 9th. The following program will be given: Song, Society; scripture reading; Reading, Susanne Samuelson; Organ solo, Agnes Brevig; Recitation, Sophie Otteson; Song, Choir; Reading, Herman Brevig; Selection, band; Sogning Skrone, Leo Sylvester; Song, Society.
From Jan. 9, 1925
Ingolf and Melvin Kamrud returned to Morris on Monday to resume their studies at the A.C.
Gov. J.A.O. Preus stepped out of the governor’s job Tuesday noon and a couple hours later was at his new office working at his new job as manager and supervisor of the Minneapolis committee, an organization newly formed by 100 Minneapolis business leaders. The committee was formed to help boost Minneapolis and to attempt to bring in more industries. Gov. Preus is recognized as a very able man and leaders of all political parties welcome him into his new position and assure him support.
Oscar Moen started working for G.A. Hagert this week. The oiling and repairing of harnesses will be a rushing business for a while now and Mr. Hagert needs extra help.
Pope county received $1,413.00 as a result of fines assessed for liquor law violations last year. The extra expenses to the county, including feeding of prisoners, ran about $350.00 showing good profit to the county.
The board of county commissioners met for their first meeting of the year on Tuesday. The Glenwood Herald was appointed the official paper for the year. Simon Swenson was appointed chairman and J.P. Ronney vice chairman, no change was made in the salaries of the county offices. Mr. Swenson was reappointed a member of the Child Welfare board.
From Jan. 10, 1935
Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Wesen were honored at a good will party given at the Minnewaska Church on Thursday evening, by over 150 of their relatives and friends. The Wesens are moving to Glenwood on Monday to make their new home, where Mr. Wesen took over the duties of Sheriff.
Miss Johanna Rud, daughter of Mrs. Marit Rud, and Oscar Pederson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Olson were married at Moorhead on December 28.
A.H. Dreyer, manager of the local telephone exchange, announced this week that the local office handled 6,387 long distance calls during the year 1934. This makes an average of 534 calls per month or 18 calls per day.
Dairymen who have been selling their butterfat at prices as low as 14¢ are rejoicing over the new high mark of 35¢ which was paid on Wednesday.
Pope County has a total of 990 families on relief, a total of 4519 people, which is 34.33 percent of the population. About $32,000 was expended for human relief. The following surplus commodities have been distributed; 7480 lbs. of veal; 2310 lbs. of butter; 2824 lbs. of rice; 4310 lbs. roast beef; 60 mattresses; 34 brooms.
A pretty candle-light wedding took place on Saturday evening January 5 at the Cyrus Lutheran Church when Clarice Genevieve daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. C.O. Ofsthun and Arthur James, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Johnson’ of Morris exchanged marriage vows. Rev. A.G. Quammen officiated. The brides attendants were Estelle Ofsthun and Barbara Quammen, and the groom was attended by D.C. Johnson and Willard Ofsthun.
A committee of fifteen local men met at the council rooms Tuesday evening to discuss methods of reducing taxation for the coming years. This committee is an outcome of the suggestion voted on at the caucus in December. An original committee of three members were selected at that time, namely Ole Troy, I.H. Helgeson and Dr. A.F. Giesen. These three then selected twelve others: Dr. W.W. Larson, H.R. Peterson, M.P. Eidberg, Floyd Thompson, H.H. Hanson, Edw. S. Olson, Carl Heggestad, Henry Nodland, A.H. Dreyer, J.A. Field and P.B. Peterson.
From Jan. 11, 1945
Twins, a boy and a girl, were born at the Morris hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Halvorson last week.
Prices greatly reduced on ladies dresses. Broken sizes. Pick your size early! $9.98 dresses – $6.65; $8.95 dresses – $6.00; $7.98 dresses – $5.32; $6.98 dresses – $4.65; One lot of head wear. Your choice at 19¢. The Midwest Store.
Funeral services for Olaf Erlandson, 77, were held from the St. Pauli Lutheran Church of Lowry Saturday afternoon. He is survived by four step-children, Einer of Rome, New York; Jennie Gryte at home, Henry of Fergus Falls and George of Lowry.
With the 96th Infantry Division in Leyte, P.I., Jan. 4 – Infiltration is not monopolized by the Japanese and a patrol of 20 Americans, one of whom, Pfc. Irwin C. Knutson of Starbuck, Minnesota, fought outstandingly, recently proved it by killing off a superior number of the enemy without losing a man while employing this surprise tactic. Moving into enemy territory in the early morning hours the Yanks advanced so stealthily that, while the Japs continued digging in for the day, they were able to almost encircle the area before being discovered. Then they opened up. Bewildered and panicky, most of the foe leaped into half-finished foxholes and tried to fight back. Not one of the Yanks was wounded in the attack. Pfc. Knutson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldor Knutson of Starbuck.
From Jan. 13, 1955
Mr. W.J. Barsness, Mrs. Wesley Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Lars Teigen were among those who attended a 50th anniversary planning session at Lutheran Welfare Center, Minneapolis, Monday Jan. 10th. County and area chairmen and chair women throughout the state attended this all day session.
Valparaiso, Ind. (Special), among 41 mid-year graduates scheduled to receive Bachelor’s degrees from Valparaiso, Ind. University in a combined baccalaureate and commencement service on Sunday Jan. 23rd is Mary Elizabeth Andert of Starbuck. A religion major, hopes to become a deaconess. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Andert and a graduate of Starbuck high school.
Herman Schluter, Francis Aslakson and Stanley Ness are among the turkey growers from this vicinity who are spending this week in Atlantic City, New Jersey at the N.T.F. convention there.
Dr. Ralph Dahle, 57, passed away recently in Minneapolis. Dr. Dahle attended school here in Starbuck, when his father was pastor of the Minnewaska church. He graduated from the Starbuck high school.
Miss Janice Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larson of Starbuck, became the bride of John Lahr, Ensign U.S.N.R. son of Dr. and Mrs. Norbert Lahr of St. Cloud, in a nuptial service at 10 o’clock Monday morning, Dec. 27th in the Sacred Heart Catholic church at Glenwood. Father Harold Dimmerling performed the double ring ceremony. On their wedding trip they visited Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans. They are now at home in Pensacola, Florida.
From Jan. 14, 1965
T. Roy Olson retired as clerk at the Starbuck post office on Dec. 30 after 35 years in the postal service.
Fire destroyed the barn on the William Eklund farm northwest of Starbuck in the sub-zero weather early Saturday morning. All the cows were removed from the barn but 10 calves perished.
The coldest weather of the winter was Wednesday morning when the mercury registered 30 below zero. Light snow fell on Monday night.
Funeral services for Mrs. Ingvald Larson were held from the Fron church on Saturday, January 2, the Rev. Paul G. Tolo officiating. She is survived by her husband and ten children: Mrs. Ernest Kleven (Hazel); Mrs. Lawrence Stahl (Lois); Mrs. Maynard Vinge (Ruby); Mrs. Myron Foslien (Lillian); Arvid; Louis; Harris; Mrs. Albin Olson (Deloris); LeRoy and Daryle.
Mark Forde left Monday for Verona, Italy where he is stationed with the 49th Army Band. He arrived home a week ago to attend the funeral of his father.
From Jan. 9, 1975
Dr. Ted Hammer buys Dr. W.W. Larson’s local dental practice and building. Dr. Larson retiring after being here over 60 years.
First born at the Minnewaska Hospital was Tonia Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Suckstorff of Kensington. She was born on Sunday, Jan. 5th. The mother is the former Mary Olson, daughter of the Art Olsons south of Starbuck.
Snowmobile accidents fatal to Kensington youth. Thirteen year old rural Kensington youth, Mark Boerner died Sunday as the result of a snowmobile accident near his home in the Oscar Lake area. He hit a cable stretched across the driveway. It is reported he was alone at the time of the mishap which happened about 8 p.m. He was found by members of his family. Mark’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boerner. He was a 7th grade student at the Alexandria school.
Nancy Darud of rural Webster and Leighton Dahlquist of Richfield were married on October 26, 1974 at Solor Lutheran Church, Webster. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nodler of Minneapolis, is employed as office manager by the C.M. Skinner Co. of Edina. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dahlquist of Starbuck, is employed by the Richfield Police Dept. After a wedding trip to New Orleans, the couple is at home at Route 1, Webster.
Harold Jacobson of Swift Falls, who was recently elected Worshipful Master of the Masonic Lodge, was installed on Thursday, January 2. H.T. (Bob) Belgum was the installing master, assisted by Dr. Sandbo, while Conrad Pederson acted as installing marshall. Other officers installed were: Hans Engebretson, Glenwood, Senior Warden; Jacob Sorenson, Starbuck, Junior Warden; Gilman Gandrud, Glenwood, Treas.; Arlen Hayhurst, Swift Falls, Senior Deacon; Stanley Johnsrud, Junior Deacon; Larry Kittelson, Junior Steward; Bob Deaner, Starbuck, Chaplain; Paul Sorenson, Starbuck, Marshall; Stanton Nelson, Swift Falls, Tyler.
From Jan. 9, 1985
Gaelle Guilmard of France, an exchange student at Starbuck High School, is making her home with the Steve Hippe family.
Funeral services for Herman Blomquist, 69, were held from the Minnewaska Lutheran Church Dec. 29. He is survived by his wife, May; five step-children and four sisters, Irene Blomquist, Helen Dullum, Alva Amundson and Aster Bystrom.
Using their best balanced scoring attack of the year the Starbuck Bucks girls basketball team shook off a lethargic first quarter to bury the visiting Graceville Shamrocks 80-39 Thursday. Center Jan Doty topped Starbuck with 18 points; Tammy Owen played her strongest game of the season, popping in 17 points; LaDona Anderson and Brenda Holten broke into the double figure column with 15 and 12 points respectively.
Funeral services for Freida Evenson, 84, were held from the East Zion Lutheran Church Dec. 29. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Sterling (Betty) Hall and Francis Dalluge of Riverside, California, and Mrs. Kenneth (Elsie) Johnson of Starbuck; and two sons, Richard Evenson of Westport and Charles Evenson of Starbuck.
From Jan. 5, 1995
Funeral services for Pearl Hanson, 64, were held at Our Redeemers Lutheran Church in Benson January 6. She is survived by her husband, Arnold of Benson, three daughters, Carol (John) Leaders of Columbia Heights, Nancy (David) Dresser of Benson, Phyllis (Philip) Streng of Winona and one brother, Arden (Louise) Hagen of Minneapolis and one niece, Lisa (Greg) Harris of Cyrus.
Angela Marie Frank, daughter of Robert and Donna Frank and Chad Andreas, son of Karen and the late Ronald Andreas, all of Starbuck, were married Sept. 17, 1994 at Fron Lutheran Church. The couple will make their home in Moorhead.
Beth Schwendemann entertained four little boys January 5 in honor of Bradley’s fifth birthday.
Peter Hendricks, a 6th grader at Starbuck Elementary School, won the school-level competition of the National Geography Bee January 5 and a chance at a $25,000 scholarship at the National Geographic Society in May. He is the son of Tom and Anita Hendricks of Lowry.
From Jan. 12, 2005
Seth Burgess was recently notified that his painting which he submitted for the WCTU (Woman’s Christian Temperance Union) poster contest and which won first place at the local and state competition took first place in the senior high division at the national competition held at the National WCTU Convention in Charleston, West Virginia in August. The contest’s purpose is to offer students an opportunity to present either a message about the dangers inherent in the use of alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco or a positive message promoting the non-use in an artistic manner.
Also, in late August, Burgess was notified that his essay which took first place in the senior division of the Minnesota Outdoor News Youth Writing Contest last winter and then sponsored by Outdoor News in the Outdoor Writers Association of America (OWAA) National Youth Writing Contest was awarded third place at the national level. Burgess is the 17 year old son of Jeff and Cindy Burgess of Starbuck.
Vanessa Pooch, of Farwell, and LeAnn Danielson of Starbuck, were pictured next to Toyota’s NASCAR Craftsman Tundra race truck during the 2004 National FFA Convention in Louisville, Ky., which was attended by more than 50,000 people (Oct. 27-Oct. 29). Pooch and Danielson are members of the Minnewaska Area FFA chapter. Toyota’s focus at the National FPA Convention centered off community service, both at its display booth and through a student workshop.
The first county board meeting of 2005 started with a new face at the board table and a new board chairman appointment. Dean Paulson, representing district three, was sworn into office Wednesday morning. Jeanne Olson, representing district two, was not challenged in the 2004 election and she also took the oath of office last week.
From Jan. 14, 2015
Rep. Paul Anderson took his fourth oath of office to serve in the Minnesota House of Representatives Tuesday at the Capitol. The Republican farmer from Starbuck is serving as chair of the House Agriculture Policy Committee this biennium. He also will be on Ag. Finance, Education Finance, and the Property Taxes & Local Government Finance Division.
The Starbuck City Council approved the first reading of the Social Host Ordinance at its meeting Monda. Dawn Jensen and Laura Backhaus of the ASAP (Against Substance Abuse in Pope) Coalition told the council about the Social Host Ordinance that Pope County passed in October and went into effect in November.