Pope County Museum Notes
News | Published on February 10, 2025 at 11:39am CST
Glenwood wants a new band stand
From the Pope County Tribune, Thursday, Feb. 12, 1925
Kathryn Overstreet, a ten-year-old child prodigy, who was born in Glenwood, will appear in piano recital at the opera house on Monday evening, February 23rd, at 8:00 o’clock p.m., under the auspices of the Catholic Men’s Council. For the past three years she has been master pupil of Mme. Baily-Apfelbeck, world famous pianist and the most highly decorated artist of America. Kathryn has achieved splendid success in many recitals in eastern and southern states. The gold piano at the White House was opened to her and she is perhaps the youngest musician ever to touch the beautiful instrument. She has also achieved phenomenal success as a child pianist in Minneapolis.
When a number of men started to move the band stand at fair time last fall most of our people entertained mixed emotions. We had a bandstand and it was being taken away. Many doubted that it would be easy to get a new one. But our old bandstand was a bandstand in name only. It was built too high in the first place and the band music never appeared at its best when heard from the stand. When the band boys, who had built the stand in the first place, had a chance to sell it for $300.00, last fall to the fair association, they accepted the offer at once. But that was not all they did. They took the $300.00 and started to add to it by giving old time dances and other entertainments until they now have a sum of about $600.00. They intend to keep on raising money until they have at least raised one thousand dollars. But a thousand dollars will not build the kind of a bandstand that Glenwood wants. To get the kind of a bandstand that Glenwood wants will cost from $2,000.00 to $3,000.00. And Glenwood is ready to put up such a stand.
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From the Glenwood Herald, Thursday, Feb. 12, 1925
Bicycles are the bane of pedestrians in The Hauge where the streets are narrow and tortuous. A set of anti-jaywalking regulations has been issued by the police exhorting pedestrians to watch out for approaching bicycles, to cross at right angles, not to encumber the highway and to keep to the right.
A county schoolmasters association was formed last evening in Glenwood. All the male teachers of the county met in the high school building and formed this association. There were some 15 to 18 men present. Supt. Kassube of Villard was elected president; Supt. Hagen of Starbuck, vice president; Mr. Nordgaard, Glenwood, secretary-treasurer. Messrs. Pryor and Schaefer of Glenwood were elected to the executive committee. Matters pertaining to contemplated legislation effecting teachers and education were discussed and recommendations were sent to the member of the legislature and the senator from this district.
The Glenwood second team defeated the Sedan team in a basketball game in Sedan Tuesday evening. The score was 23 to 10.
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From the Starbuck Times, Friday, Feb. 13, 1925
Richard Teigen and Bennie Aaberg returned Thursday from a week’s visit in Minneapolis. Richard says they took in a lot of good shows and had a fine time.
Wollan Bros sold one of the all-steel body new Overland sedan to Henry Hanson this week, taking in trade his four-door Ford sedan. They also sold their Overland touring livery car to G. A. Hagert.
Andrew K. Arneson sold his farm of 160 acres in Reno southwest of Lowry to John Star of Lowry this week.
Sigurd Scheflo speared a 23-pound pickerel in Lake Minnewaska Thursday afternoon, one of the largest fish caught here for some time. It was 43 inches long. Sigurd took it in to Dr. Christenson who had it prepared for the patients in the Minnewaska hospital. Miss Wrolson will have to suspend the rules as there will be no sick patients when that big pickerel comes out of the oven stuffed with dressing.