Starbuck Glimpses in The Past
News | Published on January 13, 2025 at 11:32am CST
From Jan. 15, 1915
Prof. Munck, former superintendent of Starbuck public schools, now of Villard schools, was a business visitor in Starbuck last Saturday. Prof. Munck is a man who when he wants to get anywhere puts on his walking boots and starts off, so on Saturday when he wanted to come to Starbuck and the N.P. trains were going in the opposite direction he hiked over here. “Walking is not hard work for me,” said Mr. Munck. “I always considered it a pleasure.” And he was off on the long way back to Villard. 20 miles in one day is further than most of us would care to stroll. Prof. Munck has charge of a troop of Boy Scouts in Villard and keeps in practice walking with his boy recruits.
The White Bear Lake Farmer’s club held its annual meeting at the schoolhouse in District 92 recently. The following program was rendered: music, orchestra; recitation, Milo Hagen; reading, Cora Tessem; Debate, that the town of White Bear Lake shall build a town hall in the center of the township next summer”; reading, Otto Hagen; violin solo, Peter Lorvig; song, club. Officers were elected for the coming year; Pres. Anton Moen; Vice Pres. M. Aune; sec’y & treas. Palma Tessmem; program committee, Palma Tessem, Ole Lorvig, Cora Tessem, Mabel Dahl and Mabel Hagen. Lunch was served by Mrs. O. Flack.
Martin Gorder left Tuesday for Nashua, Montana. Mr. Gorder likes the West and says there is a lot of good land to be had.
Martin, Herman and Caroline Brevig, who have been spending their holidays at home returned Monday to their duties at the schools they are attending.
From Jan. 16, 1925
A village water main located between the mill and the dray barn burst at about 6 o’clock Thursday morning. Martin Stoen, Anton Carlson and Hans Hanson have been digging to find the leak, using dynamite to blast through the frost.
At the meeting of the White Bear Telephone Co., today a proposal is being made to change the name to Starbuck Telephone Co. There is considerable confusion caused because there are many White Bear Lakes. Especially because the name is so similar to that of the White Bear Lake Insurance Co.
The third and fourth grades of the Starbuck school gave a program last Friday as follows: songs, Jean Opheim, Jean Overson, Geneva Larson, Lyle Larson, Eva Larson, Edward Chalenburg and Ivend Holen; story, Eugene Overson; recitation, Jeanette Ingvarson; recitation, Ivend Holen; song, 3rd and 4th grades.
For the first time in its history the Times this week carries a church advertisement. Rev. Johnshoy arranged for an advertising space in the paper to present to the people the good things the church has to offer. He said he believes the church should use the same medium to present what it has to offer as a businessman. The local paper reaches more people in the community than does any other medium, and it is read by more people and with greater interest than any direct mail advertising, and the pastor believes that the church should use this method to reach those who do not attend church and show them how much the church has to offer.
From Jan. 17, 1935
At a special meeting of the village council last Saturday evening, Henry Nodland was appointed Mayor of Starbuck. W.C. Torgersen, who was elected mayor in the December election had asked the council to appoint someone else.
Delbert Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.G.J. Anderson of Starbuck was declared the winner in an Essay Contest on Cooperation and has been asked to come to the Annual Meeting of the Farm Bureau Ass’n which will be held in St. Paul next week. Delbert is to deliver his essay to this group.
More marriage licenses were issued in the past year by the clerk of court than during the preceding years. The following figures show the number issued each year. In 1930-85; in 1931-85; 1932-71; 1933-86; 1934-88.
Born Thursday to Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Moe (nee Ellen Troen) a 10 lb. boy at Fargo. This is the fourth son. They have one daughter.
The Starbuck Midgets received an offer this week to play a colored girls’ basketball team, known as the Roomer Girls of Chicago. This team is recognized as one of the foremost teams in the country, having many victories over outstanding quints. The game to be played here will take place sometime in February if a satisfactory booking date can be arranged.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Klevan were honored at a house-warming party by about 40 friends last Wednesday afternoon.
From Jan. 18, 1945
The following from Starbuck will report for induction at the Community Rooms at the Courthouse in Glenwood January 1: Reuben J. Eliason, Raymond O. Heggestad, Harry G. Erickson, Jerome K. Hoium, Leland C. Hanson, Selmar L. Disrud. The following from Starbuck will report for pre-induction physical examination January 18: Glenmore R. Larson, Robert W. Ronnie.
Funeral services for Mrs. Erick Hoium, 75, were held from St. John’s Lutheran Church Jan. 11. She is survived by her husband and 12 children: Mrs. Betsey Engebretson, Sophie Anderson, Anna Anderson, Ida Arneson, Olive Soberg, Esther Stockness, Selma Engebretson, Joseph, Carl, Lloyd, Bennie and Martin Hoium.
School news: Our honor roll for this six week period is as follows: Allan Nygaard 10.30; Casper Hegg, Jr. 9.80; David Ranum 9.80; Richard Hammero 9.80; Maxine Kirkwold 9.40; John Ranum 9.40; Ralph Ranum 9.00; David Hammero 8.30; Robert Kirkwold 8.10. The following students are leading in our spelling race: Casper Hegg, Jr., Allan Nygaard, Ralph Ranum, John Ranum. Miss Ione R. Peterson, teacher.
Mrs. Olava Kvilhaug of Glenwood received a telegram from the War Department Monday stating that her son, Pfc. Sigurd Kvilhaug died of wounds December 27, 1944. He was wounded in action in Belgium Nov. 22.
From Jan. 20, 1955
Miss Kay Maybelle Kolstad of Chester, Montana and Clifford Martin Lingen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lingen of Starbuck were married December 26, in Our Savior’s Lutheran church at Chester, Montana. Mrs. Adlore Forbord, sister of the groom was the organist.
Historical News – Excerpts from a biography of Hans Larson, whose family came by train to Benson in 1870 came to Pope Co. The which at that time was called the Miles Grove and consisted of only a depot. They walked to Langhei township where he and his father each took a homestead – they lived near an Indian camp and hunted and trapped with the Indians. In 1873 we had the worst snowstorm – we could not get out of the house to feed and water the stock for three days. In 1878 the weather was so nice we could plow all winter, we seeded early in the spring and got a good crop. We had several mild winters and not much snow, we got so used to mild winters that we did not have any sleighs to use when winters with lots of snow came again.
Mr. John Rosten wishes to announce the engagement of his daughter, Helen Marie to Virgil Hagen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hagen of Starbuck. A fall wedding is planned.
From Jan. 21, 1965
Walter Larson, Biology instructor at St. Cloud State College, has been appointed to the Minnesota Dept. of Education’s Science Education Advisory Committee, by Farley D. Bright, assistant commissioner of education.
DeWayne Jackson, 28-year-old farmer in Walden Township, was named Outstanding Young Farmer of Pope County for 1965 at the sixth annual D.S.A.O.Y.F. banquet of the Glenwood Chamber of Commerce, last
Tuesday evening.
Born January 19, 1965—Kari Jo Rotto, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Rotto of Dunseith, North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knutson are the maternal grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Arne Stoen announce the birth of their 4th daughter, Rebecca Ann, born January 15. Mrs. Cora Stoen of rural Starbuck is the paternal grandmother.
Thirteen members of Boy Scout Troop No. 491 of Starbuck spent the past weekend at Camp Wilderness, Park Rapids, Minn. Scouts in attendance were Donald Baukol, Perry Pfeiffer, Robbie Pederson, Larry Disrud, Brett Davis, Jeffrey Sorenson, Kayo Aslakson, Dale Disrud, Donald Hagen, Jeffrey Knutson, Roger Rollie, Steve Swenson and Randy Steen.
Funeral services for Alfred M. Anderson of Lowry were held at St. Paul’s Church on Saturday. Rev. Jim Sumption officiated. Mr. Anderson is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Oscar Holen (Orlyn) and Mrs. Elmer Anderson (Lorraine); one brother, William C. Anderson and four grandchildren, David. Dennis, Susan and Jane Anderson.
The number of fish houses on Lake Minnewaska hit a record of 877 Monday following the annual census of houses on the lake by the State Department of Conservation. This is 46 more houses than were on the lake at the same time a year ago.
From Jan. 16, 1975
Area immobilized as a devastating storm sweeps thru the state. Velocity of the storm was estimated at 70 miles per hour with visibility at zero. Most business places in the area were closed all day Saturday as people were unable to leave their homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chan returned home Sunday after spending the Christmas holidays with their son, Gary and family at Topeka, Kansas. Enroute home they spent a week with their son, Ronald and family in Minneapolis.
Olger Barsness, 80, died suddenly on Sunday afternoon while blowing snow with a snow blower. Funeral services were conducted from the Fron Lutheran Church on Thursday (today) at 1l a.m. with Rev. Arvin Halvorson and Rev. Donald Oldenburg officiating. Interment will be in the Fron cemetery.
Lowell Nelson left on Monday back to his studies at St. Paul. Sherryl Monson left Sunday to her studies in Mankato. Barbara Hendrickson and Jeannie Rustad returned to Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson, Lowell and Carolyn and Marge Bottolfson of Glenwood were New Year’s Day supper guests of Gladys Homman at Glenwood.
Mrs. Agnes Ranum and Ida Ranum of Milwaukee, Wisconsin were coffee guests at Alma Hofstetters and Edna. Knutson on Wednesday afternoon.
From Jan. 16, 1985
Douglas Espelien of Starbuck has been named to the Dean’s list for the fall quarter at Willmar Community College.
Kathy Anderson, daughter of Don and Dorothy Anderson, has completed her studies at Bethel College in St. Paul and has transferred to Trinity Bible College in Ellendale, ND.
Funeral services for Leland Smith, 74, of Hancock were held from the First Congregational Church in Hancock Jan. 14. He is survived by his wife, Joyce of Hancock; three sons, Darrell, Gary and Richard and a daughter, Mrs. Edwin (Georgia) Manska.
Coach Roy Toivonen’s “B” team stayed on top of the Pheasant Conference with a 51-35 win over Hancock Tuesday. The win gives the Bucks a 7-2 season record and a 4-0 conference mark. Starbuck was paced by Dan Corson’s 17 points and Troy Kittelson with 10 points.
According to figures released by the Minnewaska Department of Natural Resources Fish and Wildlife headquarters in Glenwood, indicated that a total of 828 fish houses are now on Lake Minnewaska. This is an increase of 101 houses over last year’s count.
From Jan. 18, 1995
St. John’s Lutheran Church celebrated its 120th anniversary Jan. 15.
The first baby for 1995 arrived at 5:32 a.m. at the Minnewaska District Hospital on Friday, January 13, to Russ and Jean Barkeim. He was named Lee Joseph.
Karen Jane Medalen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Medalen and Todd Johnshoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Johnshoy all of Starbuck, were married Sept. 24 at Fron Lutheran. Church. The couple will make their home in Starbuck.
Melissa Listug, daughter of Rev. Carl and Judy Listug and Brad Nelson, son of Bruce and Kaye Nelson were the seniors chosen to represent MAHS in competition for the $1,000 Public School Scholarship Awards sponsored by the Grant Lodge of Masons of MN.
Funeral services for Clara Refsal, 86, were held Jan. 16 at Indherred Lutheran Church. She is survived by a daughter, Arlene (Tilfred) Moen of Glenwood and one daughter-in-law, Dottie (John) Strickler of Starbuck.
From Jan. 19, 2005
Even while she’s being interviewed for a newspaper story about the state award she recently received, Roma Thompson would rather promote Minnewaska Lutheran Home and its auxiliary members than talk about herself. “It’s really an honor to represent a nursing home that is one of the best.” Roma was notified last week that the Minnesota Health and Housing Alliance (MHHA) chose her as the organization’s 2005 Volunteer of the Year Award recipient. The MHHA organization represents more than 670 non-profit, long term care and senior housing facilities in Minnesota. Roma will be presented with her award Feb. 2 in Minneapolis during the MHHA Institute & Exhibition.
Congratulations to Sarah Aaberg for winning the Starbuck Elementary School Championship in the National Geography Bee. Sarah is the daughter of Allan and Laurie Aaberg of Starbuck. Second place runner-up was Jacob Hagen, son of Orvie Hagen and Dorcella Hagen of Cyrus. The Preliminary Competition took place Jan. 3-4, with all Starbuck Elementary sixth graders competing in the seven preliminary rounds.
The ten Starbuck Elementary finalists were: Callie Bergsrud, Lexi Barkeim, Jackie Kimbrough, Aaron Giese, Luke Davis, Quincy Carter, Alecia Johnson, Carl Wallin, Jacob Hagen and Sarah Aaberg.
From Jan. 21, 2015
Weekend activities at Minnewaska Area High School came to a halt on Saturday morning with the discovery of burst pipes which were flooding hallways on the west end of the building. According to Chris Backhaus, MAS facilities director, the break was caused by a malfunctioning pump control in the boiler room.
Glacial Hills Elementary K-3rd grade students enjoyed a trip to the College of Saint Benedict on Jan. 14 to watch a performance by the Great Children’s Theatre of Peter Pan.
The Salonens and Moens of Starbuck enjoyed the nice weather Sunday afternoon. The families hooked up an old canoe behind a four wheeler and used hockey sticks to imitate paddles. They paraded by the Water’s Edge and diners had a good laugh.